Question 1: What is the grace of the guru and how does it bring you to Self-Realization?
Your guru is your Self. You may at times doubt the truth of this statement, but with enough exposure to the grace of the Self, your guru will teach you how to be as calm and expansive as Brahman's smile is.
His grace is thus His guidance. His guidance can come in the form of another person's instructions to turn the mind inwards or it can come from your Heart, which is where Brahman, Guru and Self are One.
Question 2: What should a devotee do when with an externalized guru?
Recognize the relationship between what is within you and what is without you. If you do this persistently, then the guru, who you now perceive to be different from your Heart, will bring you even more strongly to the Center of your being where the ego's wild antics will be put to rest permanently.
With His grace, you will realize the importance of surrendering yourself to the Eternal Master Within.
Question 3: Why do you initiate others through silence?
You may love the scriptures more than the Self, and for this reason alone, I administer silence to those who are out of touch with its All-Powerful Status.
Question 4: How do I receive your grace?
There is no need to receive my grace because grace is the Self. Just as you do not need to newly acquire a new Self, you similarily do not need to acquire a newly graced Self.
Self-Realization is here and now.
Question 5: What do you do to make others Self-Realized?
By being totally at peace with the Self. This is due to having a mind that is free of disturbances. Liberally conversing with the Self within the Heart, my happiness is without an ego attached to it.
Merely focusing on how there is no other is enough to make the entire Creation stand still.
Being unconditionally Self-Realized, there is nothing left to accomplish but to stare into the mirror of infinity and feel the peace that is of the Absolute.
Here and now, you are what you wish for.
Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy
[A sannyasin says that in a group the leader told him he had a frozen heart. He has many tears coming up which he has always pushed down before. Osho checks his energy.]
The heart is frozen... and the tears are the beginning of its melting. The more you allow tears, the more the heart will melt. And because you have never really cried in your life, the heart has forgotten how to melt. But it is beginning to. It is again getting the spark... it is sprouting. So don't be worried about why you are crying -- sometimes for sadness, good, sometimes in joy, good. Sometimes even if there is a mixed feeling -- on the one hand it is sad and on another hand it is delightful -- don't be worried about it. Just go on pouring yourself out in your tears. Tears are one of the most beautiful things. They unburden you and they cleanse your vision... not only the physic vision. They cleanse the physical vision -- tears are basically meant to clear the dust from the eyes -- but spiritually also they cleanse the vision. The capacity to see becomes clearer, innocent, and the heart starts melting.
Tears are the language of the heart. Just as thoughts are the language of the mind, tears are the language of the heart. Tears are the poetry of the heart. It doesn't matter whether you are crying in sadness or happiness. What matters is that you are crying, that you are totally in it. And don't hold them! Don't hesitate, don't feel embarrassed, don't feel shy. Become like a small child. Don't judge, and soon they will be coming like a flood. And with their coming your heart will start functioning again. It will start getting warmth, it will become alive. And in the shadow, love will grow.
So their diagnosis is right -- that the heart is frozen, but it is on the way to melting. Just a little cooperation from your side and it can melt. And once it has melted, you will know for the first time what life is. A frozen heart means that half your being -- and the most important part -- is dead! Then you live only in the head. All that is intuitive is paralysed and feeling is paralysed... and all that is beautiful in life come through that part. Thought never gives you any glimpse of beauty. It is a calculating machine, it is a computer. It is good for its work but it cannot give you joy because it knows no poetry, it knows no mystery. It knows no wonder, no awe... and it cannot! If it knows wonder and awe it will not be able to calculate, so it is a natural division of labour.
The head is not given any feeling so that it can calculate perfectly. Feeling can be a disturbance. Doing mathematics and your eyes are full of tears -- it won't do! Looking at a rose flower, your eyes full of tears -- it will do. The rose will be far more beautiful, incredibly more beautiful than it can be without.... With those tears the rose will have a splendour that it cannot have without.
Tears are perfectly good when you are looking at a woman with deep love. Tears are perfectly good when you are looking at the moon and the heart is throbbing. Tears are good for beauty, truth, goodness, god, but that is a totally different world. The head cannot cope with it; the head is not meant to cope with it. It is another kind of instrument for the market-place... and you need some instrument for the marketplace too, for the day to day affairs.
So nothing is wrong in it, but what has happened -- and not only to you, to many people - - is that they have become hooked with one part of their being, and that part is not so valuable as the part that has become paralysed.
This addiction has to be dropped. One should be free to move. Sometimes when you need calculations, calculate; you need logic, you use logic, but you are free to move. The free person uses the mind as a dial. He can use the head, he can use the heart, he can use intellect, he can use intuition, he can use thought, he can use feeling... and he is free; he is beyond all these! He can move the dial as he wants, and he can have any instrument that is needed, functioning. He is not hooked with any particular instrument. I am not saying to be hooked with the heart. Be free and floating.
Something beautiful is coming up. These few months have been really significant for you. And if you can go on moving in the same direction, your real life has started now... unfortunately a little late, but still fortunate, because for a few it never starts. They die without knowing what life is, and the joys of life.
All it takes in creating your new universe in seeing things in the light of God’s glory. You no longing see a world of form, instead of something beyond description. If you were able to describe it, it wouldn’t be divine but temporal in nature. Of this new universe, it is best not to try to depict it in any form; but leave it to faith as its reality is beyond yours. In the book, Dark night of the soul, the darkness is seen as light unrecognized. One must learn to view into the unknown to see its light unseen. The darkness should be your friends and divine lover; there you will find your true peace and security. The known world is a compilation of symbol of symbol arbitrary to each one interpretation. The true will never be found here, but lead you to recognize your misunderstand of it and to tune in to find the divine infinitude of God therein. This is the leap of faith that can be done anywhere. Time and evolution may serve it purpose; however, the eternal now is the only true point of reality to possess. The now is not fleeting but eternal in its virtues. Time and place were created by the ego to linearize your misunderstanding into further illogical conclusions that will only cause you to see its failure and escape. This escape is our way out. The egos scheme will prove to be laudably realized and treated as such and discarded. In all of my writing I mention that you can learn even more form your so called successes in their doomed failures that make you cry. Even say: Now I’m glad I never have that girl/guy? Or why did I like him/her? Was I crazy? You will say the same thing about your whole - so call real world you don’t question to be unreal. That day might not be today, but it will come. You groups, religions or foundation to rely on are fine until they give you trouble. This trouble is your salvation and will deliver you thought. So true with your so call reality; it will give you ample trouble so you can see it fall and to get beyond it. This is what the bible calls the tribulation. The Armageddon is you conquering your lower element to you high, thus, you are whole with God.
If you do enjoy my blogs and what to learn more, buy my current book ‘the enigma of God, a revelation to man’ it is on my home page – visit it now! When you do, subscribe to my post… love and light….Frank M. Antonetti Oh yes before you leave do view my you tube shows
Posted by Dorothy M Neddermeyer on 9 November, 2012
Practicing the Law of Giving is in harmony with the Law of Life – there is infinite good that makes life more enriched.
It is important to remember that this good cannot be contained. No matter how much one gives there is more to give. This is the infinite and you cannot contain the good that is seeking you.
You are imbued with enough love and giving to last indefinitely. ###
I'm always 'banging' on about us all being connected,that who you are is intrinsically 'good' but that is affected by the label we pin on ourselves. So many things affect us and we dismiss them and continue, most stand for nothing except getting through their day. We are all affected by everything I believe because we are all connected. We are all made up of over 70% water and if this can be affected by intent, then so can we.
I use to write these songs which would literally leave my audience crying I thought that was my mission to unleash the sadness that most hold in. To support that by making an environment where people can let their pain go. My publishers at the time insisted on me trying to write like other artists but if you know me doing what others do plainly has never been my truth. I know I'm supported on my path because the funds always come to support me continuing in this quest. I have defined me and I am at cause trying to help and support you doing the same. There is no need for unhappiness in your life you just have to change the label on your 'water'. When you define you, you draw nearer to your universal source which is only for good, because when you ask yourself "How can I best serve your world?" You can only arrive at the same path I have, different routes perhaps but definitely the same destination and hopefully the same results.
I want our world happier because I know the label we have place on us as a society is a callous one. I know this by the way some people conduct themselves on a daily basis. I know this because I see this in the 'care' some friends offer each other. I see this in the lack of gratitude some of us offer others, I see this because when I see the labels some people use for themselves are made real by their actions their speech. the beauty I once saw in them is diminished. We can change but again we have to choose this, please do the experience in the clip below and watch proof that words and thoughts do carry weight in your existence. Know that when you say quietly to yourself "I do deserve love!" well make sure that the label you place on yourself is the right one because true love only finds those who know essentially what it is.
If you desire love then tell your 70% of water that flows/works continuously in you that
Then not only will you attract the love you need you will be the tonic to some other soul who has come here to this planet to find true love too. It is not clever to think your life is one dimensional that esoteric science is bunkum to truly find the life you deserve you have to look at everything that is all here for us. Self preservation and a quest for joy should have you filtering out the bad stuff, finding the forgiveness to remove all the negative labels placed on you by others in your existence. You deserve love it is your birthright but it alarms me how many people have become an adult without really knowing or feeling what it really is?
Some may ask "Where is the love?" You should intuitively know it is where you are, waiting for you to open your arms and heart to her : )
Please feel free to share, tweet, like etc all is appreciated. Remember there is no secret it is all here (the answers) for us to be happy you just need to be 'awake' be open to the answers that are all here for us if we are prepared to watch, learn and listen.[left]
Posted by James Bean on 8 November, 2012
PODCAST: The Bahai Faith, Part 1: Frances Worthington, Author of: “Abraham — One God, Three Wives, Five Religions” — Spiritual Awakening Radio — Click to Begin Streaming or Downloading:
November 8, 2012 an easy 20 mile meditative run, “There is no need to go anywhere else to find peace. You will find that deep place of silence right in your room, your garden or even your bathtub.”
Make Peace, the new proactive thinking and doing peace making effort, now growing grassroots world wide. Join in, suggest Make Peace efforts or join in those already started.
Posted by Dorothy M Neddermeyer on 8 November, 2012
That which you envision and glorify in your mind, either through reverence or fear is what you create. By glorifying something you put a lot of energy into it. The vision that you glorify in your mind—the ideal that you enthrone in your heart—is what you build in your life. This you will become.
Any thought that is either feared or revered gathers energy around it and becomes the life you build. Today, fill your mind and vision with thoughts of love, possibility, peace of mind, harmony and that is the life you will live.
Envision the possibilities. ###
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician - Certified Hypnosis and Regression Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you desire. She facilitates Past Life Regression and Future Life Progression. She was a World Regression Congress faculty member in the Netherlands, India, Brazil and Turkey.
Question 1: How can the mind be more effectively controlled?
When the Self is present, there is no mind and thus there is no mind to control. The mind may be active or passive in a Self-Realized Soul, but that does not stop such a Soul from knowing and being conscious of the Self.
Stripped of a mind to be attached to or aversive towards, the Self makes such a phenomenon as insignificant as a shadow on the wall. How can the mind possibly harm the Self?
Question 2: If the mind has the status of being a shadow, how can the Self be grasped at and known?
The Self is the Self-Luminous Effulgence of the Heart. When the illumination of a rishi or sage is upon you, its Light passes through the mind of the perceiver; giving the perceiver intuitive knowledge of what is of prime necessity to be aware of.
By turning the mind inwards and by becoming cognizent of all that is within the Heart, the supposed objectivity of the world ceases to be of prime concern and the Self alone shines as it has never shone before.
Question 3: It seems that when I engage in work, the peace that is felt during meditation escapes from my Heart. What can I do about this?
Whether you are working or not, the peace of the Self is left undisturbed and uninterrupted if you retain the necessary stength of mind that is required for remaining faithful to the Self and its awareness.
The real hindrance in this case is the thought that you are the doer or that the Self exists apart from you while the body is engaged in mundane activities.
Question 4: Which meditation should I practice to strengthen the mind?
In the beginning, meditation is seen as necessary for Self-Realization. However, as time progresses and as the Self emerges, meditation is no longer perceived as being a separate act in itself but as an unending stream of detachment from all phenomena.
When the pursuit of thoughts becomes uninteresting, then your meditations are powerful enough to take you to the next level of Self-Realization.
In essence, meditate until there is no longer a need to meditate and the desire to be Self-Realized is seen as being unimportant. Being spontaneously conscious of the Self, be spontaneously conscious of nothing else.
Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy
Start From the Inside Message from Lord Shiva, Hindu God Channeled by: Julie Miller November 08, 2012
There are many who share your Earthly community that only think merely in terms of pieces of ideas or concepts instead of incorporating full ideas and concepts. Many still look at their body, mind, emotion and soul as if each part is completely separated from the other when in truth all is interweaved. It is not ideal to isolate parts of a concept or idea; this is how imbalance occurs. It is necessary to understand how your emotions work and how repressed emotions cause detrimental effects to your overall health. Your body is a temple filled with an intricate system that works for you, with all organs, vessels, energy fields, thoughts, emotions, and much more is working together providing you with optimal health and well-being. Yes each part that makes you who you are requires you to value and appreciate its role in your everyday life.
It is now time to stop making tiny little boxes for different parts of your everyday life. There is no need to have your spiritual life in one box, then your personal life in another, and your parental one in another and so on. It is more than possible to integrate these into ONE being - an organized being of spirituality and wholeness. To be spiritual my dears, you are not required to follow any particular religion. It is the choices that you make that bring you great peace not only to yourself because as a spiritual person you are not selfish. This great peace is felt by all that are close to you and to whom you may encounter during your busy day.
Understand my dears, your whole body, all of your feelings and emotions, your precious mind, your energy body, and spirit altogether form a whole and dynamic person. By working with each part of yourself of your whole precious package of your Self can you have true vitality and health. Believe it or not my dears there are many that do not understand their body, or how one area can affect another or how the chakras can indicate health issues if they are imbalanced. Awareness of your whole self and the connectedness with every particle is truly essential.
You are encouraged, each of you to realize that every organ, all internal systems, thoughts, feelings, all have their own specific energy. Knowing and understanding that each part of you vibrates at its own unique frequency. Even the food and beverage you choose to consume all has its own vibration. Your emotions and feelings also holds vibration that can be felt by others that are sensitive to energy waves. It only makes sense that what you feel, think, eat and drink, even where your imagination may take you during a delightful daydream all carries a vibration my dears. And these vibrations can have an effect on your overall health.
You already know what certain organs are doing for you and this is understood because you can touch these, like your skin. Sometimes if you are listening really quietly you can hear your heart, and if you are in-tune you will know sooner than later what needs to be done if you are sensing an imbalanced rhythm. You are also learning to appreciate the necessity to care for your bones. Again these are picking apart different areas, but you are building knowledge that will eventually bring you to understanding the WHOLE picture of your loving Self.
When you learn to integrate instead of separating every aspect of your life including your inner body that contains your organs, tissue, muscle, various interworking systems and many more wonderful anatomic parts then you will really understand what it means to be whole. How often have you paused for thought my dears when suddenly you yearn to eat certain food? Do you understand that it is your body that is demanding that food group? It is understood that some cravings could be a signal of an oncoming disease or illness, and some foods you crave will bring comfort. These cravings dear ones are encouraged by emotional reactions that trigger chemical reactions to want a certain and specific food. Understand your body dear ones; it is okay to question its intricate wonders. It is your body; it is up to you know yourself inside and out. To be truly whole and living in truth is knowing who you are my dears and this also includes knowing your body as a temple that holds so many wonders and amazements.
There are a few precious ones who are beginning to understand how the body responds to various thought forms and emotions. Understand my dears the chemical process your body creates can change depending on what you are feeling and thinking. Each of you does understand that when you are thinking about ideas that are comforting and filled with pleasure, feelings of hope is felt and expressed. Yet if you feel frustrated, other reactions will definitely occur throughout your body causing stress to be a result and can be felt on various organs within your physical body. If too many negative and angry feelings are present and don’t diminish over a certain period of time indeed sickness can be an outcome.
The choices you make, from the food you choose to consume, the beverage you choose to drink to how you choose to respond can all be related to either positive or negative effects on your precious body. It is understood that dieting can be utmost difficult with so many delectable distractions. It is okay to sample my dears but moderation has always been the essential key. Each of you have the power within you to ensure healthful care of your physical body by making choices, being aware, listening to your body, and loving yourself. When people speak of mind, body, heart and spirit; they don’t usually include the inner physical body in all its glorious detail. There is so much working within you right now, allowing you to do this or to do that. Take the time to show appreciation for the journey your body has taken you. The more aware you become the further you will go, as other learning paths will become available.
Here is a concept for you my dears; your feelings are neither good nor bad. They are just there. They do not become good or bad until you apply their label. What is it that determines a good feeling or a bad one? Do you try to find a resonance within your spiritual heart? Your feelings are your own personal feedback system that tells you how a specific situation and/or person has affected you. Many times my dears the emotion you are feeling at that moment has a connection to not only the situation in front of you, but one that you have also dealt with in the past. Understand my dears, any repressed emotion remains within your body; yes in your tissues, organs, vessels, etc. They do not leave until they make themselves known to you again and you learn to release them.
It is well understood that there are two fundamental emotions, love and fear. They help you to decide on how you feel and react to desire, happiness, free will, peace, assertiveness, confidence, and charity are a few examples of love based feelings. Nervousness, frustration, sadness, indifference, resentment, passiveness, and hopelessness are examples of fear based feelings.
Before you try to understand specific emotional responses first educate yourself on what is an emotion or feeling in general. Understand the emotion is a reaction to a person, possibly a situation, even an object in your life; real and even imagined. Your emotion is a reaction to what has developed or a memory that has resurfaced from a past situation. Do not be afraid of your feelings. Do not deny you have feelings because they are there no matter how hard you try to subdue them. Comprehend the realization that if you have not permitted your feelings to be expressed, those feelings will not go away. They stay with you, threatening to surface at a moment’s notice. Accept all feelings. They are a part of you. To be thought as whole you must my dears accept each and every part of your Self. You are not comprised of only good and positive ideas and parts; you come with a balance of both. Through self-discovery, you will come across many positive and negative character traits that you may have forgotten. Accept these as being a part of you because they are. If you do not like something you have learned of yourself, then understand my dears you have the power to change what you do not like. You do not need to submit to what you could benefit from positive change of attitude, only surrender to improving yourself; to become completely whole as you began many, many moons ago. Following the Light of God that fills all hearts will guide you. Trust in this Light my dears. This breathtaking light connects you to the Source of ALL Creation, to God who is known by many as the supreme father. However you call Him, or look to this divine being is individual and based on your own beliefs that are deeply respected.
It is widely known that there are many ones who share your Earthly community purposely supress their feelings by smoking, drinking alcohol too much, allow the use of recreational and hard drugs, some over eat, and there are more activities that express a fear based need to supress emotions and feelings. Some dear ones have allowed themselves to become so busy that they cannot fully concentrate on things they once did, even meditation and reading is interrupted because the truth is their inner-self is uncomfortable with a feeling they are trying so hard to avoid. Repressed feelings and emotions my dears will eventually cause you to misinterpret your current behaviour, thus creating an illness or disease within the temple that is your physical body.
You do have the adaptive ability to change, to reason without being biased, to think honestly and truthfully regarding any situation, even yourself. Learning to listen to where your dear heart is trying to lead you will come if you Will it to happen. You must want to change before change can occur. Then you must make the change happen. Your intent being pure, and love filled with always bring your closer to your goal.
Look at yourself carefully. Be totally honest and learn my dears. Integrate each and every aspect of YOU into all you do. Seriously, no matter how hard you try to compartmentalize all your different parts and ways, at the end of the day, each day you are you – all together with all your various working parts working as one magnificent creative being. Take the time to identify any shortcomings, make changes that will increase your vibrational energy and propel your spiritual journey to a wider sense of understanding of Self. Your FULL understanding of Who you are will bring you to so much joy and contentment and raise your level of consciousness.
Be all you can be my dears, starting from the inside.
In preperation for the profound channeled messages on Sunday 11/11/12 between 7.30pm and 8.00pm GMT regarding your own ascension into 5th dimension conscious mentioned in my last post, and what you HAVE to know to be embraced by the changes, now and post 21/12/12 I will need you all to be in front of your PC's (not Skype) but ready to receive posts at 7.15pm GMT on Facebook. Please have a short meditation before, cleanse the room you are in with incense or sound. Have a shower/wash and brush teeth (Many miss this need when they want to connect with energy). Have a candle or two burning with room lights out. You can use tealights but a Blue candle is preferred (you can use this again following week and so on) Background low music of your choice is good something with a nice smell burning...then at 7.30pm GMT we will begin. If you need to ask beforehand any questions please do. THERE IS NO CHARGE OR EXPENSE TO YOU it is my gift to you. I am not the greatest at the PC so if anyone has an idea how to reach contacts with this post please share this with them asap..the message is for everyone absolutely no exclusions! and light Earth-Angel Ian
Tommorow during the day I will post a photograph on facebook that I want you to focus on for the whole session on Sunday. Some of you will hear messages before Sunday but it has been written and agreed with the divine beings that the most important question you will ask and hear their voice and symbolic language is the session on Sunday. This gives you a few days to prepare and think about the single most question you want an answer to. Ask the most personal, long awaited, challenging, exploring question you want to. NO-ONE will have access to your question not even me. It is totally between you and your divine being. I am merely the space maker and supplier of tools for you to channel yourself. Please share this, please keep it with the other two posts yesterday. Love and Light Ian x
There is an amazing similarity between the "KARMA YOGA" as taught and preached by Lord Krishna in "GITA" and the teachings and life of Lord Jesus Christ.
Karma Yoga is selfless service unto humanity. "Your duty is to work incessantly but not to expect the fruits thereof." This is the central teaching of the Gita. A Karma Yogi should have an amiable, loving, social nature. He should have sympathy, adaptability, self-restraint, tolerance, love and mercy. He should adjust himself to the ways and habits of others. He should be able to bear insult, harsh words, criticism, pleasure and pain, heat and cold. Selfishness is the source of all vices. It is born of ignorance. A selfish man is greedy and unrighteous. He is far from God. He will do anything to attain his ends. He injures others, robs their properties and does many sinful actions to satisfy his selfishness. He has neither scruples nor character.
Peace of mind is unknown to him. He is always planning and scheming for acquisition of wealth, power, name and fame. He always separates himself from others. He is very much attached to his wife, children and property. Attachment and sense of separateness are present in him to a maximum degree. Selfishness is a great impediment to Yoga. Destroy selfishness through selfless service, charity, Satsanga ( association with true Self-Realised sages ). Develop eager enthusiasm for selfless disinterested service. Have a wide, generous, large-hearted tolerance. Be kind to all. Love all. Serve all. Serve the Lord in all.
Develop cosmic love (Visva Prema). Identify yourself with the Visva Atman (soul of the world, universal soul). Destroy selfishness and petty-mindedness. Expand. Expand. Awake. Arise. Throw off your lethargy, indifference. Lead the life of oneness and unity.
Selfless work (service of humanity) is the seed. Narayana Bhava (feeling that all creatures are manifestations of the Lord. I am serving the Lord in all beings) while serving is the root. Utsaha (zeal, cheerfulness) is the shower. Expansion of heart is the flower. Purity of heart is the fruit. This is the path of Karma Yoga.
The Karma Yogi who possesses evenness of mind casts off the fruit of works. He escapes from good and bad births. Clinging to fruit only is the cause of rebirth. When all actions are performed for God’s sake in fulfilment of His purpose, without desire for fruit, the Karma Yogi gets illumination. He shakes off the bondage of birth. He attains knowledge of Brahman ( GOD ) and, through Brahma-Jnana ( GOD-REALIZATION ), liberation ( salvation ) or Moksha or Nirvana.
Jesus the Christ lived his life in such a way that it has many similarities with the teachings of "Karma Yoga" and Jesus taught the same to all, because He never worked for results; He had neither desire for name nor ambition for fame or for earthly prosperity. His works were a free offering to the world. He labored for others, devoted His whole life to help others, and in the end died for others. Being unattached to the fruits of His actions, He worked incessantly.
for the good of His fellow-men, directing them to the path of righteousness and spiritual realization through unselfish works. He understood the law of action and reaction, which is the fundamental principle of Karma Yoga, and it was for this reason that He declared, "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
I LOVE LOVE LOVE ROCKS! I had been checking out others who have the same Love for them! We may Never know why we have this obsession for them. This is what I do with mine! Love the raw turquoise I saw on someones photo album Yesterday! Just Gorgeous with all the copper veins! Keep up the hunting and Create Create Create! Here's One of my Creations! There's more if you click the check out sellers other items tab. Everything I make I put up online, Because they are all calling out to someone! FUN!!! PLAY!! Do What You Love!!
THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents.
En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales.
Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas.