Health Maven - Escape from the Medical Mafia Matrix

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Pinkwashing Hell: Breast Removal as a Form of "Prevention"

ED. NOTE: Wake Up Ladies - and please listen to this mind-blowing video NOW! You control your genes; we all do! Discover Epigenetics! Don't allow Allopathic butchers to carve you up. Removing healthy breasts to prevent breast cancer is INSANE! What's next? Remove your brain to prevent brain cancer??

Following closely on the heels of the year's most intensive annual cause-marketing campaign, October's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, two chilling events of grave concern to women and their health were widely (but mostly superficially) reported on in the mainstream media.

First, Allyn Rose, Miss America contestant, announced in early November that she would be undergoing a double mastectomy to "prevent" breast cancer. Rose, a healthy 24-year old Maryland native who lost her mother to breast cancer when she was 16, has been lauded by certain media outlets as an "awareness raising" role model for having the courage to take this "precautionary step" and for spreading her mastectomy-inspired "message of preventive health care" to the masses. Many of the reports discussed how her decision was spurned by her awareness of having a genetic predisposition for breast cancer.'


Increase Your Intake of Broccoli To Boost Your Immunity This Winter

'From optimal brain function to muscle growth, broccoli is a power-packed vegetable. Interesting in preventing colds? Compounds inside broccoli can block viruses from reproducing by an amazing 99.9 percent--essentially 100 percent effectiveness.

Broccoli has a reservoir of phytochemicals like glucosinolates, sulphoraphane (sulphur compounds), carotenoids, and flavonoids that play a key role in fighting cancer.

Broccoli contains a high amount of potassium, which helps maintain a healthy nervous system and optimal brain function, as well as promotes regular muscle growth. Along with a high amount of potassium, Broccoli also contains magnesium and calcium that help regulate blood pressure.'


Have you visited a Salt Room?

Photo Photo
'Have you heard of Halotherapy?  What about a Salt room?  No?  I hadn’t either until this summer.  It just so happens that I am a very lucky American to have a Salt room in my vicinity. There are more opening up all the time so you just might be too. I have tried to find a comprehensive listing of salt rooms around the country to include on here but I can’t seem to find one. Sorry you will have to google it for your own area yourself.'


How I Stock My Natural Medicine Cabinet

Photo Credit: Keeper of the Home

'If you were to come over to my home and complain of an ailment, or your child got an injury while visiting, you may be surprised to see me open up my "medicine cabinet" and proceed to pull out various natural remedies to treat what ails you.
I'm no expert, but I have a love for alternative, natural treatments and have been studying them casually for the past 7 years or so.
A friend was asking me what I would use for such-and-such a while back, and as I rattled off some suggestions and talked about the things that we keep in our home, she suggested that it might be helpful to other moms to know the types of things that I keep and use on a regular basis.'


Greed: The ultimate addiction

What's the unquenchable thirst for wealth all about?

What connects the various addictions is that enough is never enough - not for long anyway. As addicts progress (or rather, regress) into their addiction, to derive sufficient gratification they must constantly seek more and more of their drug of choice. For "more" is the keyword of addiction. It doesn't matter whether they're addicted to a substance, relationship, or activity - the "ante" for getting enough of the object of their craving must continually be raised.'


Only the Organized Survive and Thrive

'Life as we know it in the USA has changed drastically since 9/11. The America most of us grew up in no longer exists. Many believe we are fast becoming a police state. Open-ended deficit spending can only end badly. Obama's executive orders are making him more of a king than a president. Our currency has been devalued nearly a percentage point per year these last 99 years, the year the Fed was organized. The rape of the nation by Wall Street, banks and the president of the Federal Reserve goes unpunished.'

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THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents. En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales. Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas. RELAJACIÓN MÚSICA, MÚSICA RELAX, MÚSICA MEDITACIÓN, MEDITATION MUSIC, FRECUENCIAS SANADORAS, MUSICA ALTERNATIVA, MUSICA SANADORA, MUSICA PARA SANAR EL ALMA, HEALING MUSIC, MUSIC FOR HEALING,healing frequency, FREQUENCY TO HEAL, MUSICA ESPIRITUAL, SPIRITUAL MUSIC, MUSICA DELFINES, DOLPHIN MUSIC, MUSICA NEW AGE, MUSICA REIKI, MUSICA YOGA, MUSICA DE BALLENAS, RELAX MUSIC FRECUENCIAS SAGRADAS SOLFEGGIO