I have been prepared by Spirit to transmit new recreation energy to prepare people for Earth's shift to the Fifth Dimension. Now is the time to begin. This energy is spiritual Light Language. It is transmitted through very rapid energy words transmitted directly into the DNA, cellular template and energy fields of the body.
My purpose is to get this energy to as many people as possible in 2012. Please help me spread the word.
This is the story of why we came to Earth from the stars and how. It is a love story. The words are coded to help you toremember!
Like the lotus flower as it rises up through the muddy waters of a lake, humanity has for aeons been diminished and disempowered by being forced to exist within the confines of a third dimensional Earth. Now Earth is ready for restoration and advancement, ascension to the fifth dimension. A New Earth is to be created of peace, love and oneness with all life. Humankind will come together as one global family. As the Earth ascends, so too will YOU, but you need to be ready to hold the faster pulsating energy of the fifth dimension within your physical body and energy fields. You body must be healed and resynthesized. This is the purpose of these energy transmissions from the Elohim. To prepare us all for New Life on a New Earth.
Note: We want to continue making these transmissions free, but each time they are downloaded we are charged. Please only download once, save to your computer desktop and replay from your computer desktop. It is suggested that you listen to this transmission lying down.
Ascension Tools to Support You
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Click on the tabs on the left hand side of the website. For most energy activations listen as desired...at least three times. For Karmic Clearing audios (Karma Klear) listen three times at one session per day for seven days or 21 days. You can then to go deeper with the clearing of a particular belief or pattern of consciousness by listening nine times at one session per day for a further five days or longer if desired. These energy activations will not cause any harmful affects, but they may initiate clearing release with physical or emotional symptoms for a few days. This is similar to when you go through a physical detoxification process. It is best to only work on one Karmic Clearing activation, or one CD or Mp3 program at a time.
Posted by May Leilani Schmidt~Graham on 28 November, 2012
by Patricia Cota-Robles
Hi Precious Heart,
Your time is at hand! We are in the midst of a momentous event on this planet that each and every one of us have been preparing to participate in for aeons of time. I AM delighted that you are awake, and that you have volunteered to help lift Humanity and all Life evolving on this sweet Earth up the Spiral of Evolution to the next octave of our learning experience.
You may not know on a conscious level all of the details of your lifetimes worth of preparation, but I assure you, your God Self, your I AM Presence, knows exactly how you can be the most effective instrument of God during the unprecedented shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness at hand. You have an important part to play or you would not be in embodiment and receiving this information during this critical time.
Ask your I AM Presence for guidance, then remain in a state of Listening Grace. Respond according to the inner promptings of your heart to the opportunities that are being magnetized into your sphere of awareness. There are myriad events taking place all over the planet during the month of December 2012. See which events resonate in your heart, then make the choice to join physically by attending the events or to join in consciousness by adding your Light from wherever you are on the planet.
When we join together physically or in consciousness, the Company of Heaven has been granted a Cosmic Dispensation to amplify our efforts a thousand times a thousandfold. This gift of Divine Grace will exponentially expand the Light we are capable of adding to the world during this Cosmic Moment. Please do not let this opportunity pass you by.
I AM going to be participating in three events that I would like to invite you to participate in. Please read the following information carefully and see how these events resonate in your heart.
Tomorrow, November 28th, we will experience a very powerful Lunar Eclipse that will expand the Open Heart energy of both Humanity and Mother Earth. This will allow the I AM Presence of every person on Earth to magnetize the patterns of perfection from our newly birthed Renaissance of Divine Love more effectively from the Realms of Cause. This will pave the way for the powerful activities of Light that will occur in December.
For the December 12, 2012 events, 12:12:12, I have the honor of participating in the STAR KNOWLEDGE CONFERENCE at the Carefree Resort in Phoenix, Arizona. That event will take place December 10-13, 2012. For details please click on this link and go directly to the website:
On December 12, 2012, 12:12:12, our Mother God —the Holy Spirit, and the Feminine Aspects of Deity throughout all Creation, will breathe into the Earth’s Crystal Grid System the highest frequencies of God’s Transfiguring Divine Love that Life on this planet is capable of withstanding. Due to the monumental influxes of Light that have occurred over the past several decades, and especially since the Dawn of the New Millennium, this will be the greatest influx of Divine Love Humanity has ever experienced.
For over 500 years, December 12th has been celebrated in Mexico and throughout Central and South America as the Feast Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe. For millions of people this aspect of Mother Mary has symbolized the return of the Divine Feminine, our Mother God. On 12-12-12 our Mother God, and Her exponents representing the Divine Feminine throughout all Creation, will cocreate a Forcefield of Divine Love that will envelop every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth, and all of the spaces in-between the particles and waves of Life. This forcefield will reinforce a multidimensional and multifaceted Womb of Divine Love and a Birth Canal of Divine Love that will assure Earth’s safe passage up the Spiral of Evolution, and the Birth of the New Earth in the Realms of Cause.
The Beings of Light are aware that in most instances this information is beyond the comprehension of our finite minds. But they assure us that the I AM Presence of each and every one of us clearly understands the bigger picture of what is happening on this planet. They said that adding to the Light of the world during this miracle of the Shift of the Ages and the Birth of the New Earth in all her splendor is exactly why we volunteered to embody on Earth at this time.
The events of 12-12-2012 will be the final steps of preparation leading up to the December Solstice and the Birth of the New Earth on 12-21-2012. These two dates reverberate with the master number 11, 1+2+1+2+2+0+1+2=11 and 1+2+2+1+2+0+1+2=11, the numerical frequency of the transformation of the physical into the Divine. Isn’t God fun?
On December 20th, from 7:00-9:00 p.m., we at the New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose have organized an event that will take place in Tucson, Arizona at Loew’s Ventana Canyon Resort. During this Activity of Light, THE SHIFT OF THE AGES, we will create the safety net for the Cosmic Events that will take place during the December Solstice. This event is FREE and open to the public.
During the Activity of Light on December 20th, we will unite with the Company of Heaven and Lightworkers around the world. Together we will cocreate the sacred space for the greatest influx of Light Humanity and the Earth have ever experienced. We will form a Chalice of Light that will cradle the Earth and serve as a particle accelerator to prepare every man, woman, and child to safely receive the monumental influx of Light that will occur on Earth when we align with the Galactic Core of the Milky Way during the December Solstice.
On December 21-22, 2012, I have been invited to participate in a very powerful event that will take place in Sedona, Arizona. Sedona is a power point along Earth’s Crystal Grid System through which the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light from Suns beyond Suns beyond Suns will flow during the December Solstice and the Galactic Alignment. This event is called SEDONA 2012 FESTIVAL. For details please click on this link and go directly to the website: http://www.thesedonanowagefestival.com On December 21-22, 2012, the Earth will align with the Galactic Core of the Milky Way. This will open a portal of Light that will extend from the very Heart of our omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God—the Cosmic I AM—All That Is, into the DivineMomentum pulsating in the center of the Earth. This influx of Light will flow through God’s all-encompassing Divine Matrix to bless every particle of Life on this planet. This Divine Matrix is the Body of our Father-Mother God within which all Creation lives, moves, breathes, and has its Being. This influx of Light will begin the process that will Birth theNew Earth in the Realms of Cause. This will be Earth’s New Beginning. From that moment forth, the patterns of our Planetary Cause of Divine Love and our Renaissance of Divine Love will easily flow into the mental and emotional strata of Earth. Humanity will be able to easily tap into these patterns of perfection and through our thoughts, words, feelings,actions and beliefs we will bring them into manifest form. These patterns contain the viable solutions to every humanly-created malady existing on Earth.
The Birth of the New Earth will accelerate the awakening of even the most recalcitrant souls, thus causing a shift that will take place in the energy, vibration, and consciousness of each and every one of us. This shift will reflect a new level of understanding that all Life is interconnected, interrelated, and interdependent. Humanity en mass will begin to realize that what affects one part of Life affects all Life. From this new awareness people will beinspired to work together to find win-win solutions that will benefit every person and enhance the existence of every facet of Life on Earth. This is monumental! Please be the instrument of God you volunteered to be prior to this embodiment.
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose PO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is not altered and the proper credit line is included.
THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents.
En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.
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