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Gardasil: Evidence of Immense Harm

Gardasil: Evidence of Immense Harm

'The implementation of Gardasil and Cervarix vaccination programs is entirely irrational. A recent study investigated their safety claims and found them sorely lacking. These vaccines are causing devasting harm.'

'As stated in a previous article, the authors need to be circumspect in their writing—but I don’t. I will try to clarify when expressing my views.'
'As described in two previous articles1,2, the HPV vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix, provide little or no protection against precancerous cervical lesions, and by extension, little to no benefit against cervical cancer. That alone should result in removing them from the market. However, the picture grows even murkier when safety data is also factored in.
Researchers Tomljenovic, Spinosa, and Shaw also investigated adverse effects associated with Gardasil and Cervarix3. What they reveal leaves one to wonder about the legitimacy of government agencies that have approved them. They state:'


5 Powerful Healing Properties of Garlic

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

'It’s not as colorful or alluring as many fruit and vegetable superfood varieties, but garlic is actually one of the most powerful healing foods that you can include in your daily diet. I’ve written about garlic in the past, specifically covering the many ways in which this common food can protect against cancer and infections. While significant (and extremely easy to take advantage of), these are only a few of the key benefits garlic has to offer.
Here are the top 5 healing properties of garlic that put many pharmaceutical drugs to shame:'


Proposition 37 On Truthful GMO Labeling Fails: A Planned Outcome?

'Just yesterday I proposed that it was the corporate facade who spearheaded the NO on Proposition 37 in California. Today I have no doubt this vote was rigged from the start. This was a manipulated and fraudulent voting scheme orchestrated by big business who asserted their deceptive strategies in the State ballot to achieve their strategically planned and measured results.'


Genetically Modified Humans? New Gene-Altering Drug Paves Way for Mass Modification

'We’ve seen genetically modified mosquitoes, genetically modified plants, and genetically modified cows, but could we soon be dealing with our own genetic alterations – genetically modified humans? As the months and years pass, scientists seem to be getting closer to ‘manufacturing’ humankind, with some of the most recent ‘advancements’ revolving around a new approved drug therapy that is designed to ‘correct genetic errors’.


Study finds: Reactions to stress could affect health 10 years later

Stress Reactions Health
Photo Credit: Huffington Post

'It's not just the stress, but how you react to it, that could have an impact on your health down the road, according to a new study from Pennsylvania State University researchers.
Published in the journal Annals of Behavioral Medicine, researchers found in the study that people who were more stressed out and anxious about the stresses of everyday life were more likely to have chronic health conditions (such as heart problems, or arthritis) 10 years later, compared with people who viewed things with a more relaxed lens.'


Psychic Protection: Immunise Yourself Against Negative Energy

'Apart from feeling worse around certain people and/or in certain places, do you find that you sometimes lose a lot of energy (psychic draining) in these circumstances? Do you have a problem with such things as insomnia, poor sleep, nightmares or low energy levels? Perhaps you are constantly lacking in energy? Maybe being diagnosed as having chronic fatigue? Or maybe you always seem to be getting colds, illnesses or other problems?'

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THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents. En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales. Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas. RELAJACIÓN MÚSICA, MÚSICA RELAX, MÚSICA MEDITACIÓN, MEDITATION MUSIC, FRECUENCIAS SANADORAS, MUSICA ALTERNATIVA, MUSICA SANADORA, MUSICA PARA SANAR EL ALMA, HEALING MUSIC, MUSIC FOR HEALING,healing frequency, FREQUENCY TO HEAL, MUSICA ESPIRITUAL, SPIRITUAL MUSIC, MUSICA DELFINES, DOLPHIN MUSIC, MUSICA NEW AGE, MUSICA REIKI, MUSICA YOGA, MUSICA DE BALLENAS, RELAX MUSIC FRECUENCIAS SAGRADAS SOLFEGGIO