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Fear and FREEDOM

by John McIntosh

What is fear related to?

The body is the chief subject of fear … its comfort, its security and its continuity. 

Will there be enough of what your body needs to survive? How can you enjoy the maximum sensual experience in the body? What about danger or injury? Will there be pain? If there is pain, will it continue and get worse? If it gets worse will it lead to the death of the body? If the body dies what will happen next … if anything? Is there a good place to go to after the body dies? Is there a bad place to go after the body dies? What do you have to do to avoid the bad place and qualify for the good place? Can you succeed at that … and … succeed in the bodily life?

The ‘attention’ you give to any of these subjects gives life to them and increases them … drawing the actual manifestation of the fearful thing into your experience. The experience increases your belief that life is frightening and this belief speeds and increases these experiences.

Is there a way to escape and instead experience FREEDOM?

Freedom immediately returns to you when you KNOW YOURSELF … when you discover WHO YOU REALLY ARE. This is the place to put your Primary Attention … everything else is a detour involving great struggle, suffering and time, often a very long time.

The first thing you will discover in this search is the realization that you are NOT the body … that may seem obvious to you and yet most of your fear is directly related to the identification with the body as WHO YOU ARE … a contradiction yes, nevertheless this IS the experience most people now have.
The second discovery and often more difficult to accept is that you are NOT the ‘mind’ … the bundle of characteristics and stories and identities you have acquired since your birth into a body.

The body and the mind are tools for your use, experience and enjoyment but they have become your identity and as a result your ‘master’ … the warden in a very, very small prison of your own making … and you add bricks to the structure with the attention you give to this illusion.

As you discover WHO YOU ARE the concept of ONENESS become REAL for you. It dawns on your Awareness that there IS only ONE … call it what you will [LOVE is a good name if you need a name – Infinite, Unbounded and Unconditioned] … and that there is nothing and no-thing outside ONE. 

This opens another obvious but well hidden Truth … ‘everything IS this ONE’ … every-thing, everybody, every experience … every illusion or dream and all Reality is One ‘AS’ ONE. 

As this Truth returns to your Awareness you realize that you have ALWAYS been ONE and could never NOT be ONE … you have only dreamed that you were something else and that you could be outside Oneness.

Then … by giving your Primary Attention to this Truth instead of the objects of fear … your Awareness of ONENESS returns to you. This attention could also be said to be an EMBRACING of All That Is … everything with no exceptions … this recognizes that ALL IS YOU … it is Truly Loving Your Self and Loving Your Self returns to your Awareness … and as a result to your experience … WHO YOU ARE

… and thereby, FREEDOM returns to you.

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