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The nature of arch-ons by my own experience

The nature of arch-ons which differs than anything that had ever mention by my own experience

Writing something having many contradictory is a challenging things to do because, like many scientists where they giving out their very first opinion, they will being shoot like a clown, many had been making fun of them disbelieving any of these until the real experiments prove that they are right, then all will be quiet and they will later being promoted all just simply gone from the earth.

Many had been talking that reptilians and greys are those archons, however the strange thing keep repeating to me is that, there are those archons behind them when I being psychic attacked in my healing works here. I had been feeling strange lately because those so called dark beings do not attacked me but my pendulum instead, they stopped me to do healing but never really doing harm on me, unlike many light workers that claiming being attacked so much as due to their “special starseed identity”, you had no idea what my identity in my past and that even make me wonder another way round.


My unique experience about lightworkers and starseeds phenomena is that, I am not a psychic, but I managed to break through many levels that even so called ascended masters that do not aware of, and I had seeing them having issue with their so called compassionate teaching but somehow deny themselves to be polarized In their very own words, like they do not realized what even they speak for themselves for true love and light. This is something I do not wanted to argue with them because it would be talking about theory but never worked for it, I know my own theory and I had tested it, it is just up to others who willing to take this step and see the result for their own.


The energy flush healing: True or false?

Many starseeds and lightworkers had been using the healing from “higher dimensional beings” and this had been a big red flag for me now, it do not make sense to me that many polarized nature hidden behind, I just do want to disprove prove here and there, if one manage to see and he/she will. I had been a few times while sleeping and having rather nice energy flushing through my head but, once is that I saw something that put into my head and then the energy rushing through my whole being, second is that I almost fall very deep pseudo trance state and rolling inside that energy flush and suddenly seeing (symbolically) a can of aerosol labelling “something that can destroy our brain cells” and I woke up in denial posture, later same thing happened to my friend that had been followed me to do the similar healing over those dark beings, experienced this energy flush and she saw the demons and archons showed up in very realistic conversation, when I checked over her and found that they are those false beings that having false spaceships… this is something and I could link the dots with, I believe many starseeds are attracted to the channellings is because they can receive this energy flush even the content of the message is kinda cloudy. And there from my own personal information that had been gathering around my healing group here, there is a case that the channeler having conservation about out of body experience and later one of her friend having a nightmare that her spirit being pulled out from her body, for that channeler that bluffing in their group gathering that night had relation with the channellings happened all around the world now. Then there is one person whom I know had been giving healing chant that do not make sense to me at all but he keep receiving that energy flush, I had another friend whom we are close to each other had tried this method from this guy and do feel strong energy but later when he found out something odd and he tried to get away, implants and psychic attacks go to him and he had to resolved the problem of what he had used, the chant. This make me wonder how many people are accepting this energy flush and causing the problem in their own, I really had no idea. There are also numerous reports from a china lightworker meditation group that having this issue, as it is like opening human third eye and crown chakras but having their psychic and channelling issue which I felt “better to get away from these people”. I admit that this had causing me to repel to psychic ability.


Who is the real trouble maker behind?

Second is that is the healing that I had done here, I had been doing many clearings at astral 4D and many reps and greys had been looking for me and I thought that it might be related to myself but things being revealed more and more the way that I personally not expected, I had to been keep questioning myself the things I get here. First of all zetas and reps do have emotional body but small grey might be not, which need to be healed like a normal human, and I even allowed to do DNA healing for them, which something that breaking many layers of what had been thought on outside. I had a psychic friend who mentioned to me that after the healing I did to them, later were being labelled as “…rebels” and some of them even had themselves killed, those greys even hide at her house because their boss do not like “love and light”. Once I heal the whole groups of them, she said I healed their headquarters, all the madness stopped including the abduction which had been done onto her for months. The second thing is that later appeared the astral wars which never being reported online, I had been receiving many disincarnates during that time period and I feel very emotional although I can’t see through psychic, something just don’t make sense until I resolved the wars by healing where that, another group of spaceships are attacking this group of spaceships where I had healed, this time more were being killed and I having hard time to understand why disincarnated keep coming from the false spaceships, I thought they are those new age believers that died and settle at what they had believe and it turned out to be more reps and greys being killed at those ships, I cleared all the false spaceships and the disincarnates and wars finally over. Third is what had been happened now, since many of the reps and greys I had healed they had been settling down, but this time my pendulum being disable to stop me from healing and it was greys who did this to me. At first I can’t find any clue until another person check this with me. For what I had done that I know they if they don’t really attack on me but I had been seeing a pattern is that they, first come the greys, I healed them, and found those false beings behind them, it is like the false beings are more power than greys and they are being forced to do this onto me.


What the history on the earth might be?

Then I suddenly thought, wait, if the greys do not putting psychic attack on me but just onto my crystals, that mean they do not really wanted to harm me right? We had been seeing the darkside keep revealing their agendas like a stupid person, why is that, if you want to enslave people, you showed your traces behind here and there, is that a very stupid things to do if the person where we had been saying that they are very clever in using technology and manipulating out mankind history? That do not make sense to me however it make sense now to me that, they are cleverly revealing what something over their back while keeping themselves safe.


The arch-ons that do not want us to know their secrets

So, dark agenda being revealed because of these clever dark beings are stupid enough to leave traces that we can trace about, pictures, logos, words, signs, stupid hand post, etc…

If you twist your mind and think the other way round, imaging that your family being kidnapped and forcing you to do dirty jobs, what is your plan to end this madness? How do you want to reveal the truth but then in the mean time keeping your family safe? This is a mission that really needs the intelligent and brave beings on the universe to plan everything single step that, to be killed or your family will be killed. Does this make sense to you? Or you believe that the so called clever beings but stupid enough due to their stickiness to their stupid enslavement agendas while keep dropping something like they are stupid enough to forget to clean up and let somebody picked up? Many had been killed, but there are those magically survived and even being so popular on the “underground media”.


Arch-angel: Angels being kidnapped by arch-ons to do the biased light service

What is the relationship between arch-ons and arch-angels? Upon the above postulation I had brought myself into this point, like those so called light beings, those angels serving to the light in humanity also having the same problem: they or their families are being kidnapped to do the biased light works. Just by looking at both words you do felt that they are connected arch-ed. Why is that there are things that matching yet not really making sense, and now I felt it finally make sense to me now.

The major problem by these light forces here are those channellings, and this also related to the energy flush that I had mentioned before.

From my healing experience, I had done healing over spirit guides and even higher dimensional beings in 6D, they had the problem like we human do: fragmented souls, emotional and mental traumas, damaged DNA, psychic chords, etc…

How to see it through the illusion of the biased light forces (or to say they are dropping clues): When humans had been vastly calling arch-angels for helping and archons manage to put in something like infection through the person’s connection with angels, if he/she do not able to understand the energy that he/she received, he/she will getting more and more biased into the false light energy flush being planned by archons.

We had been seeing the degradation in many channellings throughout the internet from time to time, some had been getting into the point that even myself once too going into the conspiracy about false light higher dimensional beings that trying to manipulating human. But if you again, twist you viewpoint and start to think like this: If higher dimensional beings need healing, you start to understand in another way round that those channellings hindering the message of asking help from human. Because they are being kidnapped by archons, they too like those dark agendas, they need to leak out the information without injuring the hostages hold by archons, why humans are believing that higher dimensional beings are having infinite light like they are indestructible beings?



The light vs. dark forces: that false game being planned by archonic manipulated humans

If you bring the above two information and put it in together you will get something very different that, in the end, the fighting over light and dark are higher dimensional beings that are being kidnapped by archons so that they played the false game planned by archons, they are in fact trying to break through the illusion both together with humans in 3D by leaking the traces behind for human to find out and cast the archons out.


Why higher dimensional beings are vulnerable to lower dimensional archons

Then you had the question: why higher dimensional beings are unable resolve the archonic problem on the human? Who are being kidnapped by archons?

It took me no brainer to think of human being kidnapped by archons, and think about our modern medicine, you want to wipe out the virus on the human body by using chemotherapy that also destroying the human body itself, or you want to heal the human without causing the injury or him/her? Why legend says that some gods want to wipe out humanity of what they had created but then another do not agree?

And therefore the human saving plan is being carried for like eons up to now more and more things will being revealed in a very different way. This however had been causing the damages and traumas on them for this mission which I had mentioned higher dimensional beings need to be healed, if they are not being healed, or in other words humans do not manage to understand that what kind of situation they are having now and keep causing the burdens over them even subjected to themselves to the false games that being planned by archons, this planetary ascension will most likely to be keep delayed until it failed and the archons winning over the higher dimensional beings, then this will leave the other gods that watching over this having no choice but to blew up another planet again to ensure this will never happen. And if this happened, there will be another Lucifer Rebellion because of the conflicts between gods affecting many universes. So meaning that, there is another price being paid for not resolving the archonic problem on the human and the earth and destructive manner.

You can see how higher dimensional beings are vulnerable to archons, it is like mission impossible, however in other had I see that somehow, archonic problems on human are the reflection of the conflicts between gods. It is up to us who had incarnated as humans to end this madness by cooperating with higher dimensional beings and cleared up the imposters over them.


General solution for people who are not a healer: See through the double illusion

First of all I need to thank these conspiracy theorist had been linking many dots and being leaked and left traces and light and dark, I hold no judgement over them, just things had to be turned a bit here.

1)      Stop believing in conspiracy theory, thank them away

2)      Stop anti-conspiracy theory, stop mental boggling, there is no use to argue right or wrong, mind wars had no different than real wars, no one is the winner, it only produce more astral pollution

3)      Don’t run away from problem, don’t make excuses, don’t bother with others who always make excuses

4)      Work with the solution, do the real thing, stop mind boggling

5)      Heal yourself, heal others; heal others, heal yourself

6)      Think outside the box, in double twist, or you will never found the truth but the truth that is not love, which is not really truth’s truth.

7)      Be aware of what energy you are receiving or projecting

8)      Don’t blind to higher voices, don’t make conspiracy over higher dimensional beings

9)      Don’t fooled with lower behaviour, don’t being repulsive to what had being told as negative, there are only misunderstanding among conflicts

10)   Belief in love that is not polarized in nature

11)   Free others, free yourself; free yourself, free others

12)   Don’t believe in judgement, this is the root cause of many problems

Above just my opinion, in fact I will not even bother with theorized instructions, many are able to watch the entertainers above the stage but when he/she stood in front of people, his/her mind just being emptied  up and therefore there is no use for just reading things, face it. Furthermore, these are just something that very general in our lives it is so simple yet easy to said but always harder to do even for ourselves.


Wait, where and how did archons being created?

I had once having checking implants over myself that, the implants are running by nobody but false beings, I trace back the devices that running the implants and found the Atlantis ruins, the reason why I called it Atlantis RUINS is that the device is located and Atlantis and nobody but false beings running the thing…. No body is there… This make me think in another round, many had been blaming the cause of negative implants being running by dark agendas, how this story fits in if this is true?

I get the idea like, we somehow had forgotten the facilities that able to run things that we once familiar with, the amnesia I personally believed had to do with our pastlife traumas and the wars happened before thus we left these things running by its own, or to say, we had been once achieved highly advance civilization and due to our conflicts we shifted our attention to arguments and stuck our mind until we finally blew ourselves up, as we can see now there had been many arguments in our politics, economics and military systems, and so when the wars happened, we focused so much to what we think is important, we created to problem that consuming ourselves up. Those left behind advanced facilities although still running, but being forgotten and due to the automation of the devices, since we all forgot about them and without maintenance, it finally created the worst non-existence enemies that we had now.

I believe that the earth is just the beginning, there might be higher dimensional archons that started during the first universe war, or perhaps once we resolved our earthly problem everything will be cleared.


Some extra story about the implants and the devices that running them

Many healers had been talking about removing the negative implants, unsure how many of them are able to trace back and find the very root cause of the implants, most keep talking about the dark agendas, which I personally, upon the things I found here and there, many are different in my own viewpoint.

There are those reoccurring implants are simply because the devices not being removed, it would be like keep fighting the implants but really, why don’t you look for something deeper?

There are those implants that, upon you found the devices that running them, you are not allowed to remove the device but to heal it, meaning that what you perceived as “negative” implants, is in fact what the devices that running behind do not being maintain well and causing the problem, once the device being healed the implants will be functioning in positive way. I would say the earth had many devices that need to be heal and had to do with the resolution of our future events, which make me think of the planetary ascension that will coming soon.


Other possibility of creation of archons

2) The fragmented soul issue: This had to do with the wars and past life traumas that causing our soul fragmented and I do found higher dimensional being’s soul fragments (6D earth plane) being trapped in lower dimension and I can’t directly retrieved for them. I believe that archons trapped their fragmented souls. I had found out that psychic attacks by humans/black magician had been related with throwing fragmented souls, I had no idea how they can keep throwing that much, where did they collected these soul fragments?

3) Emotional and mental traumas that being blocked to be heal: Think of that many human do not believe they need healing and therefore you really can’t found in them. Simply ask if there is any false beings blocking the full access to all their hidden traumas and you can finally work it on. Simply, false beings can be created by thought-forms, and those block out their emotional and mental traumas to be heal simply because they believe they are healthy. This is what I believe had to do with the false light biased healing as well. Believing in positivity do not really mean resolving the problem due to the positivity you had, because you denied the problem you had your own, thus you blocked away of what you belief negativity is nothing but nothing. Same thing goes to some false teaching by biased false light lightworkers. This too happened with many 4D astral beings I healed, I need to remove the false beings in order to dig out their traumas to be healed, or they will not be able to work properly.

4) Astral pollution theory: the nature of astral is something that I had been thinking a lot of how our 3D human emotional and mental activities can effect and even causing infection over those in 4D neighbours. Because humans are separated from psychic consciousness, therefore we had no idea how our emotion and mental activities working in astral. The generation of the archons might too relate to this astral pollution. Think of our un-cleared emotion and mind like rubbish that accumulated in certain place, take for our living house for an example, what happened if we accumulated rubbish in our house and never clean it? Disease and infection created from there. Then you should probably understand how astral beings being infected by us, and how archons coming out from there, imagine if animals are eating the rubbish where they unaware of… Then it is not the animals that causing the disease because the root problem in on another way round, don’t kill the animals (we mistaken them with real archons), clear the rubbish instead.



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