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Devotion to Guru (Bhakti) - Part 5 By Sri Sri Muralidhara swamiji

Radhe Krishna All,


Let us say that on the compound wall of our house some dirty posters have been pasted. What should we do to stop this? We should paste a poster reading, 'do not paste any poster on this wall.' This would stop further pasting of posters. Thus, by listening to Lord's qualities, Life histories of great devotees, Vedic sounds, sound of the Divine Names unwanted thoughts are erased out and new ones do not crop up. All our Desire, Anger are wiped out. Listening to histories of great devotees is greater than even listening to Lord's stories.

Prakriti (nature) is the mother and Lord the father. Prakriti, the mother, slaps us across the face harshly and it is then that we run to the Father, the Lord!

You cannot comprehend Lord with your Intellect('buddhi'). When you are totally ignorant to what is happening beyond these walls, what is going to happen tomorrow and what had happened some 30/40 years back how can you think of comprehending Lord with your Intellect?

It is like trying to see the Sunlight with the help of the moonlight when the reality is that the Moon has no light of its own but it is only the reflected light of the Sun. It is only through the association of Sadhus can you earn devotion (bhakti). Sadhus are the hands of the Lord. Just as we pick up things with the hands, Bhagavan pulls us unto Himself using Sadhus as His hands. Never sever your association with Sadhus.

One should get under the wings of a Guru. But, do not go out in search of a Guru. You will not be able to attain a Sadguru through your own effort. It is not easy to identify a Sadguru.

Then what am I to do?

You say that one should embrace a Sadguru to attain Lord and you also say that one cannot easily identify a Sadguru. Then what is the way out?

Keep praying to Lord sincerely. If you have deep yearning to attain Lord, Lord himself will send a Sadguru to you. This is certain.

There are three kinds of 'diksha' (initiation). Initiation by touch, initiation by sight and initiation by thought.

Ramana Maharishi also speaks of these three 'dikshas' in his 'Aksharamanamalai'.(Hundred and Eight Verses to Sri Arunachala -

!!! Will Continue !!!
Regards & Chant the Maha Mantra:
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

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