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Does IBS Make You More Susceptible to Stomach Bugs?



It’s a common observation, but currently the jury seems to be out on whether IBS makes patients more susceptible to other digestive problems.  Does this scenario sound familiar to you?  You’re diagnosed with IBS, and it seems like after that happens you routinely get flare-ups which feel distinctly like new illnesses.  They bother you for a week or two and then go back away, and you return to your usual symptoms.  Maybe sometimes someone else in your household gets sick too, though maybe not as badly as you do.


There doesn’t seem to be any solid conclusion on whether IBS makes you more likely to contract other illnesses or whether it can exacerbate situations where food (which isn’t infected) simply doesn’t agree with you, but it makes sense if you think about it.  IBS causes stress in most people, and stress is a well-known condition that weakens your immune system.  So with your immune system permanently undermined by stress, it does indeed seem more likely that you’d catch stomach bugs that other people don’t, or experience more intense symptoms of those which other people do, especially since if you have IBS it doesn’t take a whole lot to make your insides churn.  And since perfectly good foods can disagree with you, it makes sense that foods that are slightly disagreeable to others could really disagree with you, even if they weren’t poorly prepared or infected.


What’s the useful message to take away from this?  Every time your IBS flares up, chances are you flash right back to your memories of when it all started, even if you’ve made substantial progress toward wellness (especially if your IBS is post-infectious).  It’s important to recognize that flare-ups are common and can be caused by totally innocuous things—stomach bugs that aren’t that strong and which will usually pass without real incident, foods that aren’t poorly prepared or infected but are simply stressful for your digestive tract, and so on.  For women, PMS can cause IBS flare-ups (not to mention flare-ups of pretty much any other illness or injury).


If you can manage not to stress out about your flare-ups, they will pass sooner and your symptoms will be less pronounced.  If you become anxious, you will engineer symptoms or worsen the ones you really do have because anxiety causes very similar sensations to IBS.  The close relationship between IBS and anxiety is well documented.  That’s something else which can cause a flare-up all on its own as well. Stress reduction through yoga, meditation or other ways has been well documented in lessening the amount and severity of flare ups. Those who can overcome the urge to panic are more likely to make a full recovery from IBS when it’s possible.  It can take years to recover from IBS, so don’t give up.  Even if your condition is going to last the rest of your life, you can probably cut a lot of your symptoms down just by learning how to relax.  It’s easier said than done, as anyone who suffers from anxiety knows.  In post-infectious cases it can be easy to think you’re getting sick all over again.  Remember that it’s statistically improbable and that there are many more harmless explanations for why you’re feeling sick again.  Have faith in the idea that you’re probably going to be all right, and you’ll probably be back to normal sooner than you think.


Do what you can to reduce the level of stress in your life. Check for food allergies and food sensitivities then make adjustments. Keep a food dairy to individualize your diet to your needs. Consider Irritable Bowel Support Homeopathics and the Irritable Bowel Support Kit.



To your Health & Happiness!



Paula Tipton-Healy L.M, CiHom

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