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Take the opportunity today to write a ‘real’ letter to someone.


When was the last time you received a letter from someone? I mean a
real letter, handwritten, on paper! Think about it. Do you remember?
For the purposes of today’s guide I suggest you remember a nice
letter. Now try and remember how it made you feel to open that
envelope and find that letter. It’s a great feeling isn’t it? In the
rush of today’s hectic schedules we have resorted mostly to
communicating via the internet - Facebook, Twitter, Email etc. and
that’s fine. It’s fun and functional and can be done instantly. But
it’s not the same as receiving a letter.

Make someone’s day tomorrow and write them a letter today. It’s a much
more robust way of saying I care about you and I’m thinking about you
- if for no other reason than it took more time and effort to actually

Go get some paper and a pen. You’ll enjoy it too and maybe this will
become a frequent part of your life. I bet you the person you send a
letter to will send a reply the same way - then you’ll be the one
enjoying opening and reading a letter.



Author: 'How To Change Your Life One Day At A Time'


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