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Sacsayhuaman Peru

Hi everyone,

I participated in the Festival of the Moon and the Sun in Sacsayhuaman Cuzco Peru on 2000. It was the party of Peru to the world for the change of millennium, and it was covered by CNN.

There were around 5000 people from every part of the world, Americans  Europeans, Asians, Latin Americans, Andean and locals. At the end of the ceremony everybody went to the ground and without any preparation we took our hands and started to dance in circles. This is very common in the Andean culture, everyone was happy and feeling well even though we did not know each other. To be honest at that time I didn´t believe in meditation, ETC, awakening etc.

At the end, the people started to touch the rocks of the fortress, so I did the same. The rocks were so hot even though that we were at 5 degrees Centigrade s,  and you can experienced the energy coming into your body, that collective conscious of happiness and unity attracted a very positive energy to all of us, it was a unique experience.

Love from Magic Land Peru.

Violet Flame for Self Healing, Forgiveness, Prosperity, Aura, Divine Protection & Connection

Decrees of the Violet Flame

For protection, creation and healing self, family and others and more

By Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet

as they channeled through St Germain, Jesus, Kuthumi



Begin Here with Calling for Divine Protection First


(now command with gusto and full power from your heart silently or aloud and declare to GOD and see the visual of what you are decreeing!)


Lord Michael before

Lord Michael behind

Lord Michael to the right

Lord Michael to the left

Lord Michael above

Lord Michael below

Lord Michael, Lord Michael, Wherever I go!


I AM his love protecting here!

I AM his love protecting here!

I AM his love protecting here!



Lord Michael the Archangel of Light,

Guard us, guard us, guard us

By the lightning of thy love!

Guard us, guard us, guard us

By they Great Self above!

Guard us, guard us, guard us

By thy secret power of light!

Guard us, guard us, guard us

By thy great and glorious might!

And seal us safe forever

In thy diamond heart of light!


Beloved Lord Michael, please cut all cords from our hearts, body, mind, aura and being that no longer serve us. Please connect us to the new Grid of Christ Light Oneness Consciousness now supporting earth in this dimension and throughout the higher dimensions of light and being


I ask that my call be multiplied and used to assist all souls on this planet who are in need.

I thank you and I accept it done this hour in full power, according to the will of God.


For Divine Protection


  • as you give voice to this, SEE a violet light tube surrounding your body of about 6 feet x 9 feet or larger going well below your feet and well above your head above and around you this violet light tube of divine protection
  • Also SEE a huger white tube of light of protection above and beyond the purple and larger white tube of light
  • Now CHANT from HEART 3x


Beloved I AM Presence bright,

Round me seal your tube of light

From Ascended Master flame

Called forth now in God's own name

Let it keep my temple free

From all discord sent to me


I AM calling forth violet fire

To blaze and transmute all desire

Keeping on in Freedom's name

Till I AM one with the violet flame x3


I ask that my call be multiplied and used to assist all souls on this planet who are in need.

I thank you and I accept it done this hour in full power, according to the will of God.


And in full faith I consciously accept all of these manifests, manifests, manifests (3x) right here and now with full power, eternally sustained, all powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the light and free! 


Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM!


I create this and more here and now!

With full power, every hour

It is finished

It is done

It is written

Thank you, God!


God, Thy will be done!


Invocation of God and Divine Light

Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth!

Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth!

Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth!

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts!


Let there be Light!

Let there be Light!

Let there be Light!


Call in the Lights and Whomever You Wish

(you can edit this list to add, subtract or modify who you are calling in, as you are comfortable)


In the name of the Beloved, Mighty, Victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own Beloved Holy Christ Self, and Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, I call now to the Holy Spirit, Beloved Helios and Vesta, Jesus the Christ, Mother Mary, Quan Yin, Buddha, El Morya, Mighty Cyclopea, Saint Germain and the Angels of the 7th Ray, Raphael and the Angels of the 5th Ray, Archangel Gabriel (help me now to declare), Portia, Joan of Arc, St. Francis, Mighty Victory, Lanto, Fortuna, Goddess of Supply, Lanello, Mark and Elizabeth Prophet, All Saints and Ascended Masters of the Light, the Seraphim, Cherubim, Archangels, All Angelic, Devic and Elemental Kingdoms of the Light, the Spirit of the entire Great White Brotherhood, the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Galactic Federation of Light, the Ashtar Command, the Agarthans of Inner Earth, the Pleiadians, Sirians and Arcturians of Light, Gaia and all her Kingdoms, including the plant, rock, mineral, crystal, Devic, fairy, tree and animal kingdoms, Water, Air, Fire, the Crystal Skull Grid of Light, the new Grid of Christ Light Oneness Consciousness supporting Earth and Humanity, the Angels of the Four Directions and the World Mother to blaze the glorious precipitation flame throughout the earth, the Summit Lighthouse of Mount Shasta, and every constructive individual and activity on earth, including my own being, life, family and spheres, to manifest therein abundant supply of all the wisdom, light, determination, willpower, strength, confidence, courage, money, creativity, prosperity, fertility, resources and love we will ever need to fulfill the plan of God and to raise all mankind into the glorious liberty of Saint Germain's Great Golden Age of Peace, which I am expanding right here and now and forever through these, my decrees:


From the point of Light within the Mind of God

Let light stream forth into the minds of all of humanity

Let Light descend on Earth


From the point of Love within the Heart of God

Let love stream forth into the hearts of all of humanity

May Christ return to Earth


From the center where the Will of God is known

Let purpose guide the little wills of humankind

The purpose which the Masters know and serve


From the center which we call the race of humankind

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door where evil dwells


Now and forever more


Let Light and Love and Power manifest God's Plan on Earth


Now and forever more


God, I ask that my call be multiplied and used to assist all souls on this planet who are in need.

I thank you and I accept it done this hour in full power, according to the will of God.


I AM the violet flame

          in action in me now

I AM the violet flame

          To Light alone i bow

I AM the violet flame

          In mighty cosmic power

I AM the light of God

          Shining every hour

I AM the violet flame

          Blazing like a sun

I AM God's sacred power

          Freeing every one


God, I ask that my call be multiplied and used to assist all souls on this planet who are in need.

I thank you and I accept it done this hour in full power, according to the will of God.


I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires x 3

We ARE all beings of violet fire, we ARE all the purity that God desires x 3

My mind IS a mind of violet fire, my mind IS the purity that God desires x 3

My body IS a body of violet fire, my body IS the purity that God desires x 3

My heart IS a heart of violet fire, my heart IS the purity that God desires x 3

My family IS a family of violet fire, my family IS the purity that God desires x 3

My home IS a home of violet fire, my home IS the purity that God desires x 3

Our work IS work of violet fire, our work IS the purity that God desires x 3

Our schools and workplaces ARE places of violet fire, our schools and workplaces ARE the purity that God desires x 3

Earth IS a planet of violet fire, Earth IS the purity that God desires x 3

Our financial wealth IS wealth of violet fire, our finances ARE the purity that God desires x 3

My work IS work of violet fire, my work IS the purity that God desires x 3

Our universe IS a universe of violet fire, our universe IS the purity that God desires x 3

Our country IS a country of violet fire, our country IS the purity the God desires x 3

The world banking system IS a system of violet fire, the world banking system IS the purity that God desires x 3


I now decree more violet fire with full power, every hour:


In the name of my I AM Presence

I claim the worthiness of God

and myself as the mirror image of God


God has forgiven me

i accept that forgiveness and i forgive myself

i am so very grateful to God for wonderful new opportunities of joy, love, creativity, adventure, fun, play & travel

i forgive all wrongs that anyone has ever done to me or will ever do to me!

I AM free! I AM free! I AM free!


I AM forgiveness acting here

Casting out all doubt and fear

Setting people forever free

With wings of cosmic victory


I AM calling in full power

For forgiveness every hour

To all life in every place

I flood forth forgiving grace x3


God, I ask that my call be multiplied and used to assist all souls on this planet who are in need.

I thank you and I accept it done this hour in full power, according to the will of God.


I now decree more violet fire with full power, every hour:


Lovely God Presence, I AM in me

Hear me now, I do decree:

Bring to pass each blessing for which i call

Upon the Holy Christ Self of each and all!


Let violet fire of Freedom roll

round the world to make all whole

Saturate the earth and its people too

With increasing Christ radiance shining through


I AM this action from God above

Sustained by the hand of heaven's love

Transmuting the causes of discord here

Removing the cores so that none do fear


I Am, I Am, I AM

The full power of Freedom's love

Raising all earth to heaven above

Violet fire now blazing bright

In living beauty is God's own light


Which right now and forever

Sets the world, myself and all life

eternally free in Ascended Master perfection!

Almighty, I Am! Almighty, I AM! Almighty, I AM


God, I ask that my call be multiplied and used to assist all souls on this planet who are in need.

I thank you and I accept it done this hour in full power, according to the will of God.


I now decree more violet fire with full power, every hour:


Radiant, spiral violet flame

          Descend, now blaze through me!

Radiant, spiral violet flame

          Set free, set free, set free!


Radiant violet flame, O come

          Expand and blaze thy light through me!

Radiant violet flame, O come

          Reveal God's power for all to see!

Radiant violet flame, O come

          Awake the earth and set it free!


Radiance of the violet flame

          Expand and blaze through me!

Radiance of the violet flame

          Expand for all to see!

Radiance of the violet flame

          Establish Mercy's outpost here

Radiance of the violet flame

          Come, transmute now all fear!


God, I ask that my call be multiplied and used to assist all souls on this planet who are in need.

I thank you and I accept it done this hour in full power, according to the will of God.


I now decree more violet fire with full power, every hour:


Breath of God inside each cell

I am the violet flame

Pulsing out the cosmic time

i am the violet flame

energizing heart and mind

i am the violet flame

sustaining God's creation now

i am the violet flame


with all love

with all love

with all love

Shimmering in a crystal cave

i am the violet flame

searching out all hidden pain

i am the violet flame


consuming cause and core of fear

i am the violet flame

revealing now the inner name

i am the violet flame


with all peace

with all peace

with all peace


flashing like a lightning bolt

i am the violet flame

stretching through the galaxies

i am the violet flame


connecting soul and Spirit now

i am the violet flame

raising you to cosmic heights

i am the violet flame


with all power

with all power

with all power


God, I ask that my call be multiplied and used to assist all souls on this planet who are in need.

I thank you and I accept it done this hour in full power, according to the will of God.



now see GREEN flame of abundance and GOLD coins coming into your aura


I now decree the GREEN flame of abundance, with full power, every hour:


I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity that God desires


O God, you are my infinite and ever abundant supply!


O dearest Michael, Archangel of Faith

Around my life protection seal

Let each new day my faith increase

That God in life is all that's real x3


I AM free from fear and doubt

Casting want and misery out

Knowing now all good supply

Ever comes from realms on high


I AM the hand of God's own fortune

Flooding forth the treasures of light

Now receiving full abundance

To supply each need of life x3



the resurrection and THE life of my finances x3

Now made manifest in my hands and use TODAY!

(see the amount of money you need in your hands now)



the resurrection and THE life of my finances and the US economy x3

Now made manifest in my hands and use TODAY!



the resurrection and THE life of my own finances and the world economy and world banking system x3

Now made manifest in my hands and use TODAY!




I am the abundance of every good and perfect gift of God.

I am the abundant life, I am the fullness of the manifestation of that life  X3


Fortuna, Goddess of Supply,

Of all God's wealth from realms on high,

Release thy treasures from the sun

And now bestow on everyone


Whose heart beats one with God's own light

The power to draw from heaven's height,

Abundance to expand the plan

The masters hold for every man

Attune our consciousness with thee,

Expand our vision now to see

That opulence is meant for all

Who look to God and make the call


We now demand, we do command

Abundant manna from God's own hand,

That now below as is above

All mankind shall express God's love x3


God, I ask that my call be multiplied and used to assist all souls on this planet who are in need.

I thank you and I accept it done this hour in full power, according to the will of God.


I now decree more violet fire with full power, every hour:

More Violet Fire Decree by the Ascended Master Hilarion

Lovely God Presence, I AM in me,
Hear me now I do decree:
Bring to pass each blessing for which I call
Upon the Holy Christ Self of each and all

Let violet fire of freedom roll
Round the world to make all whole;
Saturate the earth and its people, too,
With increasing Christ-radiance shining through

I AM this action from God above,
Sustained by the hand of heaven’s love,
Transmuting the causes of discord here,
Removing the cores so that none do fear

The full power of freedom’s love
Raising all earth to heaven above
Violet fire now blazing bright,
In living beauty is God’s own light

Which right now and forever
Sets the world, myself, and all life
Eternally free in ascended master perfection
Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM!

God, I ask that my call be multiplied and used to assist all souls on this planet who are in need.

I thank you and I accept it done this hour in full power, according to the will of God.


I now decree more violet fire with full power, every hour:

Arcturus, Blessed Being Bright Decree

"Beloved Mighty Victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, thou immortal flame of Christ-Love burning within my heart, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, beloved mighty Elohim, Arcturus and Victoria, all great beings, powers and activities of Light serving the Violet Flame, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water and earth!

In the name Jesus Christ, in the name and by the magnetic power of the Presence of God which I AM and by the magnetic power of the sacred fire vested in me, I invoke the mighty presence and power of your full-gathered momentum of service to the Light of God that never fails, and I command that it be directed throughout all mankind, elemental life and the angelic hosts serving earth’s evolutions to bless and heal our planet earth:

Blaze thy dazzling light of a thousand suns throughout the earth and transmute all that is not of the Light into the God-victorious, light all-glorious, flaming Jesus Christ perfection.

In thy name, O God, I decree:

1. O Arcturus, blessed being bright,
Flood, flood, flood our world with Light;
Bring forth perfection everywhere,
Hear, O hear our earnest prayer.

Charge us with thy Violet Flame,
Charge, O charge us in God’s name;
Anchor in us all secure,
Cosmic radiance, make us pure.

2. O Arcturus, blessed Elohim,
Let thy Light all through us stream;
Complement our souls with Love
From thy stronghold up above.

Charge us with thy Violet Flame,
Charge, O charge us in God’s name;
Anchor in us all secure,
Cosmic radiance, make us pure.

3. O Arcturus, Violet Flame’s great Master,
Keep us safe from all disaster;
Secure us in the cosmic stream,
Help expand God’s loving dream.

Charge us with thy Violet Flame,
Charge, O charge us in God’s name;
Anchor in us all secure,
Cosmic radiance, make us pure.

4. O Arcturus, dearest Lord of might,
By thy star radiance beaming bright,
Fill us with thy cosmic Light,
Raise, O raise us to thy height.

Charge us with thy Violet Flame,
Charge, O charge us in God’s name;
Anchor in us all secure,
Cosmic radiance, make us pure


I ask that my call be multiplied and used to assist all souls on this planet who are in need.

I thank you and I accept it done this hour in full power, according to the will of God.


Strengthening and Cleansing of the Aura-By Kuthumi

Envision the threefold flame expanding from within the heart:

Blue on left (Power God)     Yellow in Center (Wisdom)   Pink on the Right (Love)


Now Seal yourself in a globe of white fire and say:


In the name of the Christ, my own real self

In the name of the I am the I am

I call forth the white light for the sealing of my aura.


Visualize from your heart center an expansion of light that fills your aura like an ovoid an N shape light that goes beneath your feet above your head until you are seated now in an action of white fire and all you see is this white light and the three fold flame pulsing upon your altar.  Forget about the self that is physical and  let all you your energies flow the heart.  Experience yourself as the flame and God as the flame.  Kuthumi says “and when he is set, say the following words with humility and devotion. Be simple, sweet and childlike so that you lose the ties that bind you to your ego-centricities, until at last the little bird of the soul shall flit into the heavens and behold the glory of the eternal sun. We in our Brotherhood of the Golden Robe are devoted to freeing of those who are yet enmeshed in the vain aspects of the human consciousness.  That they may develop spiritually, free at last to express the purposes of life as God intends them to do, is our prayer… Kuthumi….

Repeat at least three times and speed it up each time:


I AM light, glowing light,

Radiating light, intensified light,

God consumes my darkness,

Transmuting it into light


This day I AM a focus of the Central Sun

Flowing through me is a crystal river,

A living fountain of light

That can never be qualified

By human thought and feeling.

I am an outpost of the Divine

Such darkness as has used me is swallowed up

By the mighty river of light which I AM!


I AM, I AM, I AM Light.

I live, I live, I live in light

I AM lights fullest dimension;

I AM lights fullest intention

I AM light, light, light

Flooding the world everywhere I move,

Blessing, strengthening, and conveying

The purpose of the kingdom of heaven! x3


And in full Faith I consciously accept these manifests, manifests, manifests! (3x) right here and now with full Power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!

Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!

I create all of this now!

It is finished!

It is done!

Thank you, God!


God, Thy will be done!


In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, and my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, I call to beloved Saint Germain and the angels of the seventh ray. I ask you to_______________________________________________


(fill in the blank by speaking giving voice (speaking out loud) with your own special intentions for you and your loved ones as you wish)

God, I ask that my call be multiplied and used to assist all souls on this planet who are in need.

I thank you and I accept it done this hour in full power, according to the will of God.



Ending Prayer of Gratitude, Command and Heartfelt Thanks


And in full faith I consciously accept all of these manifests, manifests, manifests (3x) right here and now with full power, eternally sustained, all powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the light and free! 


Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM!


I create this and more here and now!

With full power, every hour

It is finished

It is done

It is written

Thank you, God!


God, Thy will be done!




Ascended Master Saint Germaine


Ascended Master Hilarion (formerly the Apostle St. Paul)


Violet Fire


Earth is Violet Fire


This is Inspired from the books, "Violet Flame, To Heal Body, Mind & Soul"  and "Creative Abundance" by Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet


I was inspired and guided in all of this by Elizabeth and Mark Prophet (both now transitioned and speaking to me from the other side) and St. Germaine, Archangel Michael, God, Gaia and all her Kingdoms of Light


I now demand

I do command

from my own heart and the heart, mind and will of God

In the glorious name of God

Let all on earth and humanity be healed now!


And so it is

We co-create it

It is done

Thank you, God


God, thy will be done

now and forever more

love and light to All That IS


Many Thanks to Jeannette DiGesu for bringing forward and re-activating this light of information is us all at this time


With All Love, All Peace, All Joy, All Faith and All Gratitude

Jeannette & Mary Quan Yin


A Poem for The Ages ~ Blessings unto Earth and All Sentient Life


A prayer blessing poem came to me during my journeys with Jesus and God~dess today, the 11-13-12, ~ the solar eclipse portal of light, love and re-union with our twin flames, a marriage of the heart, mind, body, soul, spirit in all of our aspects and the marriage and re-unification of our Divine Masculine and Feminine energies ~ in Holy Divine Union

A Poem for The Ages ~ Blessings unto Earth and All Sentient Life

let there be all light on earth now and forever more

let there be all light on earth now and forever more


let there be all love on earth  now and forever more

let there be all love on earth  now and forever more


let there be all joy on earth now and forever more

let there be all joy on earth now and forever more


let there be all peace on earth now and forever more

let there be all peace on earth now and forever more


let there be all delightful, lavish beauty, warmth and serenity on earth now and forever more

let there be all delightful, lavish beauty, warmth and serenity on earth now and forever more


let there be all harmony on earth now and forever more

let there be all harmony on earth now and forever more


let there be all honoring, sacredness and respect on earth now and forever more

let there be all honoring, sacredness and respect on earth now and forever more


let there be all deep, sacred, holy communion on earth now and forever more

let there be all deep, sacred, holy communion on earth now and forever more


let there be all abundance and prosperity on earth now and forever more

let there be all abundance and prosperity on earth now and forever more


let there be all blissful, holy, sacred divine union on earth now and forever more

let there be all blissful, holy, sacred divine union on earth now and forever more


may joy be to all on earth now and forever more

may joy be to all on earth now and forever more

may joy be to all on earth now and forever more


may God's Divine Will be done!


We  co-create all of this now

Thank you, Mother-Father God of the Most High

All is Well

and so it is!


With All Love

by Mary Quan Yin Miracles of Light



Audio Meditation: Star Gate Portal 11-11-12 ~ Waves of Bliss

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Waves of Bliss and PTE Mystery School

Audio Meditation: Waves of Bliss

November 2012



Star Gate Opening 11-11-2012


We encourage everyone to spread Divine Mother's love and healing to all by distributing this newsletter wherever you feel moved to do so. Take it as your responsibility to spread this Light to five other people as your personal act of service.



11/11/12 Gateway Portal Day Channelling


Esta Lior


listen to past sessions




To Access the Meditation for November 2012 Click Here:

Imbuing Your Scepter of Power with the Energies of The Cosmic Council of the Divine Feminine





 © 2003 - 2012 Nasrin Safai - Waves of Bliss | Credits

Waves of Bliss & PTE Mystery School | Vermont Rte 15 | Jeffersonville | VT | 05464

Enchanted Evermore

 " Enchanted Evermore"

The essence of twilights delight.

Love brings sovereignty.

My solidarity brings me unity with the Divine.

Elaborate ~ Ecstatic ~ Intrinsic.

One turns to All.

 Sparkling rain, Golden Sunshine, Crystalline snow.

The delights of God are for all to share.

Anticpation ~ Comprehension ~ Triumphant.

Silent Surrender. I AM Home.


by Sylvia H.   ~ 10/30/2012

data:newerPageTitle data:olderPageTitle data:homeMsg


THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents. En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales. Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas. RELAJACIÓN MÚSICA, MÚSICA RELAX, MÚSICA MEDITACIÓN, MEDITATION MUSIC, FRECUENCIAS SANADORAS, MUSICA ALTERNATIVA, MUSICA SANADORA, MUSICA PARA SANAR EL ALMA, HEALING MUSIC, MUSIC FOR HEALING,healing frequency, FREQUENCY TO HEAL, MUSICA ESPIRITUAL, SPIRITUAL MUSIC, MUSICA DELFINES, DOLPHIN MUSIC, MUSICA NEW AGE, MUSICA REIKI, MUSICA YOGA, MUSICA DE BALLENAS, RELAX MUSIC FRECUENCIAS SAGRADAS SOLFEGGIO