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BLOSSOM GOODCHILD ~ THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT ~ 12TH NOVEMBER 2012 ~ It is now to be the summer of your growth.




Inside of your Being you are as a blossoming flower. You have nurtured the seed and felt it grow. It is now to be the summer of your growth. The beauty of the flower that you are is to be in full bloom. You shall FEEL the difference within you. It is done.

Well hello there. I’m back and may I say what a joy it was to have you speak through me at the latest Sedona conference. That was quite something. Thank you. So … where to from here?

Onwards to a place within yourselves that enlightens the spirit. Moving forward to a coexistence with all that is of the purest vibration of Love. You offer of yourselves now a freedom that can be complimented alongside with your determination to make sure that you ‘get this right’. You have for so long continued on in faith and yet we say to you that in days that lie ahead … 'faith’ will not be the order of the day … ‘proof' will.


Proof of what exactly?

Proof of not just that which you see with your eyes open wide … Proof also of that which you FEEL with inside of yourselves. You have laid question upon question before us and yet it is to be KNOWN that ALL answers shall be satisfied. Allow yourselves NOW within each moment to BE OF JOY. Should you choose to do so you will experience a New Wave of Love that is entering in. It shall help you to understand that which you are about to encounter. For you see dearest souls … we who have come to give assistance in the progress of this transformation are now at a juncture when we are simply waiting for the go ahead … in order for us to go ahead.


Yes … but to go ahead doing what?

Doing that which we came to do.


Which is?

Be of assistance. Maintain a constant rapport with you so that you may KNOW WHO YOU ARE ... as we remind you of that.


I have to say then  ... you are doing a good job for I am sure you are aware of the Love that was experienced between all during my time away

And did not many say that this is how it should be at all times? Yet, who created such a level of Love? Each one of you. All you need to do is keep being of that level.


I might say that it is not so easy when not in that environment.

Yet that is your task is it not?


Inside of your Being you are as a blossoming flower. You have nurtured the seed and felt it grow. It is now to be the summer of your growth. The beauty of the flower that you are is to be in full bloom. You shall FEEL the difference within you. It is done. Yet … shall we put it ... that although it is now in fullness of itself … it is awaiting the Light of the sun to portray it in its full beauty. Once that Light shines upon it … it will be displayed in such a different hue.


FEEL THIS within your hearts.


We are doing our best. For me … like many … I still ponder on what is to come at the end of this year.  When we get to it we will know. I met many people that are so SURE that something major will take place on Dec 21st … they just KNOW. I don’t!  I Truly hope Light of High Love energy will infuse our planet and make a difference to all /in all things

Yet you have doubts .


Do you?

We do not experience the energy of doubt. Yet we say to you that long have we travelled this journey. We have committed our Beings to be of service in order to allow this change to take place. We have given 100% of our KNOWING and our LOVE to this project for we see it as a worthy one. There is not one issue that concerns its progress any longer. However we would say to you also ... that it is wise to remove all expectancy … for what is to come … in the way it is to come … you are unable to conceive.



Due to the magnitudinal effect that it shall have. It is not within your creative awareness at this time. And yet once ‘The Happening’ has been offered to all … then shall each one in their own way ... at their own pace ... make decisions that shall move the planet onwards into its rightful awaited position .


I know I shouldn’t keep asking questions … because to do so lowers the vibration upon the matter … yet ... can you not just tell us at least if life shall be pretty much as always yet of a Lighter FEEL … if you get what I am trying to say ?

Life cannot and will not be the same after The Event.


So … will we for instance still be doing the things that maybe booked in our diary for next year?

Oh yes … For life will not stop. Things will not suddenly ‘not be’. Yet there shall be a vast difference in your demeanour and this may make you want to change things that are in your diary!


It would be so much easier if we could know. Yet I will leave it there, for there is no point in going over old ground. I have to say though … just in this last week there seems to be a lot of resignations of top notch folk and although I don’t ‘get’ all that side of things … it does feel right and as if finally preparation is taking place to have the wrong things removed!

We come before you in knowledge of all that is to be. We have sat quietly and subtly behind the scenes bringing about change in a way that is undeniable yet at the same time very much unnoticed. This is the way it has had to be . Yet in the time that is coming we shall not be so ‘unseen’. Our contribution to the Divine Plan shall be made perfectly clear to all. There are many of you that shall choose to walk another way for a time for the sheer recognising of the TRUTH shall set many in a whirl.

Yet … delays can no longer be delayed! Moving into this new space of the self shall allow one the opportunities to step up in alignment with all that is. The choice is yours. So many of you are complete and in readiness to receive this New Wave … which in turn shall bring alongside new beginnings … new understandings … new levels of perception.

By this GRAND upliftment of the soul and all that is … one shall be able to merge with energies that were once out of reach. Through these new eyes one shall be able to see all that one has longed to see for as long as they can remember.


I guess there really isn’t long to wait.  Will I still be communicating with you in this way?

To a certain degree. Yet the level of communication shall be of an easier disposition. This shall progress into quite a different form of communication as ones energy adjusts to the Higher level and a ‘togetherness’ shall bond with ease.


I know many are so eagerly awaiting to communicate with you first hand so to speak. Will this too be possible?

For those who know of us in their hearts … they shall indeed be side by side with us in days to come. It is said that many of us walk amongst you … we say … that many of you shall be able to walk amongst us in the same way.


But this won’ be ... like in March or thereabouts will it? I am assuming this kind of ‘merging’ will take quite a time to perfect.

 It will depend entirely upon ‘the world reaction! The more that choose to accept THE TRUTH the quicker changes shall transpire. It will all depend on the level of energy that continues to arise when this New Energy visits. Once integrated with the soul self there will be a majorly significant change that takes place within … allowing this to change much without.


It is so intriguing … one can hardly wait to BE IN IT. Yet there is still a part of me that thinks perhaps I am falling into one big fairy tale … for it is quite hard for me to imagine that of which you speak. I can sort of grasp what you are saying and yet … here I am sitting here as ‘normal’ just weeks before this so called change is to take place and things don’t really FEEL that different.

We would ask you to question that last statement. Can you honestly say you FEEL the same as you did this time last year?


This time last year I told you to take a hike!!

Yet look now at your level of Trust within all things. Keep in mind that from our point of view we have no time . We just take on board the development … the progress being made ... The scale of accomplishment within the GREAT DIVINE PLAN.

For us we are almost there … and it is the same for you .


Yet with all respect I believe it was a few years ago at least when you said ‘All systems go’ and we all got very excited … And …

And we meant what we said. With all respect to you also dear Blossom as we have said to you many times before … when you are in a position … a vibration to understand us fully … you will appreciate that never once have we ‘egged’ you along. Our journey with you all has been in TRUTH for we are of it. Things that you ‘misinterpreted’ shall be laughed at with us at your side saying 'Now do you see’?


I look forward to that. A good old laugh with you will go down a treat. I wonder how you tolerate my ignorance sometimes.

We do not consider it ignorant … perhaps just a little naive. Yet that is simply where you are … where many of you are … or assume you are. Yet like the flower in bloom with inside of you … it is already in its fullness … all is known … you just need to KNOW that.


So will we ‘know that’ … when this Light energy comes … instantly?

That is not a simple yes /no answer.  For it will all depend on the individual. Your world as you know it NOW has many souls living in it ... yet each is resonating at their own level of understanding . This they have chosen and shall continue to choose. Therefore … it shall not be that everyone suddenly ‘gets it all’ … some may. Yet some may get ’more than where they were at before’... yet nowhere near as advanced as those who have chosen to wake many moons ago.

There is no judgement on this. There cannot be … for each soul in their own personal upliftment level shall be more than happy and alert to the level they are to move into … and with the knowledge also that this shall continue on .


I think for me … I could just do with the clarity of what’s going on and I’ll take it from there .How different it will be if you were able to ‘let us in on it’ before time.

How different indeed … this is why we cannot do so.

Go inside of your hearts dearest ones. FEEL THAT KNOWING WITHIN. When you FEEL it … you know there is no doubt. It is only when you allow the thoughts to interfere that the confusion sets in. Take control of your thoughts and send them to your heart space so that they may settle there and recognise the TRUTH that your heart is emanating. No words necessary with a thought … just PEACE. A Peaceful Peace that can only be FELT in the quietness of the souls knowing that all is indeed well and ones struggles and tribulations are soon to cease as one unites in LOVE with LOVE.


Thank you as always for your time … I am not sure what I have learned new from that until I read it back. Yet I do thank you from my heart for your patience and understanding … and your guidance and upliftment. In Love and thanks.



SaLuSa 12-November-2012

SaLuSa 12-November-2012

Dear Ones, matters have rally taken off with the coming of 11.11. which has opened a portal through which much Light has passed through you and into the Earth. Those of you who set the time aside to work with the Light have not only raised your own vibrations, but those of the planet. It is likely that as a result you felt uplifted and light headed, but it will settle down. Perhaps the most noticeable change within you, will be your recognition of a deeper sense of calmness and peace. As you partake in further upliftments, so you will become even more at One, and others will "feel" the powerful energies that you are sending out. You are now in the time you have been waiting for, and as you look around you will see changes taking place everywhere. It will bring joy and happiness into being, and that again will lift the vibrations.

On a personal level nothing is more important than your preparations for Ascension. Whatever form you expect it to take, you will ascend and then all else will follow in quick order. Do not concern yourselves with material things, as all you need will be available to you, and indeed more. The plan for your well being has considered all aspects of your needs, and there will be a smooth transition from your present dimension to the 5th. dimension. Set out to enjoy the experience as it is unique and you are privileged to be one chosen for it. There is absolutely nothing to fear, and every soul will be loved and cared for at every stage. We will be accompanying you and ensure the process passes smoothly, and welcoming you into the higher realms.

Because your minds are otherwise occupied, there is one aspect of your future lives that does not seem to have received much consideration. We refer to your marriages or partnerships as they will relate to the higher dimensions. You will no longer be bound by 3D vows and it will be up to each individual as to whether you wish to continue on the same basis, and you will find that you have much more freedom. Also unlike Earth where attraction is largely of a physical nature, the love of other souls is an exchange of energy that will be quite normal, as those you will be in the presence of will all have a vibration that will be in harmony with yours. However, you can "join" energies at an even higher level and for whatever purpose become as One. It may for example be to serve the Light together, and even introduce another soul in to your world. Such a union is far beyond anything you will have already experienced.

As we have told you before, almost every aspect of your life as you understand it now will change. You will quickly adapt to a new expanded way of life, that will offer you so many opportunities to travel, whereas previously you have been confined to Earth. Not only that, but also into the higher dimensions where some souls are ready to take their place. Your Earth has been referred to as a "prison planet" and it is an accurate description, as because of your low vibration you have been prevented from leaving it. It is also why the Earth's energies have been contained, to prevent them polluting space beyond it.

For the similar reasons you have also been kept in quarantine, so as to ensure that the experiment of experiencing duality was able to go ahead without outside interference. The only exception has been where certain Extraterrestrials have been given permission to contact you, because they have a similar low vibration to yours. Naturally as your vibrations have risen up which they have done so quite substantially over the last 30 years, you have attracted the attention of those who are more evolved. So you will in fact meet other civilizations of which you have little or no knowledge at present. We of the Galactic Federation of Light are of course already known to you, and are friends and family of long standing.

The Earth will always hold fond memories for you in spite of the trauma and misery of many lives that have been sever challenges for you. This can be offset by the rapid spiritual growth that has resulted from such experiences. Nowhere else in the Universe can offer similar opportunities for growth, and it one of the main reasons that you took on such challenges. Eventually your memories of this period will fade into the background, but you will always benefit from the growth in your levels of consciousness. You will leave duality a far greater Being than when you first entered it, eons of time ago. So enjoy the coming weeks that are about to spring into action and bring you many of the changes you have been expecting.

The old paradigm is collapsing beyond the point where it can be re-established, and we are ready to help you bring the new one into being. Indeed, behind the scenes much has been going on to this end and has advanced quite quickly. We continue to make more appearances in your skies than ever before, and when we can finally commence our flyovers we know they will be well received. We feel that at last you are beginning to relax and accept things as they happen, knowing that all is in order and you will benefit from our assistance which will speed matters up. Whatever is required to take place this side of Ascension will come about as intended.

We wish that your media was released from the grip of those who adulterate your news, often deliberately distorting the facts to mislead you. Also so many laws have been introduced will be changed so that you have more freedom of information, and that no longer will secrecy be allowed as an excuse to hide the truth. The extent to which you have been kept in the dark is way beyond what you suspect, and you will be astonished at what has been developed for your Space programs. With the help of Extraterrestrials amazing advancements have been made in Space travel, as you will learn. Presently quite a few craft you see in your skies are your own, that you have been prevented from knowing about.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and looking forward to the occasion when we can meet you and exchange friendly greetings. You will easily take to us as we are you from a higher level of consciousness. We have so much to share with you, and it will be a wonderful time. Our love freely flows to you at all times.


Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Translations - Português - Novo - ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ/Greeck - Latviešú/Latvian - БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian - РОССИЯ/Russian – HRVATSKI/Croatian - SLOVENSKY/Slovakian

Thank You to All



From Blossom:

Hi Everyone .

 A new and interesting channelling just up.

 (Channel also below)


It might interest you to read this first:

 The opening of the last channelling went like this;

There are so many topics that people would like me to ask you about … and I always write back saying … ‘if it is appropriate and comes up in conversation’ … I know you are aware of such questions and yet it FEELS that these are things you do not feel necessary to talk about … i.e. crop circles … planetary objects moving towards Earth …

which prompted a gentleman by the name of Ross Holcomb write in to me asking if the FOL had given any previous info about Crop circles. Along with many other skills Ross is considered an expert in this field. In my reply I felt very strongly to ask him if he would like to ask the FOL a question about them (something I never do!!) So the question I asked in this latest channelling is from him .

THEN ... last night (before I had done the channelling) .... Kerrie from sent this to me . Although a few had already sent it, I hadn't made the connection with the Y. (top marks Kerrie thank you. )

2ND JULY 2009 (the full channelling 2009 about crop circles)

By the time all is in place for this balancing to do what it is to do, you will find that there are many many ,many more phenomena of many many different varieties that will have occurred. Most of which will have you baffled and yet , like the key to a door , when all is in place , the unlocking shall reveal that every single placement is in correct alignment and when their purpose is revealed … at the drop of a hat, everything shall fall into place. Please know dear ones … We do not wish to be secretive or puzzle posers, yet there are certain details that simply would not concur with that which we have in place. There are plans that are not yet ready to be opened up to you for the timing is inappropriate and to reveal certain matters now would not be useful to the overall benefit of the upliftment of your planet. We have much in place and when it is able to be shown to you, you will accept reasoning that at this time you may not be able to, because of measures that must be taken into account regarding safety of that which is to be revealed.

You have all been so patient with the unfolding of this new way. We are so very grateful that your steadfastness to the cause remains firmly in the Truth of yourselves. It Lightens everything as it moves forward and into that which is FREEDOM.

I just closed my eyes, to FEEL if that was it for today, and I saw quite clearly the letter ‘Y’ within a circle … why?

You shall see ‘y’.



28th Aug.2012

It’s me! Straight to it today … as I have a couple of things to ask you about. First thing … are you there?

We most certainly are ... and happy for you to begin your line of questioning.


Thanks. Well I knew the time would come when I would bring up the Pillars of Light again. There has been a few sightings of large pillars (rather like that which you showed in my mind when first speaking of them ) One in Japan and to be honest ... not too sure where the others were … but I wondered if you would care to speak of these and are they indeed the pillars that you were speaking of?

We have been aware that you would ask about such matters and in all our Truth we would say that these are not the pillars on which we were speaking about.  


Oh sigh!!! What are they then?

They are international spectrum that is occurring due to a phenomenon that is caused through electrical current. By this we do not mean that of ‘your’ electricity … we would say … more of ours.


As opposed to ‘natures’ do you mean?

Here we may confuse by saying that it is a conglomeration of the both.


So they are not the Light pillars … yet you have something to do with them?

We would continue on in thought patterns of coincidence with electrical circuits coupled with Earth ‘electrics’ that when ‘married’ produce such a sight.


Lets try that in Swahili shall we? So is there any real purpose to such a display?

Oh indeed. For the current that they produce in this unity of above and below ‘sparks’ off a form of radiant energy which in turn has an effect on that around it and for many miles in the vicinity.


In  ‘my terms’ its purpose would be?

To expel local contingencies and therefore prevent certain events taking place that would not be suitable for the betterment of your race.


Glory be and hallelujah! Wasn’t expecting that. Are you sure? I mean … there was I thinking if it was not your spoken of Light pillars … then it was simply a trick of the light or nature ‘doing its thing.’

Yet you seem to dismiss the fact of the LIFE of your Mother Earth. Life … all that is life can communicate and it was necessary to combine efforts in order to undergo such a ‘spectacle’ … yet as we say ... its reasoning has a lot more to be desired other than ‘a pretty column’.


So … may I be so bold as to ask … what your good deed prevented?

We would strongly advise you didn’t.


Oops … I just did.

Again … it is a matter of not revealing that which is not of benefit to you to know. We would prefer to keep it at that. And in the progression of time … as you know it … there indeed will be an understanding of this and once again an ‘ah ha’ moment will settle peacefully in one’s Being.


Fair enough. I am wising up and accepting/trusting your response. For I understand there is so very much that simply is not comprehensible to me at this time .Thank you for your answer … even though it took me by surprise because I thought you were going to say ‘yes indeed … these are the pillars of Light we spoke of’. I still look forward to those then!  So, onto my next question. I am sure you are aware that a gentleman wrote into me asking why I had mentioned crop circles at the beginning of our last communication and when replying I felt compelled (yet startled) to find myself asking if he would like to ask YOU a question about them … as he is an expert in this field. I felt you had a hand in this. Keeping in mind too of the recent crop circle in Hackpen Hill UK ... and your message way back in 2009.  ( * See info below ... Just a matter of time for all things perhaps.)

Here is the question.

"What is the most appropriate and relevant thing you can share, with regard to the crop circle phenomenon and how it relates to the waking up of humanity"


We would begin by stating that not all that is ‘set’ before you is produced by ‘Offworlders’ as some choose to call us. Yet it is as easy as ‘pye’ to sort the wheat from the chaff!



It has been presented to you before that the encoding embroidered within the works of the genuine circle is not necessarily for your eyes only. In fact we would go as far as to say that much of it is deciphered by many who are not of Earth and they can easily and readily understand the ‘messages’ left for them.


So are you saying that they are not really for us Earthlings?

No, we are not. For indeed the ‘rumpus’ that they stir ... aligns many a contrived mind to ‘see outside the square’ and allow for what would be new equations to be indulged upon and within.


Meaning what exactly?

Meaning that there are those of an understanding in human form that indeed may calculate that which is encrypted in order to ‘solve’ certain anomalies. Yet … as to how much these discoveries are ‘heard’ and acted upon is another thing altogether. We would say to you that there is purpose behind the ‘planting’ of such works into your fields of gold. We would go so far as to say also that there are many governmental ‘workbooks’ continually at play in order to find out their codes and meanings. Yet … we know exactly what we are doing and are not ‘daft’ enough to blatantly be overt in that which we choose to divulge within.


So why the need to ‘put messages on our soil’ for other ‘planetary Beings’ to pick up? Surely you have quicker means to relay that which is needed to pass on?

Our communication systems are beyond the capacity of the human mind to comprehend. Yet … we do not place such images on your ground for our amusement and out of boredom. There are ‘spectacles’ within ‘spectacles’ and the energy alone that they carry has much affect upon the pulsating area. 

One cannot define exactly what it is that brings such ‘joy’ to those who visit these areas. Simply we would say ... it is our Love that one is being infused by/with.


So … how does this fit in … if at all … with the waking up of humanity?

Many aspects … yet the more obvious being the actual phenomenon itself. For those who choose to look within at these prophetic imageries they will find that it is an impossibility for ‘most’ to be manmade. Therefore one must ask the question ‘who made them?’

A wake up call upon the realization of such a question when searching for an answer.


Thank you for this although it seems to be all a bit scattered.

We advise that the metaphor given by your advisory White Cloud is most fitting and we ask you to include it. For it states matters regarding that which we speak … particularly concerning the necessary communication for others to ‘pick up on’. These crop circles have many enlightening aspects to them and are most beneficial for all who are intended to take note of them.


Ok. Because many on/of Earth wonder what the point of them would be if most of us have no idea what they mean.

Oh … there is great reasoning for them. We would add that when one is looking at them from a ground perspective the ‘whole’ picture cannot be seen … yet … look at it ‘from above’ and things become much clearer!!!!


Riddle me ree!

Not so. No riddle.  Perfectly straightforward. You see Blossom … these messages we bring through you suit many. They ‘work’ for those who have almost genius within and they suffice accordingly also for those who are more of simplistic understanding.


Like my goodself!!!

The way in which YOU choose to interpret everything written here may be interpreted quite differently by another. There is no judgment at all regarding this. This is its design. Very much like the crop circles. There are codes within codes which can be read by those in need of participating in their part of the plan. Yet for those who have ‘other plans’ they have what they require also within these words.


All of which I have no idea about. Makes sense as to why you have an ‘innocent’ bringing these words through for you I suppose. Someone who was bordering on genius or ‘up in that bracket’ would be analyzing each sentence as it came through and disturbing the flow. Yeehah! Another break through as to ‘why me’!

OK … heard the bell ring … Not literally. That’s it for today. Thank you. In Love and Light and a billion starlet drops of Golden Rays.

Shining down upon each one. Our Love and thanks also.


Over and out until next time.

Below is an extract from The Spirit of White Cloud' that I was asked to include.

WHITE CLOUD ’s group on this site

Q. White Cloud, recently in Australia we have experienced what we call a crop circle formation up here in Queensland. I would just like to ask what effect that has had on our land here and if it was a genuine crop circle formation?

WC.It was. It is a very complex subject to even begin, my friends, because much of it has to do with microcosms that are out of the vibration of your realm. I show to Blossom a vision of a very large magnet that is in the shape of a horseshoe. As one Knows it would attract pins and certain metals to itself. Imagine a magnet of vast size, and placed all around in many scattered areas are large piles of pins. It is a question of how this magnet is conducted and what pattern it takes to attract the pins from each place towards it. One is aware that when one sees on your screens for example . or in a picture book . the layers and different shapes that the grass or the fields have been laid in, I have to say in Truth, it is an impossibility for one upon your earth plane to imitate. It is very simple to detect the difference in the two. These formations are not, as some people deduce, from the landing pads of a ship outside of your realms. If you were to look at some of these formations,  what a very strange ship it would be. It is a magnetic force that allows these formations to take place. It is a magnetic force that is not always within the vibration of your earth plane. There is a certain force of attraction that allows the outer force to mingle with the force that is within, in order for this shaping to take place. These occur on certain dates. If the conditions were not acceptable within the earth, then it would not take place. I may say that this has occurred. Many of these symbols that come down to you have to be aborted sometimes, because it was not correct with what they thought was happening underneath. It is for you 'earthlings' to wonder at such phenomena. For many who are interested and study this particular subject, they are trying to perhaps work out what these particular markings may mean. It is not for them to decode. These symbols are not there for you to decode. They are there for others to view. It is not that the others need to decode them, it is within their Knowledge. It is part of a map if you like. If there were a set of boy scouts and they each had different camps and each group was given a particular exercise to accomplish involving a journey or such like, it could be that one group would come across a certain formation that is suitable for their particular exercise and receive from it, the information that their group required. It could be that another little set of chappies are walking along, and they would Know that if they entered into that same formation ... I show as if they would receive electric shocks, because that particular formation was not suitable for that group. They have to continue on the route until they find the formation that is correct for them. I say to Blossom, these formations are full of information for the group that is designed to take in that information, and are able to scan that formation in order to gain the Knowledge that is necessary. It is all part of the plan, if you like, regarding where each group must be situated when the turning point comes. Although it is an integration, it would not be that one day we are on the earth and the next day we are all intermingled in all these dimensions, that would simply wipe everything out of play. It is a gradual process. It is necessary for these certain groups. It is necessary that those energies be set at certain places throughout your world, in order for when it is coming into the balance of the new world, not to rock the earth off its axis, because of the intensity of the changes within the atmospheric vibration. Is that all right for now?'



Please see our comments on the below blog,I had been thinking of the ‘Y’ channel and when I saw Jose’s blog I was so excited:)

New Crop Circle reported 26 August 2012-Hackpen Hill Wiltshire-UK

and here is The Federation of Light’s other channel on crop circles 


Blessings Kerrie/Zoolithe

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THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents. En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales. Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas. RELAJACIÓN MÚSICA, MÚSICA RELAX, MÚSICA MEDITACIÓN, MEDITATION MUSIC, FRECUENCIAS SANADORAS, MUSICA ALTERNATIVA, MUSICA SANADORA, MUSICA PARA SANAR EL ALMA, HEALING MUSIC, MUSIC FOR HEALING,healing frequency, FREQUENCY TO HEAL, MUSICA ESPIRITUAL, SPIRITUAL MUSIC, MUSICA DELFINES, DOLPHIN MUSIC, MUSICA NEW AGE, MUSICA REIKI, MUSICA YOGA, MUSICA DE BALLENAS, RELAX MUSIC FRECUENCIAS SAGRADAS SOLFEGGIO