Posted by James Bean on 8 November, 2012
Rumi, Sufi Poetry and Mysticism -- Visions of Allah By James Bean Copyright May, 1997 - All Rights Reserved
The great Sufi mystic Rumi once said, "If you are seeking, seek us with joy, for we live in the kingdom of joy. Do not give your heart to anything else but to the love of those who are clear joy, do not stray into the neighborhood of despair. For there are hopes: they are real, they exist - do not go in the direction of darkness - I tell you: SUNS EXIST!!!"
The mystical utterances of Rumi and other great Sufi Masters speak directly to the heart. They encourage us to see the hidden Light, to discover Divine Secrets, to perceive the Way that lovers can find their Beloved. The Sufis, through their poems and ecstatic revelations are attempting to share their Secrets with the world, or at least with those discerning souls who find their words to be not only nice poetry, but something much more - soul-expressions coming from lovers caught up in the divine bliss of a higher reality.
The poet-mystics speak of a spiritual reality that exists just beyond the perception of the five senses. Though the physical body is a kind of "veil" that eclipses the Light of the inner Sun from our vision, nevertheless we can, even now during this life, have access to this other existence. The Persian classic, "Divine Flashes," by Fakhruddin 'Iraqi says:
"The lover seeks the Vision in order that he might pass away from existence; he knocks on the Door of Nonexistence, for there he was once at peace. There he was both seer and seen, both viewer and viewed. Coming to be, he became the veil of his own sight and was deprived of the Vision. His existence is merely a screen to hide this sight."
In order for humans to "knock on the Door of Nonexistence" (regain the spiritual Vision we once enjoyed as souls before time began) 'Iraqi encourages us to understand ourselves in a new way and begin to contemplate the Other World with another kind of sight, a type of seeing that is unveiled when we temporarily abstain from the five senses.
"Know yourselves: a cloud drifting before your Sun. Cut yourselves off from your senses and behold your Sun of Intimacy."
'Iraqi is describing here the process of meditation practiced in numerous mystical traditions of the east and west. In order to obtain the Vision, the seeker 1) closes their eyes and stops paying attention to the outer world for awhile, and 2) discovers inner spiritual seeing and hearing, the inner senses of the soul which are able to contemplate heavenly realities.
"If this screen - which is you - is struck from before your eyes, the Beloved will find the Beloved, and you will be entirely lost. Then you will hear with the Ear of your Heart. That Mystery, so long concealed is at last opened, the darkness of your night at last bathed in dawn!" (Fakhruddin 'Iraqi, Divine Flashes, Paulist Press, a volume in the Classics of Western Spirituality Series)
Rumi put it this way, "Listen, open a window to God and begin to delight yourself by gazing upon Him through the opening. The business of love is to make the window of the heart, for the breast is illumined by the beauty of the Beloved. Gaze incessantly on the face of your Beloved! Listen, this is in your power my friend!"
Within our grasp is the ability to regain the Vision of our soul and the Communion with our Beloved Allah; both reside together in the mystical garden, the paradise of the spiritual world. Though the material sphere acts as a dense layer of overcast skies obscuring our vision of what lies beyond, Masters have revealed the Secrets of obtaining paradise to anyone who yearns to discover them saying to their students very much like Rumi did, "This is in your power my friend!"
The process of gaining a vision of paradise and mystic transport has been described as "stripping off old garments" and replacing them with a new heavenly robe made of Light. In his Persian Sufi classic, Divine Flashes, Fakhruddin 'Iraqi describes the process.
"When the Beloved would exalt the lover, He strips from him the garments collected from all the worlds, and clothes him in the robe of His own attributes. Then the Beloved calls him by all his own attributes. Then the Beloved calls him by all his own names, and seats him in his own place. When the lover studies his new clothes he finds himself arrayed in different colors, and will wonder 'what is this beautiful tint, this garment so unique?'"
This quote from Divine Flashes reminds me of Saying 37 in the Gospel of Thomas, one of the earliest collections of the sayings of Jesus.
"His disciples said, 'When will you appear to us, and when will we see you?' Jesus said, 'When you strip without being ashamed, and you will take your cloths and put them under your feet like little children and trample them, then you will see the Son of the Living One and you will not be afraid.'" (The Complete Gospels, Robert J. Miller, Polebridge Press)
Sufism is a form of Islamic Gnosticism which really does have many affinities with earlier Gnostic mystical traditions of the middle east. Like other movements of the past that embrace spiritual experience and mystic transport through the Seven Heavens, Sufis have found it useful to compare out-of-body or ascension journeys to the stripping or shedding of garments. The above quote illustrates their view that each soul on the earth-plane is wearing several garments. We are souls wearing subtle bodies or coverings; our physical body is made out of the material substance of the physical universe. We are, as the late Dr. Carl Sagan put it, "star stuff pondering star stuff." Our bodies are made out of atoms that once came from stars and other objects in the cosmos. When we enter into contemplation and mystical states, our awareness is elsewhere; we become "dead to the world," have risen above body-consciousness.
In that sense, we have, for the duration of our meditation period, "stripped" ourselves of the garment of the body for the purpose of exploring other levels of our existence. The mystic traveler enters into what has been called "the fourth state of consciousness." In addition to the waking state, the dream state, the unconsciousness state of deep sleep, the truly holistic explorer can also integrate into his or her experience the spiritual worlds.
Mysticism teaches that there are many layers of reality, that there are other garments that will eventually be shed during journeys of ascension. These garments or subtle bodies have been given names in Hebrew, Greek, Coptic, Syriac, Arabic, Persian, Hindi, and other languages. In addition to the "garment" of the physical body, each soul is wearing several other garments or bodies, other sheaths that surround the soul, allowing the soul to connect to the various regions of creation. Counting the physical plane as Level One, Level Two is called by many "the astral plane," made of astral stuff - astral substance, existing at a slightly higher vibration in the astral region. Level Three is the causal body, made of causal or akashic substance, inhabiting the causal plane. Level Four is the mental body made of mind substance, and is part of the mental plane. The etheric body (Level Five) allows the soul to access that region. Above these worlds of mind and matter, the soul resides in the Timeless Spiritual Realm of Truth (Haq). Metaphysically speaking, we're already in heaven, we just don't know it! 'Iraqi says:
"By day I praised you but never knew it; by night slept with you without realizing; fancying myself to be myself; but no, I was you and never knew it!"
Luckily for us slumbering souls, there are always a few Moses-types in the world freeing those yearning for a real promised land, an occasional "Rumi" or "Shams", here or there, sharing their Secrets about the soul.
"With every breath the Sound of Love surrounds us, and we are bound for the depths of space, without distraction. Out beyond duality, we have a Home, and it is Majesty. That pure substance is different from this dusty world. We once came down; soon we'll return." (Rumi)
I awoke within a dream While other people sleep And found that there despite it all My sanctity had kept.
So with the beacons I have known I gladly add my light I burn the candle of myself But do not curse the night.
Softly still I walk between The shadowed cracks of time So only those who chose to wake Will hear the flowered rhyme.
The dream goes on but where I look Illusions part for me I know the meaning of my life My purpose is to be. (Patrick Corrigan)
Sufi messengers portray most societies as having succumbed to spiritual sleep, having long since forgotten about the soul and the importance of reconnecting with the spiritual world, the Point of Origin. The Persian tale called "The Hymn of the Pearl" chronicles the journey of one soul who incarnates and ends up in a typical human society with the usual package of prejudice, myopia and agnosis, helplessly trapped in it's own dreams and nightmares, seemingly unable to ever wake up. In this environment, our soul grows up only to forget itself and the mission for which it had originally been sent. Our soul then takes on a new identity, wanting to "fit in," gaining the acceptance of others.
"I put on a robe like theirs lest they suspect me as an outsider who had come to steal the pearl of great price; lest they arouse the serpent against me. But somehow they learned I was not their countryman, and they dealt with me cunningly. I forgot that I was a son of kings, and served their king. I forgot the pearl for which my parents had sent me. Through the heaviness of their food I fell into a deep, deep sleep." (from the "Hymn of the Pearl")
The role of a genuine Master is to summon souls to awakening again, enabling them to remember their true identity -- to find themselves, and to begin their great journey back home to the original abode of all souls.
Fakhruddin 'Iraqi, desperate for awakening, said that he prayed the lover's prayer:
"O Allah, give me Light. Bring me to the station of Vision, that I may know myself as You."
Sanai advised his disciples to meditate in order to discover the spiritual highway that leads to the True Realm:
"Collect your mind's fragments that you may fill yourself bit by bit with meaning. The one disciple who meditates the mysteries of creation for sixty minutes gains more merit than from sixty years of fasting and prayer. Meditation: high-soaring hawk of the intellect's wrist resting at last on the flowering branch of the heart: this world and the next are hidden beneath its folded wing." (The Drunken Universe)
An exercise of awakening practiced by the Sufis is called Zikhr -- chanting names of God. The name of God takes possession of the lover who invokes it. Union with the name becomes union with Allah Himself. As the lover calls for his Beloved, the magnetic force of love draws them both together.
"'Iraqi: I could see you a thousand times a day and still desire to see you once again."
This yearning of the lover spurs even those who have attained union to aspire to reach higher and higher still. Rumi says:
"Bring the sky beneath your feet and listen to Celestial Music everywhere."
Quotes in "Visions of Allah" came from: . Fakhruddin 'Iraqi -- Divine Flashes, Paulist Press; . Jewels of Remembrance, (Rumi poems) Threshold Books; . The Drunken Universe -- An Anthology of Persian Sufi Poetry,Phanes; . God's Whisper -- Creation's Thunder (Rumi poems), Threshold Books; . The Complete Gospels, (Gos. of Thomas) R. J. Miller, Polebridge Press; . The Other Bible, (Hymn of the Pearl), W. Barnstone, Harper Collins; . Living Light Melodies magazine, (source for the Patrick Corrigan poem); . The complete Hymn of the Pearl, which is part of the apocryphal Acts of Thomas, online at
* I discover the essential questions of my magnificent life! * Blessings flow in the parts of my life I used to complain about. * I free my natural genius to creat my magnificent life. * I commit to becoming aware of the unconsious patterns that limit me. * I look for things to appreciate wherever I go, and I speak my appreciation liberally * I wonder about all the things I used to worry about * Life flows easefully for me as I speak honestly and keep my agreements IMPECCABLY * With east, I turn all my heart's desires into reality. * I love as much as I can, wherever I happen to be!
About 4 years ago, I was emailed a "manifesting your destiny" email. Daily, I got an email and at the end of each email were these affirmations. Thought I'd share them.
On Thursday, 11/8/12, at 8pm ET/5pm PT, I will be interviewed by host Robbie Motter on The Diva Strategies for Success Show. We will discuss the subject matter from my book, How to Attract Money Using Mind Power. To listen to the show live, have your speakers on and go here:
The more a person becomes educated, the less alive he is. The more he knows, the less he lives. The more he becomes articulate about abstractions and concepts, the less and less he flows. A man confined in the head loses all juice, loses all joy. Charles Darwin's observation is perfect. He says, 'What has happened to me? Why have I lost all my happiness? Where have my delight and joy gone?'
You have taken all your energy into your head, you have not left any energy for yoursexuality -- because all joy is out of sexuality, let me remind you. When I use the word 'sexuality' I don't just mean genitality. The genital is only one very, very tiny experience and expression of the sexual. The sexual is a very great thing. By sexual I mean whenever your body is alive, sensuous, throbbing, pulsating -- then you are in a sexual state. It may not have anything to do with the genital. For example, when you are dancing you are sexual; a dancer is sexual, the dance energy is sexual energy. It is not genital, you may not be thinking at all about sex, you may have completely forgotten all about sex; in fact, when you forget everything about sex and you are dissolved into any deep participation with your total body, it is sexuality. You may be swimming or running -- running in the morning.
For ten years I used to run eight miles every morning and eight miles every evening -- from I947 to I957. It was a regular thing. And I came to experience many, many things through running. At sixteen miles per day I would have encircled the world seven times in those ten years. After you run the second or third mile a moment comes when things start flowing and you are no longer in the head, you become your body, you are the body. You start functioning as an alive being -- as trees function, as animals function. You become a tiger or a peacock or a wolf. You forget all head. The university is forgotten, the degrees are forgotten, you don't know a thing, you simply are.
In fact, by and by, after three or four miles, you cannot conceive of yourself as a head. Totality arises. Plato is forgotten, Freud has disappeared, all divisions disappear -- because they were on the surface -- and deep down your unity starts asserting itself. Running against the wind in the early morning when things are fresh and the whole existence is in a new joy, is bathed in a new delight of the new day, and everything is fresh and young, the past has disappeared, everything has come out of deep rest in the night, everything is innocent, primitive -- suddenly even the runner disappears. There is only running. There is no body running, there is only running. And by and by you see that a dance arises with the wind, with the sky, with the sun rays coming, with the trees, with the earth. You are dancing. You start feeling the pulse of the Universe. That is sexual. Swimming in; river is sexual. Copulating is not the only sexual thing; anything where your body pulsates totally. With no inhibitions is sexual.
So when I use the word 'sexual' I mean this experience of totality Genitality is only one of the functions of sexuality. It has become too important because we have forgotten the total function of sexuality. In fact, your so-called mahatmas have made you very, very genital. The whole blame falls on your saints and mahatmas -- they are the culprits, the criminals. They have never told you what real sexuality is.
By and by sexuality has become confined to the genitals; it has become local, it is no longer total. Local genitality is ugly because at the most it can give you a relief; it can never give you orgasm. Ejaculation is not orgasm, all ejaculations are not orgasmic and each orgasm is not a peak experience. Ejaculation is genital, orgasm is sexual and a peak experience is spiritual. When sexuality is confined to the genitals you can have only relief; you simply lose energy, you don't gain anything. It is simply stupid. It is just like the relief that comes out of a good sneeze, not more than that.
It has no orgasm because your total body does not pulsate. You are not in a dance, you don't participate with your whole, it is not holy. It is very partial and the partial can never be orgasmic because orgasm is possible only when the total organism is involved. When you pulsate from your toe to your head, when every fibre of your being pulsates, when all cells of your body dance, when there is a great orchestra inside you, when everything is dancing -- then there is orgasm. But every orgasm is not a peak experience either. When you are pulsating totally inside, it is an orgasm. When your totality participates with the totality of existence it is a peak experience. And people have decided on ejaculation, they have forgotten orgasm and they have completely forgotten the peak experience. They don't know what it is.
And because they cannot attain the higher, they are confined to the lower. When you can attain the higher, when you can attain the better, naturally the lower starts disappearing on its own accord. If you understand me... sex will be transformed, but not sexuality. You will become more sexual. As sex disappears you will become more sexual. Where will sex go? It will become your sexuality. You will become more sensuous. You will live with more intensity, with more flame; you will live like a great wave. These tiny waves will disappear. You will become a storm, you will become a great wind that can shake the trees and the mountains. You will be a tide, a flood. Your candle will burn at both ends together, simultaneously.
And in that moment -- even if you are allowed to live for only one moment, that's more than enough -- you have the taste of eternity.
Since the intelligence of the senses influences you into becoming vain and without mercy, become a fool for Allah so that your heart can stay as it naturally is.
I do not want you to become a fool of stupid and miserly jokes, but someone who is totally astounded by the sheer vastness of Allah's Plan.
Sacrificing the popular reasonings of the day, immerse yourself in unconditionally loving your one and only True Friend.
Wanting to live with Him, let go of the need to be right or wrong, and do not be like the temperamental souls who generally avoid Allah and His Residence like the plague.
Through the wonder of union, the brain that is behind reason will be crushed to pieces, leaving all of your hairs standing on end in anticipation of the coming of divine foolishness.
Like an orchard in the process of realizing its own beauty, look into the mirror and love your position as a fool of the Lord's Imperceptible Ways.
In order to be resurrected, the death of death itself must be savored and favored by the Lord that is in your heart.
Though everyone purposefully avoids with every last bit of glamour the nonexistence of human existence, it is the only shelter from the living dead.
How can we become authentic in our development of Love?
By dissolving the desire for knowledge and the desire to be viewed as someone who is in the confines of knowledge.
How can we be saved from ourselves?
By dissolving the desire to be the sole individual who is saved. Personal salvation is not worth the time that Allah has for shaping the hearts and woes of humanity.
How can we know our true existence?
By dissolving the desire to exist apart from Allah's all-consuming resurrected consciousness.
How can we find the spiritual fruit of Allah's Garden?
By being a spiritual fruit that is worth consuming again and again. Without Allah, I am no fruit at all; but with Allah, I become each and every fruit that touches His Lips.
Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy
The 2012 election is over, candidates won and candidates lost, now we move on. People on both sides of issues feel or felt strongly; dreams of candidates are fulfilled or broken, (again) now we move on. I pause to reflect on the resiliency of people, the capacity to live on after dreams are crushed, and what many do with the shattered remnants of their broken dreams.
Rabbi Harold Kushner in his book “Overcoming Life’s Disappointments” speaks of Moses’ defeats, which were almost equally prevalent as his triumphs, and his resiliency in the wake of his defeats. After Moses spent 40 days up on Mount Sinai and descended with the two tablets of laws, inscribed by God, only to witness the people worshiping a golden calf, dropped (or threw) the tablets, shattering them. Moses then proceeded back up Mount Sinai to recreate the tablets with the help of God. Afterwards, it seems Moses carried the broken tablets in the Ark of the Covenant along side the intact set, possibly reminding him of his broken dreams, while additionally creating new dreams for himself and the people he was leading. See:
Sometimes it is our defeats, disappointments, and failures that build character within and push us on to become all that we can be. The list of famous people who failed and went on to greatness is long (see: .) A few highlights are: 1. Steven Spielberg: dropped out of junior high, was persuaded to return and placed in a learning disabled class….he lasted a month and dropped out of school permanently. 2. Albert Einstein: parents thought he was mentally challenged, his grades were poor (one teacher told him he will never amount to anything) and he failed the entrance exam to the Swiss Polytechnic Institute. 3. Ludwig Van Beethoven: his music teacher told him as a composer he was hopeless. 4. Abraham Lincoln: had 12 major failures before he was elected the 16th president of the United States. Moreover, he fought depression all of his life. 5. Leonardo da Vinci, Pablo Picasso, Rabindranath Tagore, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Tom Cruise, Walt Disney, Winston Churchill, and John Lennon all suffered from Dyslexia in their younger days, causing a person difficulty with reading and spelling.
We may ponder why we toil, persevere through hardship, and strive to live a good life; when at times we see little results and we face defeat or hardship. Besides resilience, many of us are blessed with an innate sense of optimism, and though we may need to work at a positive attitude, the path of our growth is something we individually choose.
How we choose to live after disappointment or defeat will shape our soul growth. We will succeed in our goals as a soul eventually, the timing is determined by our life choices and our attitude. The ultimate goal in our life, from a soul perspective, I believe, is to grow. How fast we grow, is dependent of our continuous choices of action, inaction, and thought.
Eleanor Roosevelt said: “In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility.”
It is amazing that we have that notion that we exist as a person when in fact all that we experience is to the contrary. It seems much more that we are jumping channels all the times, surfing different energy waves that jump to the surface, driven by a process outside of our conscious control; yet we have the illusion that all these images fit together as part of an overriding movie plot.
Clearly there is sex energy that activates you. Sometimes it comes from within, sometimes a touch activates it, or the sight of an attractive body. Evolutionists tell us that this drive is key to our survival and based on the frequency of this energy wave it doesn't look like we will die out any time soon. Then there is the mind power that sometimes takes off like a rocket, but sometimes is quite sluggish as well. There are the nutrition needs that have to be met; our belly will tells us when we need a little energy boost. There are the instincts that protect us from the life-threatening dangers. There all the emotions, the desires, aspirations, the worries and fantasies. Countless subconscious and conscious programs are running side side, activated and sustained by the environment we operate in, by our conscious thought patterns as well as all the subconscious energy waves that rise to the surface.
Many of us spiritual travelers want to be free from all that. We want to be the conscious director of our movie plot and not a robot at the mercy of subconscious programs. All the different religions develop different methods that try to deal with these drives. They say we should't be controlled by sex urges, should understand that we aren't our bodies and that we should only have holy conscious thoughts. This might be a nice state to aspire, but the question is how to get there? If you only repress your drives in the name of spirituality, you will end up giving up on life. This may work for some spiritual stoics, but is unlikely to be the answer for all spiritual travelers.
We also try to numb our minds with alcohol, drugs or pharmaceuticals as we simply don't like the crazy stuff that our mind comes up with.The hostility, aggression, our fears or anxiety. You have the right to be loved, to experience happiness and peace, yet, our mind more often than not doesn't want to cooperate. No wonder that we want to slow it down or escape from it altogether.
Traditional religions are missing one important step in the homecoming process. You have to accept all the fickle states when they pop up. You have to accept who you think you are. If you lust after an attractive body in the street, acknowledge that you are horny at that moment. If your mind produces crazy thoughts or irrational worries, put them out in the open for you to see. It is the same when you are hungry or if you touch a hot stove with your hand, you also accept to eat something, or to instinctively pull the hand away, right? Don't be afraid of all these energies materializing. The opposite is true, the more you resist a certain energy, the more it will persist, because you will continue to attract it subconsciously until the day when you truly understand it and realize that you are not that energy.
You will be free when all these different energies when all these notions of who you think you are flow right through you. You acknowledge all energies exist, but you transcend them. Only then will you be free. When you understand and experience for yourself that there is a layer of peace, joy and happiness beneath all these energy moves, not any of these experience can touch you. You might experience lust, worry, anxiety, greed, but it will only be an instant because you use the opportunity to reconnect with the True Self without getting involved with the energy that pops up at all. There is no repression involved whatsoever, it is just an act of reconnection with the Source that is always at your disposal. These energy will then go through you just like cloud moving in the sky, they show up, accumulate and disappear. All that will be left at that holy moment is the experience of the Ancient Voice.
My work over the last 14 years has been dedicated to finding and integrating the answers to those two questions. I have used what I have been guided to create to move along the path with more calm, happiness and trust.
As the Winter Solstice approaches in less than 2 months, the time to share these gifts is now. As you may resonate with the ideas that follow here, I ask your help in sharing these ideas. I do not take credit for them; they have been given to me to use and to share.
So I place myself above no one, and neither do I place myself below.
Here are some of the key ideas I am intending to share as widely as possible:
* We are faced with redefining--from the hearts' perspective---the meanings of love and power. If an action or thought does not have love as its' basis, it is not powerful.
* The challenging events in our apparently external world are merely reflections of what is going on inside of us. Until we awaken, we are allowing the imaginary ego to wage war on the heart.
* The heart does not win this war by fighting anything. The heart does not fight. Fighting begets more fighting. It does not solve anything. Our unfolding is allowed as we remove attention and support from perceived abusers, whether they be imagingary ego or corrupt institution.
* While society has led us to believe that we cannot trust ourselves, it is just this trust that we are being asked to embrace. We have never been taught how to do this in an effective way. The tools I have created for Us are designed to make the inner journey user-friendly.
* As we have been led to believe that wisdom, calm, release, happiness and trust are to be found in the so-called external world, we are learning that we find only anemic substitutes for love in the outside world if we do not appreciate the real thing that is inside of us, that IS us.
The tools that I am creating have been refined over the years to include these important factors:
(1) Brevity in ideas. Our attention spans have been short, our inclination to distraction high. Short impact ideas are presented for the hearts' consideration.
(2) Nothing is presented dogmatically. You are encouraged to come up with your own way of expressing the ideas in a way that makes them most powerful for you.
(3) I ask the reader or listener to create silent time between these ideas, noticing their feelings. This icon asks the reader to go into silence.
(4) So many of our social structures and institutions are designed to keep us feeling weak and divided from each other and from God. As we move beyond the influence of these destructive old ways, we are learning that we are all Divine.
(4) The basic process so many are in right now is one of reidentification. As we learn the beauty and power of identifying with the will and the wisdom of the heart, all the pieces of the puzzle of life begin to come together.
I have created a series of 19 ideas designed to be offered in the form of 90-second videos to be shared with the world. This has been done alone, living as a semi-hermit, with very minimal financial resources and limited expertise in gathering into community those who resonate.
The time to share this is now, as the shifting energies are kicking into a higher gear. It is now not a matter of months or years. Much will be happening in the next 7 weeks. My aim is to assist as many as possible to move with more grace and courage through these challenging times.
If you think about all this with your head, you will not get it. The head is not designed to get it. Ego dies if you get it.
As you may resonate with what has been expressed here, I ask you to visit the attached link that expands these ideas and details the specific kinds of support I am requesting.
If you would like to talk with me about this, please email first to
My intent is to be of service, to assist in our awakening, to help Us move more fluidly into the era of Harmony.
November 7, 2012 an easy 20 mile meditative run,” Pay attention to rainbows, and snowflakes, butterflies and the songs of birds, the crash of storm-driven waves and the mirror-surface of a quiet pond. Let the depths of nature become a part of your innermost being.”
I cannot teach what is not wanted to be learned. I am showing what there is to be earned.So they may see what that there is to be.For; to wallow in the sea is not what need be.To take action for our own actions will create a chain reaction.To be the best we can be. To be just another fish in the sea swimming concurrently
I cannot teach what must be saught.No matter the fights that may be fought. From the inside out I untied that knot. I am aware of the despair.It show me how to be aware.I myself have clung to wall .The wind tried to blow me so tall.I needed to see what must be saw for without I would fall.To earn is to be,to see is what is to see,to understand is the difference between I,and me,to be aware of the contingency is to be free
Oh how I swim so fluently in this vast open sea.All it took is to be
I am this influence I want to see.For; without I would just be any fish in this unearthed sea.I swim forward like all others. Fast and fluent along side my brothers.To try is to be breaded,and for that you will wallow.dont follow.Dont chew what you cant swallow."dont"its not for me to say but I will say it anyway.dont try; just do.despite the obsticles you can see it through.limitations are set up in ones mind.if you do what it takes with the grand of intention along will get what you want,a beautifully clear mind.good intentions and karma are lovers till the end.if you cheat on the other you will be left to fend.
i will not run, i will not hide, for this is me and i will obide
loving you alllllll infinatly unconditionally.Namaste .
The Law of Karma - cause and effect
Karma is the great law of "cause and effect", of "action and reaction", which controls the destiny of all living entities.
This great law functions on the principle, that any action performed produces an equal and opposite reaction, which directly influences our very existence.
Karma, like time and gravity, is a universal principle and every one is effected by its influence. While the law of physics applies to the interaction of material objects only, the law of karma however, applies to any action performed by living entities and governs the interrelations of all living beings. The state laws for example, are grossly observed; but the law of material nature [karma] being subtle to our gross understanding, cannot be experienced grossly or understood by mental speculation.
The law of karma states, that every action performed in life creates another reaction which in turn produces a new counter action. Thus an endless chain of actions and reactions is produced which binds the living entity to his good and bad deeds. This is the way how karma works. It creates an action and another reaction simultaneously and this increases the chain of material activities, keeping the performer in material bondage.
Action has three components: the senses, the work and the doer and three motivating factors: knowledge, the object of knowledge, and the knower.
The soul within the body is acting to bring about the results of activity and is therefore known as the doer. Its instruments of action are the senses, and for each and every action there is a different endeavour.
From one life to the next, and from one cosmic creation to the next, the living entity makes a determination to act in a certain way, and then he is entangled in the reactions to his work. After giving up one body, he enters another, and usually he forgets everything about his previous life [see: re-incarnation]. The Supersoul in everyone's heart witnesses one's past desires and gives one facilities and directions how to fulfill them. In this way, the soul reaps the results of his actions.
Karma - and the Bible
The universal law of karma is also explained in the holy Bible which we know by the statement: "as ye sow, so also shall ye reap".
It says, that whatever you sow, so also shall you reap [the fruits of action]. It also says that you only reap as a result of having sown in previous periods. That what you are reaping today in your life, is a result of what you have sown in the past. And what you reap in the future is a result of what you sow now. This is generally known as the law of sowing and reaping or the law of "return", which returns to us in an similar way that what we do unto others.
Therefore Lord Jesus Christ says: "Do unto others as you would them have done unto you."
The principle of Karma is that for the good actions one performs one receives good reactions, and if one inflicts pain or violence on others, one will suffer equal violence either in this life or the next.
This is also confirmed in the Bible by the statement: "An eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, life for a life". For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Or in other words, if a human being for example, unnecessary takes the life of an innocent animal he must suffer the result at some point in the future; namely he must give his own life for taking a life.
The law of karma states that everything which happens in our lives is nothing but the reaction of our past activities. Everything that we are today is the sum total result of all our activities performed up to this moment. If we wish our lives to be different in the future we have to change our activities in the present; and by doing so we change the direction of our lives.
Activities are, therefore, always the primary causes of the conditions or effects, experienced in our lives.
There is, in fact, no such thing as an accident. Everything that happens to us happens by the cause and effect and not by chance. For every effect in our lives there is a specific cause and if we do not like the effects that we are enjoying or suffering, then we have to analyse the causes and change our activities accordingly.
Posted by VanceSmith-ThunderHawk on 7 November, 2012
I thought I would post my thoughts to my wife and all the beautiful women who have graced my life! Much to all!!!!!!
Beautiful Things About A Woman
It is amazing how women are so wonderfully giving and loving. Their love is unconditional and forever. And once they forgive, they really forget. They don’t dig out the heavy artillery, even when they have the best opportunities to do so.
It is lovely how women manage to hear you out for hours. They never pass judgments. Never say you are wrong (even if you have behaved like the worst jerk in the world). And when you ask for their opinion they give it without managing to make you feel a worm. They criticize without wounding.
The most adorable thing about women is her blush. It speaks volumes and conveys things which even she won’t openly admit too. It is a real turn on when a women blushes at you. It shows she more than cares, she is crazy about you.
A smile. I dig women’s smile. Now when women smiles, she really smiles. No pretenses, she smiles from her heart and speaks with her eyes. It is amazing how many ways women smiles. She has a tender smile, a loving smile, a “what will I do with you” kind of smile. A saucy grin. A smile of gentle indulgence and finally the best of them the complete smile. The smile that says “Whatever you are, however you are, I love you”
The way they get all in frenzy, when they want to let you know of their achievements. Their eyes say “I want you to be proud of me” but they will die rather than admit it, After all they only wanted to let you know.
I love the general “do-good” attitude that is an undeniable part of every woman. They are out to reform everyone. They will give you sermons on all your vices (by the number of ‘vices’ they list you will feel a worse insect than Satan will) and tell you have to reform to be a “better” person. And will be hurt if you don’t want to change.
I know you may think me a sadist due to this but personally I think the most beautiful and irresistible thing about a woman is her tear. It is guaranteed to break down the hardest of resistances and melt the stoniest hearts. On the other side it also shows the breaking of all the barriers a woman builds up. When a woman is crying she is opening up completely before you and trusts you enough for it.
And finally the answer I heard most often, “I can’t tell you any single thing that I love about a woman; it is the perfect mix that makes men goes weak-kneed. The sensuality combined with nurturing, the naughtiness combined with caring, the vivacity coupled with quiet understanding. It is a heady mix and man, it is very intoxicating.
THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents.
En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales.
Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas.