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When we relinquish
the option
to judge


-The Deepest Hope-

Somewhere out there is my dream in the real
I don’t know the name, but I do know the feel
A simple joy in a complex life
A warmth, a touch, a break in the strife

My dream has a beauty both inside and out
Touching my heart with what life’s all about
Invisible is seen without reason to hide
Blessed, and kissed, and held by my side

I’m always searching while I wait out the time
For life to catch my love in its prime
I look and I wonder at what may be
I journey, I wish, for that great day I see

Test my patience and flirt with my hopes
While I try to untangle this knot of ropes
It’s a path that is long and not without trial
Face fear, face hurt, and battle denial

I rally my soul and keep on believing
Hold faith so strong in the message I’m receiving
For beyond the story that logic may provide
I know it, I sense it, from deep down inside

-Dan Thomas

Naga Diaries

Nagas are semi-divine, semi-human spirits in Indian and Southeast Asian mythology. Notes from a traveler: "He did not think of himself as a tourist; he was a traveler. The difference was partly one of time, he would explain. Whereas the tourist generally hurries back home at the end of a few weeks or months, the traveler, belonging no more to one place than the next, moves slowly, over periods of years, from one part of the earth to another. " — Paul Bowles (The Sheltering Sky)

Are You An Empath?

An empath is typically more sensitive than most people and more than anyone would guess. Empaths tend to put others first to the point of often ignoring their own needs. They will avoid tense, harsh or confrontational situations.

Empaths are highly expressive emotionally and pick up on nuances easily. Thus, loud voices, sudden noises or large groups can become overwhelming.

Empaths feel what they see in the world, such as when a child falls down and skins their knee, the empathy has a visceral reaction in their own body. When someone bumps into an empath, she/he says, “Excuse me. I’m sorry.”

Distance has little bearing on what an empath picks up energetically and emotionally. Yet, they are even more affected by being in the same room with a negative energy source (angry person, illness or loud noise—such as violence on TV)

Empaths have a charisma that compels a stranger to tell their life story while standing in the grocery line. The empath is readily interested in their story and will acknowledge the feelings of the person.

Empaths need to learn to put a 'white light' shield against emotions to avoid feeling raw, vulnerable or overwhelmed. Absorbing the emotional environment may mean they seemingly have random mood changes as they react to the intensity of what they are energetically ingesting.

Add to that possibility that their empathic energy body continues to transmute or shift energy that needs a ‘clean-up’ regardless of what their conscious mind dictates.

Thus, in business, despite the best intentions and well-laid business rules, an empathic energy body continues to draw to them people who may or may not desire their services. Usually the empath will over-give and allow their clients to
determine their value in many scenarios.

Other empathic scenarios include:

• Difficulty to ‘taking’ too much money for their services as they sense their client’s financial pain. Universal Laws require an exchange in order for services to be valuable. Not to mention, the Universe is bringing abundance to the empath
through that client AND it is up to that empath to be clear in the value that they bring.

• Spend more time and have poor relationship boundaries because they are responding to their clients’ needs rather than their own (which means that having systems, honest observation, written information and protocol to open/close sessions become vital tools for managing time and awareness in the moment).

• Feel responsible for their clients’ outcomes (which is both impossible and an act of sabotage to the client, because they are not trusting the client to handle their issues. They are draining their own life force energy in the process, thus, the client will need to get resolution anyway; but it will be bigger and harder the next time.

• May assume that potential and current clients know what they will get by working with them because the empath can pick up information that way (but non-empaths do not have that gift - empaths need to learn to communicate more directly and effectively. The empath will likely leave money on the table when allowing their client to determine their value.

An empath in business will experience many opportunities to understand how to align their heads with their hearts, their insights to the physical world and their empathic body to their business. ###

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician - Certified Hypnosis and Regression Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you desire. She facilitates Past Life Regression and Future Life Progression. She was a World Regression Congress faculty member in the Netherlands, India, Brazil and Turkey. http://www.drdorothy.net http://facebook.com/DrDorothyNed http://teamasea.com/drdorothy

Create Your Life on Purpose-God and The Law of Attraction

Create Your Life On Purpose-God and the Law of Attraction


My Disclaimer-What I am about to write is what I believe. It is not an invitation for an argument or designed to antagonise anybody. It is my expression of truth as I know it. I’m sure it will continue to expand as I evolve and grow more deeply into the Love of God. If what is read brings any offence, it is unintentional and therefore rests upon the shoulders of the one who has been offended. If you don’t like it, or it upsets you, don’t read my stuff. Go write your own stuff.

If you read this and have questions, I’d love to answer them. But I am not going to answer accusations or attacks-should any come, because those people are not looking to understand where I’m coming from, they are simply wanting a platform to outshout me. Well, I won’t shout back, I’ll just hit ‘delete’, so spare us all, please. Yes, just covering myself here Lol

Humour me.
A LONG time ago (and people like to argue about how long, because in majoring on the minors, they can be distracted from the whole point!)... anyway, as I said, a long time ago, the Universe came into being...

It’s All a Set Up

A certain ‘person’, who many of us that like him affectionately term God, set up the way things should be. The entire creation exuded forth from God’s essence as ‘the work of his hands’ like a potter with his clay. (We humans also came forth from God, bearing his likeness even to the point of sharing in his function of consciousness but like a baby, developed a capacity to hold an individual state of consciousness.) And that which came through his creation bears his characteristics. And they are CONSISTENT characteristics. These traits are known to scholars as the Natural Laws of Science. They are referred to by lovers of God as the nature of God.

In Proverbs 3:19-20 it says,

By wisdom the Lord laid the earth’s foundations,

Thru understanding, He set the heavens in place,

Thru knowledge the mountains were formed and

The clouds let drop their dew.

I love how in the French version, the meanings of wisdom, understanding and knowledge are more fully clarified. For one thing, the word ‘knowledge’ is la science.

Let me state this here:
God and Science have never been and never will be in enmity to each other. The religious bollocks that are threatened by Science do not know this Creator God. They serve a man-made one who is riddled with contradictions and so can easily topple...and hence feels threat just like any other fragile ego.

God set everything up to flow and function within his laws of construction...the natural order of things.

Unfortunately, it has taken Science and technology some time to catch up to these ‘laws’ and get around to inventing machinery that can “SEE” these invisible laws in greater fullness. So Science was being touted as the be all and end all of truth but it was always a very limited view, being restricted by what could be measured and somehow seen. The instruments were not around that could see what was beyond humankind’s capacity to view with a naked eye.

Today, we have far superior equipment and science is now bearing out spiritual truths and discovering that the very things they had known, such as ‘energy’, were actually references to God by another name and make sense inside an even more amazing and vast context.

The Purpose of Symbolism and Myth and the Power of Metaphor

So, to recap, God created everything, seen and unseen according to his Wisdom, Understanding and [Science]. One example of God’s perfectly imperfect precision is reflected in the galaxies and planetary orbits. Did you know that a day is not actually 24 hours long? It fluctuates all year. Mankind just rounded it off at an average that could be easily measured for management purposes. Nothing wrong with that, but TIME is not God’s invention. That’s why it can be changed whenever a dude in an office decides it’s a good idea. However, all the fancy workings in the world couldn’t get it worked out so well, so the time managers have to ‘bodgey the books’ every four years and add a day to bring things into balance.
lol-I love that! Creative accounting.

Here’s the thing, Biblical language is often symbolic. Jesus spoke in parables. The Old Testament stories are written as a ‘type’ or metaphor-so it says in the New Testament. It was never about proving it literally or figuratively true-another distraction-but simply to get a desired point across. I know some Bible fundamentalists may hate this, but it doesn’t actually matter if the Garden of Eden is literally true or not, and to get caught up in such arguments is a total waste of time, coz it completely obscures the whole point!

The accounts presented are for us to understand something about ourselves and our connection with God that will lead us into liberty. Fighting over fact will never do that. Freedom is FELT. It is experienced. It is known. Just like God. If we read with an open heart, see God’s wisdom, understand its application and how to use the laws to apply it, we will be able to create in like fashion.

Proverbs 24:3-4

By wisdoma house is built

By understanding, it is established

By knowledgeit’s rooms are filled

With rare and beautiful treasures’.

We are given access to the very same tools with which to create our little world inside God’s big world. And that, in my opinion, is why we are here.

God’s Mould and Our PlayDough-co-labourers together with God

Everything-absolutely EVERYTHING- owes its existence to God, or ENERGY.

In him we live and move and have our being. Acts 17:28

It is God in us who causes us to will and to do according to his good purpose. Phil 2:13

What scientists didn’t get that the metaphysicians and lovers of God did, is that Energy is an Intelligence and it LOVES. By our definition of the word-IT IS GOOD. It is ONLY good. Where we do not see what we consider to be good, we are witnessing the effects of the delusion of a separated consciousness. After 1000s of years of such delusion, the planet is reeling. Humanity is interacting with creation-in every way, a symbiotic relationship.
The Bible puts it in these terms

19 For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. 20 For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.

22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit,groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies.

I’ll cover more of this verse another time but my point is that as man evolves, the planet will be restored as well. Global warming will no longer exist the day that enough of humanity cease to believe it needs to. At present, much of the population feel we must ‘pay’ for our abuse of the planet and suffer global warming for it (consequences), but the more people that understand that our connection with God and each other and understanding our ability to use wisdom, understanding and knowledge in Love come together, the planet will respond.

It will manifest the healing of the imagined rift between God and man, which only exists in each individual’s thoughts that are somehow separate from God’s. The evidence of conscious connection with God is the confidence in GOD’s Goodness and it is this goodness that will ultimately fill all.

The Reason “Evil” Exists

To begin let me explain what evil is, in some of my terms.

Evil is that which is opposed to good, some say. But really, evil is better understood as misaligned with good. Or ‘m’aligned’. It is actually the separation from the flow of good. And it abides in the judgmental ego of mankind. The only reason that ego exists is because, in order to be considered truly free, humanity must have a representation of two options.

The Bible uses language like Life and Death, Blessings and Cursings, Love and Fear, Mercy and Judgment, Light and Dark. But these dichotomies are not opposing forces. There is no competition. No battle. Just as Light easily and instantly dispels darkness, so Love drives out fear and mercy triumphs over judgment. The supposed polarised force is actually the absence of acknowledgment of the only true power. And it is an absence that exists only in the mind of a person who chooses separation from all that is GOD. (col 1:21 Enemies in our minds...)Or more simply-chooses to align with something contrary to the Love of God. We can be aligned in one area and not in another. Be aligned in one moment and not in another. At whatever point we are, we create our lives from there.

18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. I John4:18

12 Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom,13 because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment .James 2:12-14

(The law that gives freedom is Love and Grace, under which there is no judgment because all is made ‘right’ through being aligned with God Rom 5-8. Someone who is still showing judgement that condemns or demands some kind of punishment is demonstrating that they are still separate from grace in their thinking and hence still under man’s law and therefore will still experience judgment and a sense of condemnation from their own ego! Their own hearts condemn them, I John 3:19-20 not God, because they are not aligned to experience God’s goodness).

The whole earth is filled with His glory does not mean what some people think about slaying the ‘unrighteous’. We won’t need to-they will wipe themselves out! Anyone who isn’t aligned with Love, Mercy, Life, Grace etc, cuts themselves off from the flow that will keep them alive, so they will create circumstances of fear, judgement, death and law –to their own destruction. It’s not the wrath of God. God’s judgment means the restoration of creation to ‘rightness’. All things brought back into balance and to their original state. This is the true meaning of judgment. It is to make right but not by punishment and penalty, but by restoration.

And that’s why God reconciled himself to man through Jesus. So humanity could concede the possibility of being ONE with God again. Without the bloodshed, human thinking could not get free of its own condemnation and laws. God didn’t need the blood, people did.

Full Circle- Created in the Image of the Creator God.

And here’s the point. We, humanity as a whole, are creating the death, the cursing, the fearful situations, the condemnation and the judgment and even the disasters-not God. Humanity, who has been pointing the finger and blaming someone else since the beginning of time, has only itself to blame. It's time to accept responsibility and live in the freedom we were born to!

How are we, who are grasshoppers in the land of giants, doing this? -By working the laws of established creation in ignorance. Instead of seeking to understand them and how we can align with all that is good and desirable and thereby create a beautiful life for ourselves we hold, en masse, to the notion of being helpless victims under constant threat of siege and annihilation that must fight and struggle for survival. It is Ego and the idea of being, or having, a separate identity that is fighting for control. But like all parasites, it brings death to its host.

The Bible proclaims the number of the Beast portrayed in Revelations as 666.

This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a* man ( footnote*or humanity’s number). That number is 666. Revelations 13:18

It’s the greatest scapegoat scam in human history, a ploy of Ego(separate consciousness) to preserve itself by keeping people in darkened, powerless thinking- imprisoned by their right to choose, whilst simultaneously losing sight of the choices available. Punishment is not God’s response to such as these. Illumination is. EPH 1:18 Wisdom, understanding and knowledge.

Demonstrated in those willing to live it ever more fully, as they grow in it.

Bottom line: It’s not a question of doing what God wants, but about aligning to your own heart’s desires and acquiring them through the established set up of wisdom, understanding, knowledge and love.

I believe that that IS God living in and through you, creating together with you AS ONE to build your life.

A Poem

When the new day breaks with you my love
You'll be my waking light
Your soft brown eyes will see so clear
Your shimmering smile so bright

In the afternoon with you my love
We'll lie in fields of azure
We'll eat and drink and love and laugh
And have our fill of pleasure

When the sun goes down with you my love
We'll walk under dim moonlight
Down to the ocean, underneath the stars
Where lovers share the night

And when the night is through my love
We'll give thanks for this time we treasure
And then our love will be perfected
And our souls will rest together

Your Daily Reading: “Living Wide Awake™” A Financial Breakthrough 11-14-12

Money and stability are on your mind.
A financial breakthrough signals rewards for past efforts, such as an unexpected bonus.
Opposing Energies: disappointment, opposition, delays
Wide Awake Words™ for today: generosity, enthusiasm, progress
This is a day for reflecting on personal development and building self knowledge.
You’re inspiring ability of organizing your thoughts and creations is unsurpassed today.
The search continues for a mate that has similar desires for a comfortable, yet practical lifestyle.
Exhibit care for yourself, and others and share your wisdom.
“Uniting Spiritual Growth with Conscious Living”™
© 2012 The Sage Lady All Rights Reserved.


Intuition cannot be explained scientifically because the very phenomenon is unscientific and irrational. The very phenomenon of intuition is irrational. In language it looks okay to ask, ”Can intuition be explained?” It means: can intuition be reduced to intellect? But intuition means something beyond the intellect, something not of the intellect, something coming from someplace where intellect is totally unaware.

So intellect can feel it, but it cannot explain it. The leap can be felt because there is a gap. Intuition can be felt by the intellect – it can be noted down that something has happened – but it cannot be explained, because explanation means causality. Explanation means: from where does it come? why does it come? what is the cause?

And it comes from somewhere else, not from the intellect itself, so there is no intellectual cause; there is no reason, no link, no continuity in the intellect.

For example, Mohammed was an illiterate person. No one knew about him; no one ever felt that such a great thing as the Koran could come out of him. There was not a single act, not a single thought, that was special about him; he was just an ordinary man – absolutely ordinary. No one ever felt that something extraordinary was possible in him. Then, suddenly, this parable is recorded: An angel appeared to Mohammed and said, ”Read!”

Mohammed said to him, ”How can I read? I do not know how; I cannot read, I am illiterate.”
The angel repeated again, ”Read!”

Mohammed again said, ”But how can I read? I do not know anything about reading.”
Then the angel said, ”Read! By the grace of God, you will be able.” And Mohammed began to read. This is intuition.

He returned to his house trembling, trembling because he could not conceive of what had happened. He could read – and he had read something inconceivable. The first ayat of the Koran had been given to him. He could not understand it because nothing in his whole past related to it. He could not feel the meaning of it; he had become the vehicle for something that was unrelated to his past, absolutely unrelated.

Something from the unknown had penetrated him. It might have been related to something else, to someone else, but it did not relate to Mohammed at all. This is the penetration. He came into his house trembling, he felt feverish; he just went on thinking, ”What has happened?”

He was unable to understand what had happened, and for three days he was in deep fever, trembling, because there was no cause for what had occurred. He could not even gather the courage to say something to anyone. He was an illiterate: who was going to believe him? He himself could not believe what had happened; it was unbelievable.

After three days of deep fever, coma, unconsciousness, he gathered the courage to tell his wife, but only under the condition that she not tell anyone else. ”It seems that I have gone mad,” he said. But his wife was older than he was and more learned. She was forty and Mohammed was twenty-six; she was a rich woman, a rich widow. She felt that something real had happened, and she was Mohammed’s first convert.

Only then could Mohammed get up the nerve to speak to some friends and relatives. Whenever he would speak he would tremble, perspire, because what was happening was inconceivable. That is why Mohammed insisted – and this became a tenet, a foundational tenet of Islam – that ”I am not divine; I am nothing special. I am not extraordinary, I am just a vehicle.”

This is what is meant by surrender and nothing else – nothing else! The postman just delivers the message to you; you yourself cannot even understand it. This is intuition.

It is a different realm of happening that is not related to the intellect at all, although it can penetrate the intellect. It must be understood that a higher reality can penetrate a lower reality, but the lower cannot penetrate the higher. So intuition can penetrate intellect because it is higher, but intellect cannot penetrate intuition because it is lower. It is just like your mind can penetrate your body, but your body cannot penetrate the mind.

Your being can penetrate the mind, but the mind cannot penetrate the being. That is why, if you are going into the being, you have to separate yourself from body and mind, both. They cannot penetrate a higher phenomenon. As you go into a higher reality, the lower world of happenings has to be dropped.

There is no explanation of the higher in the lower, because the very terms of explanation are not existential there; they are meaningless. But the intellect can feel the gap, it can know the gap, it can come to feel that ”something has happened which is beyond me.” If even this much can be done, the intellect has done much.

But intellect can also reject. That is what is meant by a faithful mind or a faithless mind. If you feel that what cannot be explained by the intellect is not, then you are a nonbeliever. Then you will continue in this lower existence – tethered to it. Then you disallow mystery, then you disallow intuition to speak to you; this is what a rationalist mind means. The rationalist will not even see that something from beyond has come.

The Prasna Upanishad

May the wisdom contained herein
contribute to purifying the whole world of its misgivings.
May the soul be able to relish its transcendental
reciprocations with the Supreme.
May everything become conscious of everything.
May the peace of the universe be ours. Om.

A collective of sages approached
the star of wisdom known as Pippalada.

Wanting to hear from his lotus heart,
this is what he said to them on that eventful day.

If you want to understand what I will
be teaching you, go out into the forest
for one whole year and practice the austerity of faith as best you can.

Returning from their self imposed exile,
one of the sages asked Pippalada
how creatures in general come into fruition.

The Lord of everything meditated on His own life force
and created the primal energy of the universe,
along with two important spheres to actively
distribute this energy of His.

The Sun, which is the primary distributor
of the Lord's primal energy,
coupled with the Moon in order to take
care of all that exists in heaven and earth.

The universe, through uniting with the
functions of the Sun and the Moon,
provides all four corners of this world with the Light of Life.

Be grateful for the Light which directly goes into animating
animate and inanimate objects,
because its thousand rays of hope makes the infinity of space
resound with the cosmic notes of peace and harmony.

Following this Light to the end of the seasons of human existence,
men are often divided along the lines of following
the southern path or the northern path.

By the practice of alms giving and devotion to ritualism,
those who follow the southern path after death
travel to the Moon planet, only to be reborn again here on Earth.

But those fortunate few who know the Self
by way of faith and austerities
attains to the northern path,
which is connected to the Life giving rays of the Sun.
When in the Sun, birth and death is no longer a coincidence or a work of magic.

The purest world of Brahman is reserved for
those who worship Him in the Light of Knowledge and Self-Realization.

Another sage asked Pippalada
about how many subtle elements
go into controlling the physical body.

Each of the five elements corresponds to
and controls every one of the five senses.
The physical body is thus a combination
of ether, air, fire, water and earth.

Prana or the primal energy of the Lord
being the main ingredient behind existence,
supports the functionality of the physical body
throughout its prolonged development and eventual contraction.

Without prana, the fire of the Sun would not burn
ever so brightly and the winds of the air
would not blow away what needs to be blown away.

Without prana, the waters of heaven would not drop
on the seeds of future existences and the solid matter
of the Moon would not have enough strength
to sing the glories of the more Cosmic Sun.

Prana is what carries the distant prayers
of the ancestors to the living
and is what carries the sacrificial offerings
of humanity to the gods above and below.

The whole universe bends in accordance to Your Primal Will;
therefore make this insignificant atom
into a carrier of that primal energy
which is in charge of sustaining these divine discourses.

The third sage asked an even more difficult question.
Where does prana come from?

The energy which circulates through everything
has its Ultimate Source in the Primeval Self of the Unmanifest Universe.
Though that Self is primarily located in your lotus heart,
it commands the prana to perform different functions
within the different parts of your body.

The most important location of prana to remember
and focus on is the spinal column.
Whosoever is virtuous in this life will be propelled
forward into higher spheres at the moment of death
if the prana is functioning as it should be in that area of energetic exchanges.

Reborn into a world that is determined by the last thought
which you have in your death bed of a mind,
control your prana as you would control your mind.

Immortality awaits those who have patiently waited
for the Self despite all of the confusion created by the
inharmonious workings of the five elements and senses.

Who is it that experiences all three mental states of
being awake, asleep and beyond sleep?

Taken over by sleep, the mind is what becomes
most active during this period.
Receiving innumerable past impressions from a number of lives,
the mind re-experiences all that it was and is attached to.
Thankfully, you are eventually given the opportunity
to see through the simple and complex deceptions of the senses.

On a deeper level, whether awake, asleep or in samadhi,
it is only the Self which monitors everything that arises and falls
within its vast field of diamond like perceptions.

Leave past memories behind and aim for
reaching the Stateless State of Cosmic Harmony.
That alone will extinguish the need to worry over what
goes on in the mind throughout the course of the day and the night.

Better than focusing on prana is realizing the Reality behind OM.
If understood, OM will make you one with the Cosmic Intelligence of the Self.

By virtue of OM, that which is only known to the greatest of seers
will be made intelligible to your own lotus heart.

Losing every name and form that was collected
throughout every past and future life,
be courageous enough to lead yourself
beyond the sea of ignorance and into the Selfless Unmanifest State.

Returning to where you belong,
make others worthy to belong there as well.

Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy



is defined
by the absence
of conditions

That is why
the LOVE of GOD
is defined



making the choice

we create
the state of mind
that can hear the whisper


November 13, 2012 an easy 19 meditative run,” What is needed, rather than running away or controlling or suppressing or any other resistance, is understanding fear; that means, watch it, learn about it, come directly into contact with it.”

Let Your Heart Guide You

Let Your Heart Guide You
Ascended Master, El Morya’s Weekly Message ~ November 13 – 20, 2012
Channeled by: Julie Miller
November 13, 2012

So many wondrous distractions move through your world making it sometimes difficult for many individuals to know which way to turn when they are wanting to work on self-improvement, further develop discovered talents and possibilities while at the same time working face-to-face with difficult and sometimes unique challenges that cross your path. It is important and essential dear ones to focus purely in order to make sense of all the many stimulating possibilities that are presented to you even if it’s just through media or advertisements in a magazine. Allow your heart to guide you to what truly would be best for you in the NOW moment.

Learning how to function in such a busier world does impact your body dear ones, your heart and of course your mind – that totality of yourself is endless. Understand dear ones the importance of truly living a full life, raising your possibilities as you enter a spiritual path. Such a journey dear ones we are sure you realize or are beginning to require a necessity to balance your own personal environment; nurture your body, your emotions, and most definitely your mind. As you work on these areas, make note on how your social environment also changes. Some of you may find new creative paths that hone hidden artistic skills, and what is normally viewed is a huge interest in learning – allow your heart to guide you to what is needed to learn next. You are drawn to various subjects at different times because of where you are on your journey and what you ready to understand and make use of.

Continual learning on any path is a major way of improving your mental capacity. Recognize when you are learning something new, how willing you are to share this new acquired knowledge, develop deeper interests, learn how to interact some of the recent learning into concepts during social interactions. Many dear souls understand already that social interactions stimulate and contribute to your emotional development and growth and you will find your emotions and feelings reach a calm when you apply your creative energy into something you always wanted to do but shied away from. Let your inner self fly dear ones, allow your creative nature to soar and give your whole self liberation during the pure concentrated focus that would be applied with the love that fills your heart into every little part. It does not matter if you can draw a straight line or if you ever wrote a poem before. Let your heart guide you, trust in yourself and the creative forces that move with you. The work you do will be yours from your effort dear ones. Let your whole body rise to the vibration of feeling satisfied that promotes self-love and self-care instantaneously – demonstrating this inner love outward towards all people.

You already know many of your difficulties that are on a personal level stem from a disordered and chaotic emotional way of life. There are some dear souls that have troubling psychological problems that are so acute that their inner work can be blocked. You need to make room, a clear path so that healing from the spirits can enter. There is always a root to any blockage. Take the time to go through each instance until you find where the current problem originated. Most times dear ones, you will notice it wasn’t just about what someone might have said, but also how you were feeling at the time, or how they were feeling as well. How each person relates, and how effectively they make use of the many of thousands of words available to them is crucial. All it takes is one or two words for disharmony and hurt to be created. Even if you do not resonate with every person, always treat each person as if they were a cherished friend – give respect and love dear ones. It is healing and moves you away from the pain a lot quicker.

Your spiritual path moves as quickly or as slow as you can manage it. So many newly awakened souls want to rush, but rushing will not get you anywhere quicker even if at the time it might appear to. There is so much to learn when you waken to the journey of God’s Love and His brilliant Light. There are different methods you may employ that will propel your position on your own personal path that will perpetuate the growth of your awareness in higher realms of your consciousness. Some of the paths your journey will take you on is awareness of your SELF, and what is your motivation; sometimes these paths open further when you are in the process of repairing and restoring your inner self as a natural outcome. This partially comes when you extend your conscious awareness into what was once unconscious through the practice of meditation and reaching your own inner presence. Your spiritual presence widens with the embrace of your awareness and you will be enhancing your ability to see deeper. Rejoice dear ones in the ripening of your true Self.

After focusing on one or two areas for self-improvement, you may notice yourself begin to settle and recognize yourself already improving to raise the pure level of your own inner being. Yes peace soon will follow from your efforts and you will relish in your own peaceful consciousness that resulted from your willingness to become more on your journey and then to practice this newly acquired peace through loving demonstrations that speaks of calm, compassion and of course love.

There are many methods you can become part of in order to enhance your own body awareness that plays an important role in your self-development. Yoga and Tai Chi are excellent choices that connect the route between what is functional and the purpose of your whole being. These will help to train you to be in contact with your body on a spiritual level. You will learn the importance of your posture, movement, and overall improve the functioning of your physical body which will increase the performance of your mind, heart and spirit. The more in-tune you are, the more inner power you will create.

Your physical body may only be a shell that houses your spirit, but it does deserve to be treated as well as you can. For those dear souls that do not have the finances to follow such physical practices, learning how to fully concentrate on your body and your inner body as well also brings you into alignment with your whole self. You do this through concentrated focus through your sensory perceptions of your body. It is very powerful and can easily be applied in nearly all situations that you may be part of. This pure focus begins with your heart. You focus calm, love and compassion to various parts of your body, loving them and cherishing them. Your body works hard for you dear ones. Practice loving of your body more often no matter what your shape or body mass is. Before you can love anyone else, you must learn to love yourself; before you can love yourself fully, you really are required to know just who you really truly are.

Being able to sense your inner and exterior self is a very primary but effective way for growing your spirit Self through the regular practice of meditation and manifestation. Stop seeing time as being limited. You know full well time is infinite. It is your choice to delay working on your inner self but understand when you do put off time for inner work you are passing the opportunity to add more joy into your life that would also lead into a higher increase of demonstrating your unconditional love to yourself and to all others.

Your ego dear ones will search and accept self-improvement that will benefit any self-centered nature. We suggest that you do not disregard this impulse. Use it to push ahead and strengthen your journey to your own level of being in ways that are important to you. Realize that eventually each skill and ability you develop and master can if you choose it to, can be used for a higher purpose instead of continual feeding the self-centeredness of the ego.

You are encouraged dear ones to make time for yourself, surrender and let go of all your fears and embrace God’s loving Light that will direct your journey. It is not as intimidating as many assume. When you are surrendering, you are accepting your life just as it is, and with this acceptance also allows you the freedom to make changes depending on each circumstance that may enter your life. In addition when you surrender you are also saying you accept yourself just as you are with the same notion that at any time you are given the freedom to make any changes that will always be for the greater good. Surrender dear ones is not submitting. To submit you lose power of your Self. Surrender you gain inner power, relaxation of your entire body and surrender opens doors for other positive occurrences to enter your life.

We do understand how difficult it can be to accept yourself just as you are. When you deny acceptance of yourself, you are draining precious energy that could be used towards your journey that will put you on the path that will lead you Home to the Heart of God. Sometimes self-acceptance takes some time but once you are firmly rooted you will learn that through any dark experience your journey will open opportunities to nurture your relationship with God that will help seal the unwavering lifeline that is filled with infinite love.

Your journey has many paths to embark. The process you take that brings you to your enlightenment and Oneness with your own precious heart and Oneness with God is truly derived of your own choices. Your efforts will deepen the experience of spiritual freedom dear ones that is available to each of you.

I AM Ascended Master, El Morya through Julie Miller

Camilla Kuhns: My fight for life!

This is a blog that belongs to a friend of a friend. My friend Makara recently asked me to help spread the word as he has lost so many friends and this is his way of serving through his own loss and sense of pain. Even when you think that there is nothing you can do, you can do something.

If I, Serene Celia, can donate $7 to help a sister, ANYONE can! My hope is that you will read her story and take some time this Thanksgiving to give love and support to this soul who is asking for our help.

Divine Mother guided my energy in this direction and I hope to serve in bringing some light in her direction. Many blessings my friends. I have included a link to the original blog where you can donate. Anything amount will help Camilla. ~:o) It's a time of Giving...let's practice together and look past our own circumstances as we do so ~:o)


Asking for Help.

Dear Reader,

Thank you for visiting my blog. For the last couple months I’ve been trying to raise money for treatment for anorexia by selling baked goods. I’ve recently learned just how much treatment costs, and I’ve realized it will take me years to raise enough money by selling baked goods alone. Most programs cost $1000 or more per day (If you wish you can go to her blog and see a breakdown of costs there).

I’ve struggled with these disorders for 18 years. In the last year and a half it has become the worse it’s ever been. I am 5’8”, I weight 104 pounds with my clothes, shoes, and purse. I tried a partial hospitalization program (PHP) and an intensive outpatient program. I did not gain weight. I struggled with meal compliance. I struggled TREMENDOUSLY with guilt from the cost and the burden I was putting on my family.

I no longer feel like I have a choice over my behavior. I go to the gym for 3-4 hours a day. I restrict my calories, and purge sometimes. I eat a one head of cauliflower every day with hot sauce and a tablespoon of nuts. My heart rate is 37 bpm. My doctor tells me my body is eating my heart. It’s a slow suicide.
My PHP program (Opal) said the following:

“Opal's recommendation for Camilla is to seek residential care for her eating disorder including care from a dietitian, therapist, psychiatric provider, and medical provider. . . Residential care was recommended but declined by the client (due to financial stressors).”

(See attached photo to read what Camilla's Doctor said regarding her condition).

It’s embarrassing to admit all of this, but I want to be as open as I can be. I fear recovery, but I need to get well for my family. I want to have a life. I miss having friends. I miss having time to do things other than exercise and obsess over food. My family members are making so many sacrifices to help me financially. I feel a tremendous amount of guilt. This is my attempt to help myself so the financial burden doesn’t fall on them.

I’m asking for your help. Any donation helps. I promise I will NOT squander this gift or this opportunity. And when I recover I plan to pay it forward and help another girl (or more!) on their recovery journey. So many women need help and can’t afford it.

Thank you so much for reading,

Love, Camilla

Today I Am

There has been so much talk about the 'I am' of late, whether it be on Oprah, Joel Osteen Ministries, Wayne Dyer. I wrote this blog back at the beginning of February 2012 and would like to share it with you. I appreciate all the feedback I receive on these writings and my goal is to send you each some inspirational material to make you think.

Take a moment if you don't mind to read the following blog and I would love to hear your feedback and comments.


Blessings, love and light to you always

Sheri Baldiwn, RT
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THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents. En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales. Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas. RELAJACIÓN MÚSICA, MÚSICA RELAX, MÚSICA MEDITACIÓN, MEDITATION MUSIC, FRECUENCIAS SANADORAS, MUSICA ALTERNATIVA, MUSICA SANADORA, MUSICA PARA SANAR EL ALMA, HEALING MUSIC, MUSIC FOR HEALING,healing frequency, FREQUENCY TO HEAL, MUSICA ESPIRITUAL, SPIRITUAL MUSIC, MUSICA DELFINES, DOLPHIN MUSIC, MUSICA NEW AGE, MUSICA REIKI, MUSICA YOGA, MUSICA DE BALLENAS, RELAX MUSIC FRECUENCIAS SAGRADAS SOLFEGGIO