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The Soul's Awakening from Illusion

The Soul's Awakening from Illusion

"The mind has forgotten its real abode for many ages. Having clung to maya (illusion) and its objects, it acts perversely. Unless it is fully purified, the Inner Eye will not be opened. However, elevation of the spirit shall continue on a subtle level. The path will thus be opened and cleared gradually. When the mind has been completely corrected, and the Surat [attention faculty of the soul] has acquired the strength to partake of the bliss of higher regions, Radhasoami Dayal [Radhaswami: Merciful Lord of the Soul] will graciously open the Inner Eye to some extent, and vouchsafe sufficient strength. He will augment prem (love) a great deal. This will accelerate the inner progress of the spirit. Thus the path will be easily traversed. It is only then that the Jiva [the soul or spirit] will comprehend fully the eminence of Sat Purush Radhasoami Dayal [True, Eternal, Timeless Being, Merciful Lord of the Soul, God], His Shabd, and the mode of devotional practices. He will attain freedom-from-care, and intense bliss." (Huzur Maharaj)

Collection Of Rumi Sayings (2)

(One Light, Different Windows)

The prophets are of one essence.
If against one prophet, you are against them all.

Like the Sun's Light, the message of the prophets
shines through each window of the public's perception;
reaching everyone according to a person's receptivity to Allah.

As Allah is the One Light,
so the prophets are His windows,
framing His Light in the best possible light.

Like rays descending from the Sun,
Allah's Voice is recognized by the one prophet of His Heart.

If you cannot recognize this new prophet of the religion of love
as being the same prophet of Islam,
then perhaps you have not yet seen the Sun in all of its glories.

(The Moon Is The Same Moon)

This world of ours is comparable to the pure waters of heaven
in that all of Allah's Attributes are reflected in everything that is seen.

The consciousness of justice is the star which makes up your face.
Kings are the theatrical jokers of Allah's Divine Comedy.
Sages are the mirrors of Eternal Insight.

Every generation so far has expired,
paving the way for the next upcoming ones.
The moon is the same moon, though its waters have changed.

The justice of the past is the same justice of the present.
The knowledge of the past is the same knowledge of the present.
Long and endless, generations disappear into the darkness of spring.

Allah's Attributes are changeless like the mirror of your mind.
Unaltered since the beginning of time, see yourself
as the moon of Eternally Reflective Love.

Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy

Past Lives-And how it made a difference in my life:

I have read opinions from others on matters and take most into consideration to think about: We are not here to judge one another, everyone is entitled to express their own opinion. Many don't believe the fact of previous lives are possible: Though I had had a death experience and knew life after death did exist, I was a skeptic: My gratitude goes to two lovely old woman who took me under their wing and didn't let me go until I was ready to fly on my own: They were my spiritual teachers:
In the beginning with my own spiritual search of truths, I encountered a very disturbing dream> A dream that was so vivid it got the best of me: I was on a pirate ship and watched a very attractive man sit on a wooden drum and a woman sat on his lap: I really like the shirt he was wearing which was white with puffy long sleeves, but I can't remember the ring I had admired on his finger: The passion and strong emotions was tense and as I watched them kiss...I knew this man was me. It was like watching a video of myself in a play being someone else and yet I knew it was me: Strange to explain, when I woke up to my own reality it bothered me in the way to think it meant I'd be attracted to the same sex: At that time I wasn't involved with anyone: However, the dream made me look at men more than ever!
Fortunately, I had my two wise teacher's of wisdom who advised me to have a past life regression: I was a pirate who so loved the sea and my ship and traveled many places: Something bad caused my death and according to principle of death and life, we are not allowed to know unpleasant details: I'd rather not know but have an idea of my fears from this life time. Through out my life I've had fear of deep water, ships and sharks: A six day cruise overcome the fear and was amazed with my feeling of love for the ship and sea: It came through his thought to me which is within:
From the beginning my first life I was a warrior, from then on I had discovered much information about myself that in return educated me of who I am and why I am here: Much is very personal and I only hope to choose my words wisely toward a better understanding that yes, life does exist after death: Yes, because of my findings about my past lives, I better understand why things were as it was. It be like a beautiful chalice given me by God. In this life time I raised my whole being a vessel emptied of self, my awareness became clear that God had given me life for a purpose: But I took this and previous lives and personalize them, more so this one, though I believed and fought for God through all my lives, I measured my chalice with doubt, fear, greed, sin, sickness and disaster: Also, I filled my cup with troubled water of bitterness, hatred, jealousy, condemnation, and destruction, until it had become tribulation. Separated and alone each life I sought to get and the more I got, the more troubled was my soul. I held everything available with force and with the strength of my hands, burdens upon myself and others I created by my will. Nevertheless, 20 years ago I was ready to turn the tides of my own resistance to withstand my onwardness, I turned to God with my emptiness and gave him all that I am and later ask for forgiveness In this life and for all wrong I was aware of from my past lives: My asking for forgiveness freed me from the shadows of my past.
Our past lives play a great roll in our present life. Certain attractions come through to us from a past life. I like pirates and attracted to ships: One of my passions is to sew, I was a seamstress in a life before. I've been the strong one in all relationships and very protective with everyone around me: I was a warrior and protector in a past live. There is so much involved to be aware of and its up to the individual which way to go about it: I stared with a regression and developed from there on which took years to understand. We will never know everything there is to know, but with an open mind and heart its there for us to learn: We may not have access to all our memories, but what remains within us, is treasure-able:
Consciously, we are not aware of soul thought and until I was able to clear my mind of rubbish, I wasn't. Our past life events lie in the super-subconscious the highest of all: However, every now and then something will nudge or tell us something at the best for our own welfare that's usually ignored which comes from the soul: Most call it into wishing. Well my friends if you have any questions about my blog don't hesitate to ask me. I'll answer best I can. Thank you Warm Regards Arlene Boday

Overcome The Obstacles

During these time of global uncertainty, there is an unfortunate mass consciousness that is infiltrating our daily lives. Lack and doubt are being seeded into our minds on an almost constant basis. Be it through media or well meaning associates, we are being bombarded. It is natural to feel that way but if we want to exit this short time in history sane, we would do well to quickly remember our faith.

I have found myself thrust into the Cliff Notes version of Transformation. All of the decreeing and tubes of light in the world have not been able to shield me from the energetic wrath of Mother Earth. Back pain, head pain, extreme exhaustion and the general desire to eat my young (I have 2 teens and and 8 year old, ugh), are but a few of the symptoms that I find myself trying to find solace from. We have all chosen this extraordinary time to be here on the planet so, buckle up buttercup, this promises to be one hell of a ride. We have to stay the course, your transformation may not look like mine or even like yours (or what you thought it would), but it is important that you stay in allowance as much as possible. When you find yourself slipping into judgment or doubt ask yourself, ‘what is right about this situation that I’m not getting?’.

Sometime our need to control and see things play out the way we decided they should, can derail the Universes plan to bring us through the fire quickly. Take a moment to look around at YOUR world, not the stock reports, not the political ads or even your own extended family. We you focus on the truth of YOUR personal experience you may notice that with some slight maneuvering things aren’t nearly as bad as others have convinced you.

The loss of that job that didn’t really honor you in the first place, may be the Universes way of telling you that it’s time to step into your potency, bring your gifts to the world and make money for yourself. Tap into your inner knowing and allow you to have the true abundance that is your birthright.

We have to let go of any ‘bag-lady’ fears about the future. Stay in the vortex, keep your thoughts positive and your intentions clear. Don’ t focus or dwell on lack but, visualize wealth and abundance in all areas of you life.

I am here to assist you as we try to figure out ‘What do I do now’?! Contact Me at thegracefulgoddess@gmail.com or visit me at https://www.facebook.com/TheGracefulGoddess

Collection Of Rumi Sayings (1)

(The Wine And The Cup)

This wine which is without limit is the grace of Allah.
The cup of your mind is what stops this wine
from reaching the divinely dark rims of your soul.

Just as moonlight makes the entire horizon
filter through your window,
this cup which I give to you is designed to hold
the loving wine of Eternity.

(Our Soul Was Like The Universe)

Before Allah existed as the Gardener of His Vineyard,
our soul, while intoxicated by His Eternal Wine,
shouted with joy "I Am Supreme."

Before the soul of the universe set forth His Grand Architectural Plan,
our soul was addicted to the wine shop of the realities beyond knowing.

Before the universe was forgotten in Allah's Light,
our soul was the universe, resplendent like the cup of Allah's Sun.

(Return at last)

How long will you forget to keep moving forward?
Stray away from disbelief and become the religion of love.
When in grief, move forward into the gentleness of a dove.
Return at last to the primordial origin of every known origin.

Though you may wander with the belief that you are the earth's child,
you are the Son of the Supreme Pearl.
As a Guardian of Allah's Light,
free yourself from your "I"
and you will soar outside of its thousand prisons.

Though you are a scribe for Allah,
you still want to satisfy yourself with the meager scraps of the "I".
Within your heart you will find your hidden treasure.
By being open to being open,
your inner eyes will permit you to see My Love.

Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy

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Exciting news!!!

Exciting News!! Got some good news today: First I was named the artist of the month for the site Denver Artist.com all of Nov, then I have been asked to showcase my work all of Nov for the Lapis Art gallery on Tennyson, opening reception
tomarrow, Friday, 6-10pm in Denver. Yahoo!!
Nov 2012: Denver Artist of the month. ;http://www.denverartists.com/Main.asp and I will be showing my work all month at Lapis Art Gallery : (Opening reception, Nov. 2nd 6pm-10pm http://www.lapisarts.com/gallery.htm
Dec. 2012: Double Dutch Hair Studio all month my art will be showcased : Opening reception Friday, Dec. 7th 6pm-9pm

It's 5280 week and I have some new works from my bigger art pieces, made smaller more affordable. The prices will start at $52.80. they are reworked and smaller from my larger pieces, so if you liked my original pieces there will be mini me
versions. Smile If you are in Denver, stop by the Lapis Art Gallery, tomarrow evening. Nov. 2nd for the opening reception from 6-10pm . Some of the local news stations will be there as well. Smile http://www.lapisarts.com/gallery.htm

It will be a crazy month!!

Michael Schuessler

What I've Learned about Past Lives

I was raised in a Christian family and the idea of past lives was never mentioned during my childhood. The first time I remember hearing about past lives is when I was in college. I never remembered meeting my current husband, but the first time I saw him, I ran to him and hugged him. My roommate said that we must have known each other in a past life. That wasn't the first time I had experienced an instant connection. My high-school boyfriend and I met at an audition and had an instant infatuation. So the ideas of past lives was fascinating and starting to creep into my life.

When my husband and I went to Greece several years ago, our tour guide, Mary, said that the Greek believe that there is no need to save money or diet, because they'll do it in the next life time. I remember laughing at this idea, but it also exacerbated my fascination with past lives. When we got home, I started doing research and exploring my own belief system of reincarnation.

When I began performing readings for others, I kept pulling 'past life relationship' or 'past life issue' cards. I went within myself and asked what I could do to help these people. I was told that I was capable and meant to help people connect with their past lives.

Through the last few years of performing past life readings, I have come to learn a lot about past lives through my guides.

I have learned that before we incarnate as humans, our souls gather with our family and friends, as well as our angels and guides. At that time, we decide what karmic issues should be addressed in our next lifetime and choose who will be the featured 'players' in our lives. We ask our loved ones to teach us lessons, to hurt us, to guide us. We never choose more karma than we can handle. Believe me, there have been times in my life, especially because I am a mature soul 6 (karmic year), where I thought it was too much. But it never was and it never will be.

Once I am connected to someone's energy, I am shown a past life vision. It is like a movie or movie scenes flashing in my head. Once that is over, it is almost as if a book is placed in front of me and I am given a 'key' to understanding that past life. In my experience, I have come across three ways that people can incarnate based off karma from a past life. They can either choose to come back with the same characteristics, the opposite characteristics, or with none at all.

Same Characteristics
Why would someone choose to come back the exact same way? Well, there are many reasons. The first reason is a comfort thing. Look at your life. How many times have you done things the same way even if it doesn't work? My point. For some people, coming back into the same situation or with the same characteristics gives you an opportunity to face the same problems in a different way. People also choose to come back into the same situation because they didn't learn or gather all the information they needed for personal development in past situations. If someone needs to learn that they need to stop looking to others for satisfaction, they need to be put in that same situation to learn and grow.

Example: If in a past life, your parents died, you may choose to incarnate with parents who are not around emotionally or physically or who will die at a young age.

Example: If you were a Native American shaman in a past life, you may come back as a doctor or healer in this lifetime.

Different and Opposite Characteristics
Many people, in fact, the majority of my clients, choose to incarnate in opposite ways than their last lives. A fun loving soul who died in the middle of a risky adventure will choose to come back as a non-risk taker because their soul is scared of repeating the same event or result. I was told by my guides that people usually incarnate in opposite ways after they tried the same way more than a few times before. This is kind of a 'last-ditch' effort to change their past life karma in a drastic way.

Example: If you were a doctor in a past life, you may find blood horrifying in this life and be shut off to helping others.
Example: If you were a prostitute in a past life, you may come back as a life-long virgin and with pelvic issues or diseases.

Neutral/ No Characteristics
There are a few reasons a past life will not match up with your current life time. The first reason is that you've already paid off that karma and there is no reason to repeat the same patterns or situations. The other reason is that you may not have chosen that particular lesson to pay off in your current incarnation, as you are focusing on other areas.

One of my favorite parts of performing past life readings, other than providing healing steps to the client, is hearing back from the client about what came back similarly and what came back in an opposite way. I continue to learn and grow each reading because their feedback provides me with insight about how past lives can change and alter a person in beautiful, life changing ways.

I am incredibly thankful for this gift Spirit has blessed me with and I look forward to continuing to learn and grow throughout my intuitive career.

(c) Ashley Snow from AEMT Intuitive Healing

Your Daily Reading: “Living Wide Awake™” Now Begins the Time of Fresh Vistas 11-2-12

There’s good business to be had, and money changing hands, including investments.
New ideas and changing approaches to plans and current affairs contribute greatly to progress now, and for the future.
Typically today represents wrapping up financial projects, or completions of financial plans; however, additional info: now begins the time of fresh vistas and a quest for significant business.
Opposing Energies: restrictions, resistance, indecision, over-protective
Good News for Relationships™:
Let go of the shields a bit, and open up to your partner.
The truth has the most value, no matter what.
You’re seeking a stable home for your heart, so being up-front is your best bet.
Wide Awake Words™ for today: open heart, creativity, tenacity
While the family picture appears stable, there are changes in process from rearranging furniture to remodels and taking in visitors/boarders.
There may be an unexpected move coming in business or personal.
Also, something you’ve kept on the back burner as part of your business plans for the future is no longer an option. It may have been ideal, and not realistically connecting to your plans.
“Uniting Spiritual Growth with Conscious Living”™
© 2012 The Sage Lady All Rights Reserved.

Money: How It's Used to Enslave Us and What We Can Do About It Now!

The subject of money generates considerable anxiety for most people, especially in those who feel they do not have enough or can't seem to keep it once they have it. Yes, I'm describing virtually all Americans. Money often acts like a slippery eel that constantly slips from the hands and squirms away just when it's needed most, which has created a love-hate relationship to take root. Everybody wants more of it, needs more of it, while often believing that money is the root of all evil and those who have it in abundance are corrupt, i.e. the ninety-nine percenters versus the one percent. I think psychologists would call this schizophrenic thinking and I believe the entire global financial system is currently suffering in this state too.

It's a long way down from here!

Is it any coincidence that in 2012, The United States is staring into the abyss of the greatest debt in the history of the human race? Think about that for a moment. You can take the accumulated debts of every single person, community, tribe, state, country and civilization from the beginning of recorded time up to say the year 2000, add up their collective debts and it still wouldn't even be a blip on the debt meter of the good 'ol U-S of A all by its lonesome.

Officially, Obama & company would like us to believe it's an oh so manageable $16 trillion and growing, but they conveniently left out unfunded social welfare liabilities like Social Security, welfare, Medicare, secret bank bailouts and now his mandatory healthcare reform. These and a many more I won't bore you with, puts the actual deficit a bit north of $100 trillion. How did we accomplish this incredulous feat, you ask? Well, sit down and take a deep breath because the answers may shock and anger you just a bit. Yet, truth and real knowledge could care less what anyone thinks of it, it stands on its own, doesn't debate itself, get emotional or seek approval - it just IS. If we are able to act upon truth in a way that is beneficial to our well-being, the following information can unleash us from the shackles of financial slavery and debt forever.

First, a disclaimer: I am not an economic analyst-Wall Street broker-banker-advisor-planner-manager, nor do I hold degrees or certifications in any of the above. No, I am simply a humble...err, sort of, student of money mechanics and what it really is and what it has become. That said, it is imperative to define what these noble groups really are and what they really do.

Take your economic data and shove it!

Economists who give monetary forecasts to the media on behalf of the government, typically have many prestigious-looking plaques on the walls of their offices from one or many prestigious-looking universities to remind everyone, including themselves, that they are true monetary geniuses not to be questioned, even when their guidance and predictions later prove to be calamitously wrong. This occurs around 96.73 percent of the time, but doesn't really matter because government monetary policies have become so confusing and convoluted on purpose so that even the brightest of citizens can't tell anyway. Ever wonder how they come up with the data they trot out to be disseminated by the media regarding GDP, consumer confidence, unemployment, national debt, etc.? For the most part, they make it up out of thin air in a way that benefits their corporate, banking, congressional and White House partners in crime, but never the citizenry.

Bernanke's solution to out of control debt?
Flood the world with even more of it!

So it's no wonder why economic data looks so horrible one quarter, then suddenly improves miraculously the next even as the nation spirals into further debt, foreclosures escalate and unemployment continues to rocket upwards. It's all politics and you're not invited to the party. You are however ordered to pay for it all. Welcome to corporatism in America, but that's a story for another time - probably soon.

Now, the economist's brethren who make up the Wall Street institutional crowd pretend to advise the street (code word for retail client suckers or marks) to make investment decisions based on the inane guidance spouted by the economic advisors and whatever toxic assets (which is just about everything they offer) their firm wants to dump onto them. Their singular goal is to strip as much money from their hapless retail clients over time as is possible, before their countless investment ponzi schemes break down. In this rigged merry-go-round, the last one scrambling for a chair to sit in is always the hard-working public investors who are told that investing their hard-earned money in this way will ensure a safe retirement many decades later. Of course, we now know this is the most ridiculous lie. These divestment institutions are nothing more than giant parasitic octopuses that drain the life out of every community they purport to serve (on a silver platter that is). What keeps the masses of public investors fooled for many decades are certain specific mantras they are mind-blasted with such as:

"Do as we say, not as we do."

1. Don't think short-term - invest for the long haul, meaning "just because our recommendations have lost you a ton of money recently, we guarantee in twenty years they will come back...or not. Either way, retirement is a long way off. A few mistakes won't hurt you. Time and more money invested with us erases all financial wounds. Trust us, it's the American way!" Sounds suspiciously like something a crack addict would say.

2. "Don't sell when you have a profit because you will have to pay capital gains taxes and no one wants to give money to the vile IRS. Stay all in, but when the investment collapses, you can take a capital loss and write it off against your living wages on your tax return. What a great deal, ay?" This is akin to being told it's best to stay at the Las Vegas craps table until you run out of chips.

Sad but true

The above and much more that I won't get into here serves to keep the financially illiterate public continually entrusting much of their hard-earned money to the banks and Wall Street shysters to play with until they are flat broke. So the real question is how did we get here and what exactly is money anyhow? Even more importantly, why is it even necessary to ask this question in the first place? Surely something as vital to everyone's life and survival would be understood clearly by all. Yet, the subject of money and it's history is not taught at any level of education, including the universities of supposedly higher learning. Why might that be? The simple answer is that the few who control the money are able to easily control the many when vital knowledge is kept from them. This creates a system of wage and debt slavery that is incredibly difficult to overcome.

"It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." - Henry Ford

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws." - Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

I think the best definition of money that is easily understood comes from The Bible where God decreed "gold and silver shall be thy money," or something to that effect. And that's it! God had no need for Fed Presidents, economic experts or investment bankers to relay that info to the masses. It was clear and easily understood, which is how God works.

The Federal Reserve ponzi scheme

Throughout the ages, whenever this simple rule was heeded, things worked out pretty well. You certainly didn't need a bank, stock broker or financial planner offering to handle the complexities of storing your gold or silver coin money anywhere or diversifying into exotic investment schemes that did little than generate huge fees and commissions for the charlatans offering such things. Since the value of gold or silver was fairly constant over the centuries, there was no inflation. It retained a fixed value that everyone the world over could rely on. Additionally, since the metals had to be mined and were scarce to limited in supply, you couldn't crank up a printing press to magically create more money to pay for things you couldn't afford.

Alas, the ruling elites being of enormous egos and craftiness, began to dislike this form of monetary responsibility so they sat around with ancient voodoo economists to devise ways around this problem. After all, there were neighboring nations to be sacked, great armies to be amassed, castles and great empires to be built and always on the backs of its citizenry.

Before there were printing presses to magically create
more money, the Romans simply clipped their coins

The first stab at monetary debasement was for governments to quite literally clip gold and silver from each coin, making them smaller and smaller and mixing them with cheap alloy metals so there would be more money in circulation without the need for something as annoying as an actual rise in a nation's productivity. For a while, they are able to convince the peasants that the smaller coins are worth the exact same amount as the previously pure gold and silver coins. In fact, this debasement was also sold to the people as being a great convenience for them. Who wanted to carry around all those heavy gold and silver coins anyhow? Leave it to the rulers to save the backs of its people by lightening the load for them whether they wanted it or not.

At first, this actually seems to stimulate the economy. There is more money available so the people can afford to buy a few more acres of land, build a bigger home, a bunch of horses, plows or whatever captured their fancy. Everything is good for a time and because of that no one questions where this new money came from. Who wants to be a wet blanket when times are this good and only going to get better? Well, that's what the economists told them anyhow.

No one is spared

At this point of irrational exuberance is the very moment the cracks that were present all along, yet ignored, begin to crack even wider. Because there are now much more of these coins flooded into circulation, prices for goods and services begin to rise and inflation rears its ugly head. Suddenly, it takes more and more coins to buy the same things one could buy a few months or years prior. Wages don't keep pace with inflation so the people are forced to stop spending as land, homes and horses are foreclosed and taken away from them and the economy grinds to a halt.

The government responds again by making paper money the new currency because it now requires a wheelbarrow full of coins to buy a few loaves of bread. When this also doesn't work, the rulers kick the fallen people down even further with higher and higher taxes to continue to feed the failing system that is collapsing under the weight of all this monetary voodoo that was nothing more than a cheap magic trick from the start.

At the height of Zimbabwe's recent hyperinflationary
collapse, it cost $100 billion to buy three eggs. Think
that can't possibly happen here? Think again. The Fed
has an unlimited QE printing press - Zimbabwe didn't!

This predictably also fails and the economic experts advise the leaders to go to war with nations that have vast stores of valuable resources that can be stolen through invasion (presently Iran, Iraq and the Middle East). Of course, this causes much more debt to be created and finally the empire completely falls into hyperinflation as befell the Roman Empire and now just about every nation throughout the globe and especially the current United States empire.

The above has been repeated over and over throughout history, yet for some reason the lessons never quite sink in for subsequent civilizations, who go ahead and gleefully make the exact same mistakes ad nauseum. Yet, we now stand at the precipice of the most horrific monetary collapse the world has ever seen. Despite the cracks being huge chasms, wider than the grandest of canyons, the economic leaders of the world pretend it is all so manageable so long as they are allowed to continue to print more worthless paper debt notes into existence. Oh yeah, and continue to tax the hell out of the people at the same time.

Debt slavery

Little do Americans know that the current "beginning of the end" occurred at a very private meeting between a few elite bankers and politicians at Jekyll Island, Georgia in 1910. It is at this meeting that they colluded to create The Federal Reserve Act, which established a private banking cartel called the Federal Reserve that would forever control and manipulate money solely for the benefit of its elite members to the detriment of the people of the United States and later, the rest of the world.

Their primary goal was to eliminate gold and silver as a basis for money and to create a paper dollar money system backed by absolutely nothing but "the full faith and credit of the Federal Reserve" illusion. The Fed went live in 1913 and since then, the dollar has lost around 99% of its value through inflation of the currency. In practical terms, it cost roughly a penny for a cup of coffee in 1913, but now costs on average four bucks. Get it? Instead of having to shell out four hundred pennies, the Fed made it so you don't have to cart around a heavy box of coins just to get a cup a joe. You can just use their convenient paper dollars instead. Nevermind that the cost of that little cup of coffee went up forty thousand percent!

The most entertaining cartoon on the establishment of the Federal Reserve and why it was created. A must watch!

"We have, in this country, one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board. This evil institution has impoverished the people of the United States and has practically bankrupted our government. It has done this through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it." - Congressman Louis T. McFadden in 1932 (Rep. Pa)

"Show me the...uh, nevermind."

Up until 1971, the U.S. dollar was supposed to be backed by gold stored in Fort Knox. In other words, the Federal Reserve was only able to have the Treasury print an equal amount of dollars as the value of gold stored in the Fort Knox vaults. Unfortunately, World War II, the Korean and Vietnam wars caused the U.S. to borrow much more money than it actually had in its vaults so when the loans came due, the lot of Fort Knox gold was shipped out to the banking lenders who financed these terrible wars above and beyond what the taxpayers put up in tax collateral. This effectively drove the U.S. into bankruptcy as the fort was wiped clean. No more gold, but to this day the Fed will not admit that Fort Knox is basically empty, nor will it allow an audit of it's supposed gold reserves it claims are still in the vaults.

In response to this bankruptcy, President Nixon ordered the gold window closed in 1971. What this meant was the U.S. dollar was no longer going to be backed by gold since there was no longer any gold stores left for it to be backed by anyhow. Because the U.S dollar had the distinction of being the world's reserve currency and still is to this day, other nations went along with this ruse. Whether they knew this was going to lead to a global monetary meltdown is anybody's guess, but here we are nevertheless.

"Neither paper currency nor deposits have value as commodities, intrinsically, a 'dollar' bill is just a piece of paper. Deposits are merely book entries." - Modern Money Mechanics Workbook, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 1975

This will soon be the dollar's
only useful purpose

After 1971, inflation ran wild. The Fed was now free to print as much paper money as it saw fit, unshackled from the monetary restraint of it being backed by gold. From 1933 to 1971, God's money remained fixed at $35 per ounce. Since the dollar became purely fiat (backed by nothing but faith), the price of gold has climbed to over $1750 per ounce and continues to rise. That's a 5,000% percent increase over the U.S. dollar during the past 41 years and the government does not want us to know the currency is being destroyed. Wall Street propaganda campaigns led by its brightest economic experts are trotted out on CNBC and CNN to ridicule anyone who invests in the yellow metal. They urge the people and the rest of the world for that matter to ignore history and gold's essential place in it, while telling them to stay fully invested in the collapsing illusory ponzi paper schemes of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, 401k, IRA, annuities, etc.

Unfortunately, most Americans seem to be listening to this horrible lie. You see signs everywhere that shout "cash for gold" as the masses happily trade their valuable gold jewelry and coins passed down from earlier generations for piles of worthless paper dollars to spend unconsciously for things they probably don't need.

"Turn your gold into trash." Don't fall for this!

Now is the time to become a critical and contrarian thinker with your money. Whatever the masses are being led to do by the Wall Street monetary thugs, do the exact opposite and you will be rewarded quite handsomely very shortly. Yes, this means a complete evolution of your thinking needs to occur now. Paper dollar debt notes are not money and never have been. In fact, somewhere in The Bible it is written that paper was the money of the banking devils to enslave the people with. Hard to argue with that assessment.

Real money

Begin to divest yourself of the slave paper debt notes known as the U.S. dollar and trade them in for real money, gold and especially silver coins. Keep only enough money in banks to pay monthly bills with and no more than that as they are tremendous liabilities on the verge of collapse. But don't feel bad for the banks - they continue to receive $40 billion a month in taxpayer welfare subsidies to keep them afloat. They are well cared for by YOU!, but there is no one looking to bail you out when the money you have banked with them evaporates into thin air.

History has shown that all civilizations collapse a little while after fiat paper and now unlimited credit become the defacto currency and this time is no different. We are about to witness the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind and this wealth is going to go to the very few who understand history and prepare for it in kind. Even now, you see foreign countries and world central banks covertly dumping the U.S. dollar as fast as they can and filling their coffers with gold and silver in preparation of imminently returning to a gold-backed global monetary system. They know that the U.S. dollar's day of being the world's reserve currency is coming to an end very shortly because the United States is bankrupt. Once again, history repeats.

Hugo Chavez survived a CIA-led coup attempt in 2002,
to the dismay of the Fed and its oil cartel partners

In response to this troubling situation, the Federal Reserve-run United States government issued a feeble warning to the rest of the world by very publicly murdering Libyan leader Muammar Kaddafi for having the audacity to protect his people and the Africas from the tyranny of the U.S. petro-dollar by rejecting it in favor of a gold-backed dinar. And they continue to have their sights set on taking down Hugo Chavez in Venezuela for doing the same. What do both of these countries also have in common? Why, they are resource-rich in oil and essential industrial metals like oh, gold and silver! Will the real terrorists please stand up?

God's money will save you!

On our shores, more than a few states have begun the process of accepting gold and silver as currency once again, much to the dismay of the Federal Reserve government who views that as an act of treason. In any event, the one certainty is that the dollar will not be around much longer. So the real question is are you going to be among the masses left holding the hot potato dollar when it implodes for good? Or will you learn from the lessons of the past and honor God's simple, yet powerful advice?

Remember, money is an energy, much like pure hydrogen we breathe in, that flows freely to us when our spirit-mind-body system is in alignment with the universe. That means eating foods that keep us pure, thoughts that keep us conscious and choosing to be around those people that help us stay that way. Choose wisely and consciously all decisions you make for that is the path to true happiness and prosperity. This is my wish for you all as we head into 2013. It's going to be an amazing ride for those with eyes to see clearly. May it be YOU!

A great documentary about the necessity of owning precious metals during the coming U.S. dollar hyper-inflationary collapse.

"Understand one thing and one thing only - the world is YOUR responsibility and you can make the changes you want to see and live in it now."

Self-love is not selfishness:

"You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection," said Buddha. Our self-centered lives may suggest we love ourselves rather well. Yet, despite pampering ourselves with the best of what life has to offer, we still suffer from sadness, despair, anger, loneliness, incompleteness, rejection, helplessness and bitterness. The attention we lavish upon ourselves disproves that we don't love ourselves enough. However, our in-satiate longing for harmony and happiness means that we don't love ourselves the right way.

Given our ethical conditioning, many balk at the overt thought of self-love, even though it is nearly impossible for it not to exist. This is because we confuse self-love with selfish disregard for others. The benign state of self-love is unconditional self-acceptance— which does not in any way preclude love for others—and is therefore not the same as its malignant form, narcissism. Loving oneself is the prerequisite for loving others and for others to love us. We are made by our reactions -- to people and situations -- extensions of our own feelings and thoughts.

Our inability to like, love, respect and trust ourselves therefore comes back to us as feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness. Strangely, most of us lie at the extremes: we either gloat or groan excessively, forever boastful or regretful for who we are. It is therefore naive to equate our self-contentedness with true self-reverence. Self-reverence is not just about being in constant communion with ourselves and our higher state, but also about gaining enhanced clarity regarding the people around us.

However, much of our sense of self gets shaped by how we want others to see it and so we constantly compare ourselves with them. The focus isn't so much on honing and harnessing our originality as it is on being one-up on the rest. We keep getting caught in the very molds and stereotypes we help perpetuate as a society. In Shakespeare's words, "God has given you one face, and you make yourself another. " True self-love doesn't incubate in the perceptions of others. Since that is where we seek our identity, no measure of accomplishment or possession is ever enough for us to feel good about ourselves.

Our over-dependence on external adulation and reassurances leaves us feeling anxious, skeptical and powerless, corroding self-value and pushing us so hard to stay ahead that the pressures and compulsions of performance eclipse the joy of being. Even in public life, our role models happen to be people whose sense of self-importance is driven more by their misled egos than affectionate views of their real selves. Ego is what separates us from the rest of the universe. . Our ego invariably finds an expression in pride and haughtiness and is often what makes us our worst enemies.

It must therefore not be given a free rein to block out our soul and world-view. Instead, it should be acknowledged and befriended to allow us to extricate ourselves from its subservience and transform its energy into a reinvigorating force of existence that helps us connect with our aspired self and see the other facet of spirit. Whatever the medium—overcoming the control-freak in us, taking on our fears and insecurities, or dealing positively with what annoys us—this can keep us from squandering our energies on brooding over insignificant things that makes us continually looking for someone to blame.

As You Think of Your Heart ..

The way you approach your heart is the way you approach your life.

The way you feel about your heart is the way you feel about your life.

The way you think about your heart is the way you think about your life (conscious or unconscious).

The way you sit with your heart is the way you sit with your life.

The way you relate to yourself is the way you relate to others.

My best advice..

Think of your heart as your oldest and best friend who's been with you your entire life.

Just placing your inner glance upon your heart center (in the middle of your chest) and breathing from that place (in and out) is enough to begin.

Try it. Feel your heart. Listen for the heartbeat or simply find your pulse. This is your heart speaking. It's the best bio-feedback system in the body.

Your heart will connect you to a vast inner world from which all things exist.

Enjoy the exploration and contact me if you have any burning question.

Till later...

Be careful what you wish for

I had been expressing a desire to be closer to God/inner being. In answer to my prayers, I lost something dear to me.
Now I know, this is an answer to my prayer....but part of me is upset and pissed off that it had to happen this way.
We can grow in love and joy, I KNOW this. Why does the Universe keep insisting on doing it through pain?

2012: Are We Ready?

The full blog can be viewed at: http://lostinthebambooforest.blogspot.com/

As we shoot quickly towards the concluding chapters of 2012, now seems like the perfect moment to see where we've come from and where we may be headed. Is there going to be some kind of cataclysmic event or series of events that bring an end to life on Earth as we know it? Or is this simply the end of a long 5,126 year cycle that ends on December 21, 2012? Tough call, but either way, we can take comfort, or discomfort, in the knowing that we have less than two months left to put that question finally to rest.

It seems every decade or so we are told to be on the lookout for the next end of days scenario, the last big one being January 1, 2000. If you recall, billions were spent worldwide in a desperate effort to get computer systems Y2K compliant and as the clock ticked nearer to midnight on December 31, 1999, we all held our collective breaths as...nothing happened. Whew, disaster averted due to our government's quick thinking and ingenuity! Or, was this just a way to financially exploit the mania over an outdated computer algorithm we were told wouldn't be able to transition to a year starting with a two? A whole lotta folks got paid on that one and I bet a whole lot more have been financially exploiting the current one.

The media inducing panic - once again!

So, what are we to do and who are we to believe? I mean, on the one hand it would really suck if we found out at the last minute that this really was the mother of all end of days and we didn't prepare like those prepper folks who stocked up on food, water, batteries, guns and ammo, etc. -- or the religious folks who prepped by repenting their sins or whatever it is they do to prepare for the latest, greatest rapture event. Then again, how would one prepare for something like this anyhow? It's not like we have precedent or history to guide us. Or do we? I bet you've noticed a lot of questions in the first three paragraphs and not a single answer yet. If you're getting frustrated or bored, I completely understand...well, frustrated, yes, but bored, that might make me feel bad on some level. Ah, I'll get over it It's the potential end of days we're talking about here!

As I write this, the new super-storm Sandy is fast approaching the entire East Coast and is being called the worst storm in over a hundred years. In less than a day, most gas stations are out of gas, store shelves have been wiped clean and millions are now evacuating for higher ground. The threat is so big apparently that Wall Street was closed for trading on Monday until further notice and both Presidential candidates have stopped campaigning. Could this be the start of the banking holiday I mentioned in my last article? Remember we discussed that, in the guise of any national emergency, the President can and will call to shut down the banking system to prevent us from getting to our money at the very time we need it most. Think about that for a moment, this storm has halted global trading on the New York Stock Exchange and may cancel the Presidential elections. That's powerful indeed! Might it be that Wall Street trading was shuttered because it was about to finally collapse on it's own? And is our attention being diverted away from the elections to distract us from seeing that neither emperor candidate has any clothes?

Atlantic City looking very post-apocalyptic

CNN: Sandy could bring 'catastrophe,' affect 60 million tinyurl.com/9govrr7

Alternative news: Hurricane Sandy and HAARP tinyurl.com/9f2bymh

Daily News: Hurricane Sandy forces Obama, Romney to cancel campaign events days before the elections tinyurl.com/9ct8u7e

Just in time for Halloween!

Not so coincidentally, the media is calling this a Frankenstorm. As we all know, Mary Shelley's monster was created by Dr. Frankenstein and not by the grace of natural means. So are we not so subtly being told that this storm is not of nature's creation, but of the good doctor Franken-HAARP instead? At the same time, a tsunami warning was issued along the entire U.S. west coast after a 7.7 earthquake struck the west coast of Canada on Saturday. What are the probabilities of a once in a lifetime pair of devastating storms potentially striking both coasts of the U.S. at the same time? At any other time, I'd say quite low, but this is 2012 afterall and it seems anything goes from here!

Okay, now for my two or three pennies-worth. My swami gut-sense tells me that the next two months will give us the opportunity to examine who we really are, what we are about and why we are here. I say opportunity because we don't have to do it, it's a choice we are free to make. No right or wrong, but a choice nonetheless. If you look around, I believe you'll find that many of us have already begun doing that, this year especially, as if there's been this growing shift in cognitive and higher frequency perception. On the most basic level, many people are purging things from their lives, seeking to let go of the past, emptying out closets and clearing space for something new to come into their lives. Is this you too?

Keep your feet planted firmly on the ground

Look outside and we see escalating natural disasters (see above), growing unemployment, high stress, poor health, currency collapses, starvation, drought, looming wars, and oppressive crackdowns on citizens' rights by way of new laws that would have been considered unthinkable in the U.S. prior to 2000. All of these and more have brought tremendous pressure and stress our way and if you have been feeling overwhelmed by the sheer heaviness of it all, you are not alone.

You see, cleaning out the old to make way for the new is not a comfortable process and can actually be a very painful and disruptive one. That old energy that has stuck around for so long does not want to go quietly into the night so we can make a seamless transition into the new calendar cycle. No, the old will fight to it's last gasping breath to stay and keep the status quo intact if it can.

This is what we have been - but no longer!

This is the reason why these negatively-charged energies appear to be hitting us so hard all at once. Understand, these things didn't just materialize overnight. They have been there all along, slowly creeping along under our radars, while we were distracted by the inanities of sports, politics, religion and TV, which served to drain our precious life energies a tiny bit at a time so we wouldn't notice the incremental damage being done to us.

Now though, is the time and opportunity to see things for what they truly are if we are willing to see how we have been willing participants in the creation and sustenance of that energetic paradigm all along. You see, the very few cannot control the very many unless the very many willingly decide that being lorded over by the very few is a more convenient way to live.

All of humanity is being presented with the question: "will you continue along this path of destruction, or will you choose to awaken from the fog of oppressive, fitful sleep and rise into full conscious awareness?"

Call me an optimist, but I believe the latter has already been chosen. What evidence do I have to point me to this conclusion? Well, I'm glad you asked. You see, many of the tried and true methods used to pull the wool over our eyes are not working as effectively anymore. There are many reasons for this and I'll highlight a few I think are among the primary factors assisting us.

Disconnect the mind control box!

1. The internet - the flow of information is no longer controlled by a few corporations. While there are still the propaganda networks of ABC, NBC, CBS and their cable cohorts BBC, FOX, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC et al, the internet allows us to ignore the above completely and find alternative sources for information we choose to interact with. This is also the very reason why the government is seeking ways to shut down our access to information that counters the government-sponsored network news in the guise of terrorism protection. More and more Americans are cancelling their cable subscriptions and turning off their TV's altogether in disgust and turning to the internet now. Censorship is dying, truth is reemerging.

Just say "NO!" to bad medicine

2. Nutrition - we are slowly beginning to realize the link between what we put into our bodies and it's affects on our well-being. Many municipalities have begun to reject poisoning of the water systems through fluoridation which cripples brain function. More people are realizing that GMO and chemical-laden foods are hazardous, while also rejecting pharmaceutical drugs being pushed onto them by their doctors and turning to alternative means of wellness.

The dollar has lost 99.5% since the FED took over!

3. Money - the world is waking up to the fact that the US dollar has enslaved it with debt and is now actively rejecting trade with it in favor of gold-backed currencies. The transition out of the US dollar will be the most devastating on those who stubbornly hold onto it and choose to go down with the proverbial sinking ship. As discussed in my previous blog, God's money, gold and silver, has begun to assert its rightful place as honest money for humanity once again.

Coming into alignment

4. Inner guidance - through the above and due to the growing popularity of practices such as yoga, tai chi, meditation, chi gong, etc., more people are realizing that the truth of their being does not reside outside of themselves and are discovering it within themselves. With child sex abuse and other corruption scandals continually coming to light among the political-religious elites, is it any wonder many are fleeing that oppressive paradigm in droves now?

There are tremendous amounts of distraction and fear being pumped at us in constant waves. However, imagine starting a detox to rid the body of cancer that has taken hold in your system. In order for cancer to thrive, let alone survive, it needs to be fed acid foods that are poisonous to the system, GMO's, chemically-laden junk foods, fluoride, soft drinks, vaccines, radiation, pharma drugs, etc. This is the status quo which is a slow decline into death, but you wouldn't feel it from day to day because your system becomes numb from the constant barrage of poison.

This will save us!

Once you begin to consciously cleanse by consuming large quantities of organic leafy green juices, tumors immediately begin to shrink and cancer cells get chased into the bloodstream in preparation of being flushed unceremoniously from the body. Prior to its elimination, all of this junk crosses our consciousness, the blood-brain barrier, and yells "what are you doing? Stop this! You can't live without me! You need me!"

Putting an end to the illusion. There are no bullets!

You may become very tired, think you are too weak to go through with this and may want to believe the noise and surrender to its seductions. But you won't. You know how important you are to yourself and to the world and you've felt this from the very moment of your existence. The inner voice that was drowned out by the wall of heavy metal noise will no longer be silenced! It speaks true prophecy that it is your time to shine brightly for the new cycle needs new leaders and that is you, of the many, no longer controlled by the few. It is your choice, your option -- decide!
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THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents. En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales. Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas. RELAJACIÓN MÚSICA, MÚSICA RELAX, MÚSICA MEDITACIÓN, MEDITATION MUSIC, FRECUENCIAS SANADORAS, MUSICA ALTERNATIVA, MUSICA SANADORA, MUSICA PARA SANAR EL ALMA, HEALING MUSIC, MUSIC FOR HEALING,healing frequency, FREQUENCY TO HEAL, MUSICA ESPIRITUAL, SPIRITUAL MUSIC, MUSICA DELFINES, DOLPHIN MUSIC, MUSICA NEW AGE, MUSICA REIKI, MUSICA YOGA, MUSICA DE BALLENAS, RELAX MUSIC FRECUENCIAS SAGRADAS SOLFEGGIO