Abby Martin takes a look torture, murder and rape by US military contractors going unpunished. LIKE Breaking the Set @ FOLLOW Abby Martin @
A political analyst tells Press TV that the people in the West can hardly get an idea of what is going on in Syria because of the flawed news coverage that overwhelmingly favors the Free Syrian Army. The comments come after several people were killed in a car bomb explosion in the Damascus suburb of Muadamiya al-Sham, on Friday. Press TV has conducted an interview with Dr. James F. Tracy, Associate Professor at the Florida Atlantic University, to further discuss the issue. Also see:
Maria Finoshina interviews German MP Sevim Dagdelen. They discuss if freedom of speech has any real value at all today - and what Julian Assange's case shows us.
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November 09, 2012 Q13 News http://MOXNews.comi-502 legalize legalization marijuana weed drug war profiteering prison military industrial complex police state washington colorado obama president 2012 election results result mox news
THE EXPANDED DIRECTOR'S CUT OF THE EMMY AWARD WINNING NBC NETWORK SPECIAL. 95 mins. This program presents geological evidence that the world's most famous monument, The Great Sphinx of Egypt, may be thousands of years older than we have been taught. The Mystery of the Sphinx - NOW ON DVD with Bonus Features - 95 mins. Cat. #U526. Go to How were the massive 200-ton limestone blocks lifted and stacked five high to build the Sphinx Temple? John Anthony West and a team of seismologists, headed by Boston University's Professor Robert Schoch, discovered a square cavity directly beneath one of the paws of the Sphinx. According to the experts, it does not appear to be a natural formation. Could this be the Hall of Records of Atlantis? Includes the facts about this amazing mystery along with a fascinating series of spellbinding interviews with researchers, scientists and the best-known most credible ancient authorities in the world today.
THE NEWS Live UPDATE: Hi! A number of people have written asking for a transcript of THE NEWS Live. If there is a volunteer who would like to create a transcript on a weekly basis, I can forward them my notes that they can work up into a transcript together with the audio of the video version. The transcript will be posted at The transcriber will be given full credit. If you are interested, please contact me at: Thank you! In Light, Alfred ;-)THE NEWS Live for Nov. 9, 2012 - "Obama: The 2012 Time-Travel-Captured U.S. Presidency" THE NEWS Live with Alfred Lambremont WebreWATCH ON YOU TUBE: ARTICLE:
Nuevo objeto volador no identificado detectado en el crater volcan popocatepetl OVNI UFO UFO Capture unidentified object on Crater of Popocatepetl, Mexico, Nov 8, 2012, 5:40 AM Extraños objetos son vistos en el crater del Volcan Popocatépetl
PLEASE READ THE LINK ADRESS OF SIMBAD HERE IN THE DESCRIPTION FIRST, THERE IS SOMETHING ODD!!!link to simplay: to simbad: (WTF....!!!! NbIdent????) Nb=Nibiru Ident= Identifiable??????????????Coordinates of the dwarf star: 09 48 18.630 +13 23 20.06
Clips of everyone's favorite Imaginary Friend!!! It ended up being alot longer than I thought it would be... Everything was just so funny... Lol Enjoy ^_^ and I OWN NOTHING... All for Cartoon Network... RFID will provide the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness (OHSP) with an RFID-based managed evacuation solution that tracks evacuees, pets, emergency transport vehicles and commodities deployed at state shelters in preparation for and in the event of a hurricane, natural disaster or other incident to assist in reunification of families.Austin, Texas (PRWEB) October 18, 2012Radiant RFID ("Radiant") announced today that the State of New Jersey has awarded the company a five-year contract to assist evacuation and emergency tracking during catastrophic events.Radiant will provide the Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness (OHSP) with a managed evacuation solution that tracks evacuees, pets, emergency transport vehicles and commodities deployed at state shelters in preparation for and in the event of a hurricane, natural disaster or other man-made incident to assist in reunification of families. In addition, Radiant will manage hardware components, deployment processes and training as well as all maintenance and management functions in support of the State of New Jersey.Utilizing the latest in passive RFID technology, Radiant's Emergency Management Solution is the only RFID-based solution designed to assist emergency management teams with large-scale evacuations by making the continuous movement of people, pets and assets easy to track without repeatedly stopping people to take their names or scan bar codes. The seamless tracking helps eliminate lines, reduce redundancy and keep families together in times of emergency.Along with the 8.8 million residents of New Jersey, Radiant RFID's solution covers the State of Texas, State of South Carolina, and City of Boston -- approximately 18 percent of the United States population.About Radiant RFID Radiant RFID provides complete RFID technology solutions. Headquartered in Austin, Texas, Radiant's customers include corporations, educational institutions and government agencies. Radiant's solutions are designed specifically for RFID asset tracking, event enhancement, and human accountability. For more information call (512) 351-4915 or visit Radiant's website at more: TagsFema Doomsday New World Order 2012 Martial Law Deep Underground Bases Nibiru Prophecy PlanetX Planet Armageddon End Times Days Jesus Christ God Messiah Bible Heaven Hell Devil Satan Lucifer Demon Demons Ghost Ghosts Spirit Spirits Prophecy Concentration Camps Trains America Coffins American 666 Antichrist Conspiracy Illuminati Freemason NWO Alien Aliens Giant Giants Ufo Ufos Barack Obama Joe Biden US USA China Russia Economy Economic Dollar Collapse Alex Jones Ron Paul
Dr. Geoffrey Simmons talked about disaster preparedness, noting that many facets of being prepared for a disaster are "common sense" concepts, but few people consider them because they presume that "this can't happen to me." Simmons stressed that relying on first responders is foolhardy, because such help likely would not be able to reach them in a timely fashion. He shared a litany of specific preparedness tips, such as having two separate disaster kits: a small one for traveling, should one need to flee, and a larger one for their home in the event that they are stuck there for a lengthy period of time. Being cognizant of the medications one will need, having a plan for housing your pet, and tuning in to an emergency radio station were a few other suggestions that Simmons said could help people endure a disaster. Overview Emergencies, Disasters, and Catastrophes are not gradients, they are separate, distinct problems that require distinct strategies of response[citation needed]. Disasters are events distinguished from everyday emergencies by four factors: Organizations are forced into more and different kinds of interactions than normal; Organizations lose some of their normal autonomy; Performance standards change, and; More coordinated public sector/private sector relationships are required. Catastrophes are distinct from disasters in that: Most or all of the community built structure is heavily impacted; Local officials are unable to undertake their usual work roles ...
Knowing you are psychic is a personal realization, but anyone can develop their natural psychic abilities by exercising the mind and even finding a metaphysical school for help. Recognize the signs of being psychic with helpful information from a professional psychic in this free video on paranormal states.Expert: Rima ThundercloudContact: www.sedonanewagecenter.comBio: Rima Thundercloud has been a professional psychic for more than 35 years.Filmmaker: Chuck Tyler
LONG DURATION M-CLASS FLAREA Long Duration (LDE) eruption from a new active region rotating the north-eastern limb at 02:23UT this morning, A very large Coronal Mass Ejection(CME) was observed leaving the sun a 03:10UT. The CME is not earth directed. Now numbered to active region 11611. SolarWatcher websitehttp://solarwatcher.netEarthquake Forecasting Channel Quality Solar youtube Channel Reporting Channel Website Soft website Terrestrial Activity Report Solar Wind Prediction Solar Websitehttp://www.solarham.comEstimated Planetary K index information Xray Flux Data Information from Solar Monitor Weather Websitehttp://www.westernpacificweather.comSpace Weather Website used is 'Departure' - Rick Horrocks RH Soundtracks composed and produced by Rick Horrocks
Topher tells a bed time story to the American people, from the perspective of the American government. The poor American government just wanted to grow up to be big and strong like the governments in Europe, but his mean Fathers wouldn't let him. Follow this happy tale of how a little government made his dreams come true...
This is a video of the 3rd and final disaster in the new film 'Knowing'. This video shows the 'solar flare' completly destroying New York and the world as a whole. "This isn't the end son."
I originally uploaded this in 2011 to my other channel, worth a repost as i stll think its very interesting footage. Footage recorded in Oklahoma. ADG Facebook: Follow ADG on Twitter:
THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents.
En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales.
Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas.