In Australia, a Royal Commission is to be held to investigate child abuse in the Catholic church, schools and alike.
Cardinal George Pell defiantly defends the churches right to keepquiet about what is told to priests in confession.
''The seal of Confession is inviolable,'' he said repeatedly. If a priest knew beforehand of the nature of the confession, though, he should not hear the Confession, he said.
I agree with our Premier on this issue.
Mr O'Farrell seized on those comments in Parliament saying that as a Catholic he understood that the bonds of the confessional were an important sacrament of the church. ''But I struggle to understand … that if a priest confesses to another priest that he's been involved in paedophile activities, that that information should not be brought to police,''
School teachers, doctors and the like are powerless NOT to report even the most trivial of suspicians to Dept of Child Services DOCS.
I know this as a fact, I was reported as a suspect when my youngest son broke his leg at daycare FFS !!
So what gives these people the right to allow pedo's to continue their vile actions against children with impunity?
To knowingly disregard the welfare of children to protect the perpetrator on religious grounds?
Whilst this may come as no suprise to ppl here (as we have Jedi ) this has huge implications
A severely brain-injured Canadian man, who has been in a vegetative state for more than a decade, has been able to communicate in what is thought to be a world first.
Scott Routley, 39, suffered a severe brain injury in a car accident 12 years ago, and he appeared to be in a vegetative state, unable to communicate.
But when his doctor asked him questions while having his brain activity scanned in an MRI machine, the test showed Mr Routley was choosing to respond.
Mr Routley was able to tell his doctor he is not in pain.
It is the first time an uncommunicative, severely brain-injured patient has been able to give answers clinically relevant to their care.
His doctor, Professor Adrian Owen, said it was a groundbreaking moment.
"This is the first time that we have asked a patient a question in the scanner that is actually relevant to their clinical condition," he said.
Professor Owen says the scan results overturn all the behavioural assessments that have been made over the years.
He says the discovery means medical textbooks will need rewriting.
Posted by Infinite`Eternal`Forever on 13 November, 2012
I simply CANNOT get enough of this fucking post:
Originally Posted by MrPenny
And you have your head up your ass. Go PM your condolences to IEF......
What I argue with IEF are values......the very same values that many others here seem to think have no merit solely because of the venue......I got news for ya'.......once you're willing to head down that trail, your values are fucked up everywhere.
I stick to my values everywhere......and if you think that jagoff's values warrant any kind of respectability, you are nothing more than a facade of a human being.
So, shut the fuck don't warrant any more respect than that. No one who is willing to accept and put up with vile cruelty in any form, and who ignores and/or condones the validity of a truly fucked up person's system......gets exactly none of my respect.
Indeed, you've thown a huge insult at me while referencing my comments as "no better" than his......fuck you.....I'd sooner cut my fucking tongue out than use the horrid tactics he employs only to get his fuckin' Internet jollies.
"But it's only the Internet..."......Hello? The clue phone is ringing....this is the way human communication is working now.....
Economic developers: Marijuana legalization may burn Colorado's reputation
The state already has a reputation for being a bunch of ski bums, Schaefer said. “When executives look at the state they take that into account to some degree. They wonder how many people will call in sick when we have a big powder day. This perpetuates that in a sense.”
Northern Colorado Economic Development Corp. CEO Walter Elish plans to survey site location colleagues around the country to see how legalization of pot may hamper perception of the state.
“We’re known as a great state to go skiing and things like that, which is fine, but when you throw in on top of it a state that welcomes the use of marijuana ... that could potentially have an impact we would not want,” he said.
Antivirus pioneer John McAfee is on the run from murder charges, Belize police say. According to Marco Vidal, head of the national police force’s Gang Suppression Unit, McAfee is a prime suspect in the murder of American expatriate Gregory Paul, who was gunned down Saturday night at his home in San Pedro Town on the island of Ambergris Caye.
Details remain sketchy so far, but residents say that Paul was a well-liked builder who hailed originally from California. The two men had been at odds for some time. Last Wednesday, Paul filed a formal complaint against McAfee with the mayor’s office, asserting that McAfee had fired off guns and exhibited “roguish behavior.” Their final disagreement apparently involved dogs.
My #1 Celebrity Birthday Person for November 13th is Jimmy Kimmel (45) 1967 Born: Brooklyn, New York / Birth name: James Christian Kimmel / Height: 6' 1" (1.85 m) Held a variety of radio jobs / Cousin of Sal Iacono / Trade mark: Karl Malone impersonation Grew up in Las Vegas. / Of Italian and German extraction. Spouse: Gina Kimmel (June 1988 - 16 June 2003) (filed for divorce) 2 children Children, Katie, 10, and Kevin, 8. Cousin Sal did his old job on Ben Stein's game show in its final season. Letterman has been his idol, one whose success he has tried to emulate, since he was a kid. Met 16 year old Carson Daly when he discovered Carson's dad was in a fraternity with Bill Foster (The Fox on ‘The Man Show’). Carson immediately became Jimmy's intern at the radio station. Jimmy was to have been best man at Carson Daly's wedding to Tara Reid, later cancelled. Has narcolepsy, but keeps it under control with medication. Movie debut at age 28 in “Delinquent's Derby” (1995) as Race Track Announcer. Worked in Los Angeles as 'Jimmy the Sports Guy' until he started 'Man Show, The' (1999). Original Host with Adam Carolla of 'Man Show, The' (1999) TV Series (1999-2003). Current Host of ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’ (2003) TV Series on ABC. Jimmy Kimmell (1967) born exact same day as actor Steve Zahn (see below).
1979: Tuesday November 13, 1979: 76’er Darryl Dawkins While playing center for Philadelphia, Darryl Dawkins shattered a backboard with a slam-dunk during the Sixers’ 110-103 loss at Kansas City. Baltimore Bob witnessed the dunk live on TV. Days later, he broke a backboard in his own home arena, the Philadelphia Spectrum, in a game against the San Antonio Spurs.
2012: Baltimore Bob met Kathy (born 11/13/1954) on Saturday 4/28/2012 at CCC. Location: Bon Secours Spiritual Center, Marriottsville, Maryland. You Are More Than YOU Think You Are " . . . Keynote Presentor: Dr. Ann Kaiser Stearnes
A petition for Texas to secede from the union, submitted to the White House, reached the number of signatures needed to draw comment from the Obama administration today.
The petition appeared on a section of the White House website called "We the People" that invites users with a U.S. zip code to submit or sign petitions about policy changes they would like to see. A petition must reach 25,000 signatures within 30 days for the administration to comment on it.
The petition to "Peacefully grant the State of Texas to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government," was submitted on Friday of last week. Just three days later, it zoomed past the 25,000 mark at 3:22 p.m. today and kept going.
In order to sign a petition, users must register with the site using a valid email address and entering their zip code. The site's terms of participation indicates it has mechanisms in place to block spam, but it does not say anything about verifying zip codes or state residency.
Many signatures on the petition came from Texas, but some also claimed to be from other states, including Flagstaff, Ariz., Pinebluff, Ark., and Rio Rancho, N.M. Some did not publicly list their residency
THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents.
En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales.
Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas.