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IBS and Diet


Irritable Bowel Syndrome can present a vastly different experience for each person who suffers from it, which also means that diets for IBS need to be fully personalized.  We recommend a food dairy to find out which foods you do best with. There are still some basic guidelines you should follow when you’re structuring your own IBS diet, however.  While changing the way you eat may sound tedious, it can help you to start feeling better more quickly, and may even make the difference between whether you recover or not.  You’ll need to add healthy foods to your diet and subtract unhealthy foods and foods which tend to act as irritants to your gut.


Here are some foods to consider avoiding.  Keep in mind however that not all people with IBS need to avoid all foods on this list, and some foods are actually healthy and helpful; use moderation when you eat them instead of avoiding them outright:


  • Greasy or fried foods, or foods heavy with oil
  • Dairy products (doesn’t apply to everyone. Many who can’t tolerate dairy do fine using raw milk products)
  • Certain whole grain products (varies)
  • Raw fruits, especially citrus or melon.  Note that citrus helps some patients with their symptoms and offends others
  • High-fiber vegetables (don’t eliminate them; moderate them)
  • Sugar and artificial sweeteners
  • Coffee, soda, and other caffeinated beverages
  • Alcohol
  • Spicy foods
  • Chocolate (not everyone)
  • Nuts and seeds (not everyone)


Which foods you should avoid may depend on the type of IBS you have.  For example, if you have IBS-D, you get diarrhea, so you may want to cut back on high-fiber vegetables and grains.  If you have IBS-C however, you have constipation and you may want to increase your intake of those fiber-rich foods.  If you have constipation, here are some foods to consider eating more of:


  • Prunes
  • Figs
  • Apricots
  • Pineapple
  • Beans
  • Cabbage
  • Whole grains


Here are some foods that can help you deal with the some common symptoms when they strike, like constipation, excess gas and stomach acid:


  • Citrus, especially lemon.  You may think these are acidic, but they are actually very alkaline.  Lemon is one of the most alkaline foods you can eat
  • Ginger.  Ginger is a famous, ancient remedy for indigestion
  • Yogurt.  Yogurt always helps!  It introduces healthy bacteria cultures into your digestive tract to replace the ones you lose
  • Oils, important for digestion, elimination and overall health. Coconut and Olive are very good choices.


You also should consider taking a supplement designed to boost digestive health.  We recommend the following:



How you eat is as important as what you eat.  Lots of patients with IBS try to quit eating because eating is such a challenging experience.  This is not a good idea since not eating enough can cause malnutrition, which is usually a more serious problem.  It also will deprive your body of what it needs to repair your digestive tract and to return to ideal functioning.  While some people never recover from IBS, many people do, even if it takes years.  You should do what you can to get back to optimal health.


The best approach to your meals is probably to eat lots of small meals throughout the day.  Not only is this better for your metabolism anyway, but it also makes digestion a less exhausting process.  If you stuff yourself full by eating one meal a day and then avoiding food the rest of the time, you’ll only make it more difficult for your body to process the food.  So eat an adequate amount of calories, make your meals nutritious, and eat lots of small evenly spaced servings throughout the day.  Get plenty of exercise and rest, and do your best not to stress out since anxiety makes IBS worse.

Paula Tipton-Healy L.M, CiHom

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