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Please join us on 11/18/12, 7 PM EST, for a talk with prolific poet, writer, and activist, Marge Piercy. We'll be discussing the many facets of Piercy's work, with an emphasis on The Hunger Moon: New and Selected Poems.
Deeply engaged with life on a multitude of levels, Piercy has advocated for human rights as a key player in many of the major political battles of our time and has written passionately about themes essential to the progress of humanity. Piercy is the author of eighteen volumes of poetry, including The Art of Blessing the Day: Poems With a Jewish Theme; several non-fiction books, including the critically acclaimed memoir, Sleeping with Cats; and seventeen novels, including The New York Times Bestseller Gone To Soldiers, the National Bestsellers Braided Lives and The Longings of Women, and the classic Woman on the Edge of Time.
Piercy has been the recipient of four honorary doctorate degrees and has taught, lectured, and performed her work at over 400 universities around the world. As well, she has been a featured writer on Bill Moyers’ PBS Specials, Prairie Home Companion, Fresh Air, the Today Show, and many radio programs nationwide including Air America and Oprah & Friends. Her poems are read frequently on Garrison Keillor’s The Writer’s Almanac.
Of Piercy's The Hunger Moon, The Christian Science Monitor states, "[These] selected poems deserve to be read over and over because they work together beautifully and demonstrate the poet's considerable talent and skill. They also remind readers why Marge Piercy is a literary icon whose work and career are unmatched."
someone who makes an effort to grow and develop personally and spiritually. someone who likes to be with others but also is ok being alone. someone who is emotionally mature enough to deal with issues rationally instead of emotionally. someone who can think critically, question their beliefs and doesn't just believe what everyone else believes. someone who is independent enough to “make it” on my own but still depends on others. someone who communicates directly about issues instead of thinking “they should know”. someone who doesn't play mind games and is honest about how I am feeling. someone who is willing to put the effort and time into a relationship to make it work and doesn't just give up when problems come up. someone who has a deep respect for all life including life in the womb. someone who places more value on integrity and character than charisma, looks and material success. someone who can accept others and all of their flaws. someone who realizes I have many flaws as well and am willing to work on them. someone who can accept constructive criticism. someone who can give constructive criticism without being judgmental. someone who is active and exercises regularly. someone who puts more value on relationships than things or money. someone who doesn't need someone else to "fix" me or make me happy. someone who is open minded and doesn't stay stuck in irrational beliefs. someone who loves and respects nature and the earth. someone who is free of addictions. someone who values the nutritional value of food as well as the taste. someone who is willing to give and receive instruction. someone who is able to forgive and doesn't hold grudges. someone who is willing to admit when I am wrong. someone who doesn't just accept social/cultural roles but considers the practicality of those roles. someone who sees a relationship as a partnership instead of a dictatorship. (ie my way or the highway) someone who can accept responsibility for my life and doesn't play the victim or blame others for my problems. someone who spends a lot of my time on important matters and gives little attention to the trivial (eg planting a garden is more important than watching a ball game) someone who likes to give and receive affection. someone who has the courage to speak out and take action consistent with my values. someone who has self control and understands the value of delaying gratification. someone who lives in the present and doesn't rehash past drama. someone who can find a balance between leisure and work. someone who can truly listen and value what others have to say. someone who has compassion especially for the less fortunate. someone who understands what's important but also doesn't take life too seriously. someone who realizes the value of self-discipline and goals but can also be spontaneous (eg road trip anyone?). someone who counts my blessings and is grateful for the good in my life instead of complaining about the bad. someone who is a role model for positive change. And so it is!
Trust belongs to being. Being is always the same; it is part of eternity. And because trust belongs to being, it does not change the way love changes.
Love belongs to the heart, and heart is very moody. Sometimes you are full of love, and sometimes utterly empty, sometimes dancing, and sometimes with tears of joy; and sometimes nothing happens. The heart is very seasonal – one season comes and it is raining; another season comes and it is summer; another season comes and it is winter. And seasons go on changing, so love goes on changing.
Unless a great revolution happens in your being, that your love also dives deep and becomes one with trust... then there are not two things, trust and love, but only trust-love. Then there will always be the same peaceful joy, the same silent love energy; but love has to be joined with the trust.
You cannot do anything about it, you simply go on remembering and watching. Trust is enough. If love also joins it, it will become more juicy, have more flowers, more perfume; otherwise trust, in itself, is enough.
You should not pay too much attention to the changes of love. Accept them; it is the nature of love. And with acceptance, slowly, slowly the love will go deeper and will join hands with trust. And once love and trust are together, trust is so powerful that it transforms the very nature of love itself. But love has a dance in it, a beauty in it, a nourishment in it, of its own. Trust will become more beautiful, more nourished, more juicy, more blissful. So the joining will be a great radical change in you.
But you should not try to do it; you cannot do anything. All that is possible for you is to go on becoming more and more strong in your trust, and accept all the seasons of love with the same attitude – whether it is smiling, whether it is giving tears to your eyes, whether it is an empty desert, or whether it is a garden full of flowers. Whether it has a song to sing, or is just silent, accept all its seasons.
Love is a changing energy, and nothing is wrong in it. With your acceptance, one day there will be a quantum leap in your being, and love will join with your trust.
Meanwhile, make your trust more and more strong. Then trust will transform the changeability of love; all seasons will disappear, it will be always spring.
I recently attended a between the veils ceremony and brought a friend who is not accustomed to these experiences. As the facilitators used the word ritual a few times in explaining what to expect next, I could see with each reference the person became more uncomfortable and body postures changing more and more frequently..... I continued to participate and lovingly smile and send reaffirming gestures back to this person. On the way home making lite conversations about other things the person exploded and said I REALLY need to talk about this night. So taking a deep breath I said sure let it rip, whatever is on your mind, please feel free to say what you would like. Briefly, here is what started out very stressed in questions and fear and ended in a mutual sharing of experiences. I don't know if what I just did is wrong. I mean was I worshiping something that I don't believe in? Was it ok for me to be there?Was there something going on that I didn't know about? I saw all this green color and then it was purple and then there was a diamond with white circles in the middle and then, I know it is weird but I felt so and so (someone we both knew who had passed away a year ago)standing next to me and saying : What are you doing here with this crazy stuff? And a few other odds and ends and questions......
At the point of the colors we were chanting the chakras and proceeding to chant several other beautiful well known chants and honoring the ancestors.....And I had to laugh because several times this "so and so" approached me in the same tone I remember so well and said Why are you bringing her here? What is going on here? and the like.
So when my friend explained her experiences I just smiled and shared some of mine with her and said, WOW, how beautiful and similar and touching, truly divine! How can a direct experience of divinity be bad? Did it Feel bad when it was happening? Or just did it just scare us after we let our minds try interpreting what happened? When we began to try and logically explain away the unexplainable. I am truly appreciative of the blessings and grateful to be brave enough to explore things with an open mind and be receptive to whatever may unfold. Now, if I could just wrap my mind around this without needing to let fear and doubt creep in..... Truly amazing times we are in,truly blessed with such opportunity for experiences!
October 27, 2012 an easy 60 mile meditative run” When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us."
I believe that people on here are so talented and it would be nice for there to be a place for people to put up terminology and descriptions of things they discuss about spirituality. People like me find it interesting and do wish to learn from you x we are not all experts x
Life After Death Series Part 1 - It's the little things that count
William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, talked about life after death in our research and study groups for more than three years. Also, in 1985, while in the hospital for routine tests, Mr. LePar experienced an NDE (near death experience). Over the next several postings I would like to share with you insight that The Council gave along with recently transcribed recordings of Mr. LePar's experiences on the other side of the veil. This is the first in the series. I believe that what Mr. LePar tells us in the following is as important as anything that I will post in the future. This offers us solid information to ease our transition to our spiritual reality.
We talk about dying and going to heaven or hell. It should be so simple! I can guarantee you there are going to be some people, where they go, they are going to wish that there was a real hell. That would be easy, that would be easy. I can speak from personal experience. I went through the death process. I went there, I came back. I know what's there. Knowing that, I have also been blessed to see a little bit more. That is: the only way that you succeed is by being a caring person. It's not the big, wonderful spiritual things that you do in life. It is the wee little things that we generally don't consider important. Just a little act of kindness. Say you're sitting at work and you have a little bag of candy. One of your fellow workers walks by, reach in the bag and say, "Hey, you're sweet, here is a little bit of sweetness to show my appreciation for your sweetness." A little nice remark, sounds corny. Well, it might be corny but you don't know, that person may be really depressed and down in the dumps. A nice little remark like that, a cute little remark, a corny remark, a piece of candy, might just make a world of difference to that person at that moment in time. But you see, we don't know that!
Those people who will lose the spiritual race, now, I'll tell you this, you can put good money on this, people who will lose the spiritual race, will not lose it because of the terrible things that they did. They will lose it because of the little things that they did not do! There are more people looking into their own darkness on the other side because of things that they did not do. We are too involved with ourselves, we are too full of self-importance to think about little things that might make someone else's life happy or easy. We are too interested in making our own life happy. We should find happiness in our life by doing for others. You don't have to write a check. You don't have to buy food. You don't have to go out and give them clothes. You don't have to buy them a place to live. Just little kindnesses, like a smile, like saying something pleasant to them, compliment them. Things like that. Sure, if you can help them in other ways, that is your choice, do it if you want to. You may not have ten dollars to give someone to help them, you may not have a suit of clothes to help them, but you always have a kind word that you could give. That is where it lies!
I have heard people say, "Well, I just couldn't afford to help those people." What is this? It is more rationalization, more justification of inconsideration. That is exactly what it is. You may not have anything material to give people, but you certainly can pay them a compliment, you certainly can sympathize with them. You can treat them with kindness and respect and listen, listen. Sometimes the greatest thing that you can give to a person is just listen to them and their problems. Even if you have heard it a million times, so what? If it makes the person feel good, listen again. Maybe it is helping them relieve a little frustration so that they can think and work at straightening out their problems. What have you got to lose? I have never seen anyone lose. You always win when you do something like that.
Posted by Angelica Jayne Taggart on 27 October, 2012
To desert the Truth in the hour of need is to show that we never understood the Truth. Ernest Holmes "Gateway To Life"
As I sat at my computer looking out at neighborhood trees radiant in the sun, the brilliant gold and red invited me outdoors. I opened the front door. My front yard is a carpet of leaves. It wasn’t that way yesterday. Now there are almost bare branches. It is still a beautiful Autumn morning. The sun is shining and there is a crisp feeling in the air.
The news is full of Hurricane Sandy – they’ve dubbed it “Frankenstorm,” saying it could be the worst one in our lifetime. Yet nothing in my immediate surroundings would have me believe that. This doesn’t mean I am denying that it could happen, it’s just my observation on how life can change in an instant.
However, one of the tenets in the Declaration of Principles of the Centers for Spiritual Living, is "We Believe in the control of conditions through the Power of this Mind." Hurricane Sandy gives us an amazing opportunity to put this Principle to work and prove it to ourselves. I've seen it work for weather before -- ask any of the couples I've married over the past 26 years
I’m inviting everyone to participate in what I’m calling “The Great Sandy Challenge.” Let's use our wonderful minds and imagine the Hurricane moving back out to the ocean. We don’t have to pray that it disappears, just that it changes course.
Now, the question is: “Do you believe? Do you believe we have the power to change the course of events?” Many of us do when it comes to our personal lives, yet when something BIG seems to be happening we don’t. Why? What are we afraid of?
Perhaps it’s that we don’t feel safe in declaring the BIG things. It all comes down to Trust. Do you trust there is “a Power for good in the universe and you can use it?” as Dr. Holmes said?
With trust, obstacles fall away. No matter how BIG it looks, when we acknowledge the fear, step through it, and allow ourselves to KNOW and FEEL something different, the world changes.
It’s all about consciousness! What we see ‘out there’ is a projection of what’s inside us. It’s interesting that this storm is two storms coming together – especially in the political climate of today. But that’s another message.
Let’s claim safety, wholeness, and peace for all, and watch the Frankenstorm go out to sea.
With a conscious awareness that what I think and feel has an effect on my world, I now declare that it’s all good, it’s all God.
I refuse to buy into the media hysteria. I know nothing is impossible using the Law. In the Law there is no big or little.
I now declare that this weather incident has transformed into a no thing. People and properties are safe. And we who are praying, realize once again, how powerful we are.
Gratefully I release these words, knowing they are so, and so it is.
My Affair with Life makes me Love Myself more ~~ ♥ ~~
♥ My Affair with Life has taught me, a lot of sweet & sour lessons; whatever the taste, the final Dish has been for the Highest Good of my Souls' Health. ♥ My Affair with Life has taught me that, the Person You Love & the Person who Loves You, may not always be the Same. ♥ My Affair with Life has taught me, to Love beyond myself; but 1st Love myself. Because unless i love myself, i won't be able to love Anyone or Anything. ♥ My Affair with Life has taught me that, "Charity begins at Home" which means "All begins from Self" ~ Self Respect, Self Confidence, Self Trust & Above all Self Love. If I can't give that to Self, I can't give that to Anyone or Anything. ♥ My Affair with Life has taught me, to understand the Underlying Order of that which is unfolding each Day. ♥ My Affair with Life has taught me, to see The Bigger Picture. ♥ My Affair with Life has taught me, short term gains are just that; "Short Termed" ♥ My Affair with Life has taught me that, the only thing that can ever Change with Conscious Efforts is "Me" rest all Changes inevitably. ♥ My Affair with Life has taught me, to help others in whatever small or big way i can. The size of help doesn't matter; Intent Does. ♥ My Affair with Life has taught me, not to Judge another's Path nor Live anyone's Life. The way i operate from my healed or unhealed energies so is everyone else. ♥ My Affair with Life has taught me, what i do is my Karma & what others do is not my business. ♥ My Affair with Life has taught me, Forgiveness is the most Powerful Tool to disarm the most fierce of Energies. ♥ My Affair with Life has taught me, Only I can give the power to Someone or Something to make me feel the way i feel. ♥ My Affair with Life has taught me that, I'm co-creating my Life with Another Companion called the Higher Power at all times. ♥ My Affair with Life has taught me that, i cannot paint the World Pink; I have to wear Pink Glasses. ♥ My Affair with Life has taught me that, the way i see the World, will depend on the Colour of the Glasses i wear. ♥ My Affair with Life has taught me, what I say or do, may be forgotten by others, but the way i make them feel or treat them will Forever Be Remembered. ♥ My Affair with Life has taught me, to release the fears of the Past & not enter Fears of the Future; Because my NOW is the Only Point of Existence. ♥ And Lastly the Affair with Life has taught that, at the End ~ the My, Me, Mine & I all have to dissolve & Merge in the One Ocean; the Ocean of Ultimate Love, Light & Benevolence!
“I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow. I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights. I've learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents, you'll miss them when they're gone from your life. I've learned that making a "living" is not the same thing as making a "life." I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance. I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back. I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision. I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one. I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back. I've learned that I still have a lot to learn. I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Often as our awareness and consciousness grows and we glean further insight into the workings of this most amazing Universe we are a part of, our previous misconceptions and ignorance can become laughable. When we see things more clearly, we can’t imagine how we ever managed to live behind such foggy glasses for so long.
And just as we may be able to laugh at some of the things that we did/said/thought before we knew better, there are things that we may look back on with regret, shame or possibly anger. We may scold ourselves for acting in less than a manner we now hold as acceptable. Our past may haunt us, full of things we can never take back though we wish we could. We may want to make excuses for our behavior or may want to distance ourselves from past discretions, shaking our heads in disbelief, “I can’t believe I did/said/thought that.”
In these moments of anger, shame and disappointment, I have found comfort and healing just by humbly stating, “I didn’t know.” In doing so I acknowledge to the Universe that I am sorry for hurting others and hurting myself through personal and spiritual ignorance. I acknowledge that I know now what I didn’t know then. It is in this moment that I feel a rush of loving energy in and around me. I feel as if weights are being lifted and all is forgiven.
Higher beings offer insight to assist me in understanding that everything is perfect, for it is all a part of our path of self-discovery and spiritual growth. It has been shown to me best as a school analogy. You would not sit in high school Calculus class and beat yourself up over not being able to do it in 2nd grade. You understand that there is a logical progression to learning and you are able to handle more complex tasks by building a foundation of simple understanding and advancing your knowledge. Sometimes we feel however the Spiritual realm should be different. We should have always known as it appears so simple. How is it we did not see this before?
Please remember dear ones that you could have only gotten to where you are now by building on your past. We pass through spiritual levels just as we pass through grades in school and each has their own time and purpose. Further, if we knew everything already, there would be no reason for us to be here as we are here to learn and grow.
So if you feel ashamed, haunted or disappointed by your past, please take a moment to sit and think about it and say, “I didn’t know.” Allow yourself to feel that everything had its time and place and was necessary to get to where you are now. Don’t deny your past or try to separate yourself from it. Use this exercise to integrate your past and acknowledge it is all a part of you and a part of your journey. Feel the forgiveness and loving energy around you and feel the truth, that there is nothing actually to be forgiven because everything is perfect. Your path is perfect as you are perfect. You have done/said/thought what you needed to in order to evolve into the Higher version of yourself. And that my dears is everything.
Question 11: Is there another way to make the mind at peace?
Inquiry is one of the prime means to destroy the thought of "I". Other methods may help to temporarily pacify the mind, but they do not have the same potency as the question "who am I?" Breath control is what most think of when they want to suspend the mind from the processes of thinking. From the perspective of the soul, whether in deep sleep, trance or waking life, is that so long as the body is rhythmically breathing, there is the chance for the mind to feel at rest while concentrating on the quality of breathing; but once that concentration disappears, the mind re-starts its habitual pattern of chasing after memories and other subtle types of thoughts.
Meditating on the forms of Brahman and repeating Brahman's names are other means by which the mind is put to rest, but like breath control, their efficiency is maintained so long as the mind is one-pointed in its concentration. The mind is known for its tendency to wander aimlessly, and when given forms or names to meditate on, it usually does not realize how the form and name of Brahman is actually Brahman precisely because of its inability to focus on what needs to be focused on.
Question 12: There are so many subconscious impressions in the mind. How can they all be removed once and for all?
When firmly established in the Self and when progressively rising higher and higher into Brahman, then and only then shall all of these impressions be cleansed from the mind.
Question 13: How do you remain firmly established in the Self?
For one, you should not give into your doubts concerning whether such a thing is possible or not, nor should you believe yourself to be fallen and in need of being saved. Secondly, you should realize that the mind is not split dualistically and that the Self is beyond both auspicious and inauspicious mental impressions. Thirdly, you should treat everyone equally; even those who are worthy of hatred because there is only one Self to contend with. When your Self arises, every persons' Self is there.
Question 14: For how long should I meditate?
For as long as it takes to completely empty the mind of all impressions that are rooted in this world and in all of your former and future lives.
Question 15: What is the Self's nature?
Only the Self exists. Everything, including the world, the soul and Brahman are of the nature of an appearance or image created by the mind. When either of these three are seen through, they are all seen as they are at the same moment. The Self, in essence, is the absence of the thought of "I". This is also known as Silence.
Question 16: Who is the greatest devotee?
He who abandons his mind for the Self that is Brahman. This is done by denying the thought of "I" in all of its various forms and by entertaining no thought other than the Self. Brahman will take care of everything. Therefore, do not be afraid of losing yourself in Him.
Question 17: What does it mean to be unattached?
When thoughts arise, you are not afraid of denying them and their validity. When the Self arises, you are not afraid of embracing it fully.
Question 18: Can Brahman and my Guru liberate me?
They can only demonstrate to you what it is like to be liberated, but you must be able to work from inspiration and bring about your own release. Even though your Guru may be very gracious towards you, only your Self can see your Self.
Question 19: What is the difference between waking and dreaming?
Not much in reality. One is more long than the other but that is about it. While awake, you can think that you are asleep and vice versa. Though in another body while dreaming, the same phenomena of the mind appears.
Question 20: Of what use are books in the path of Self-Realization?
Like Brahman and Guru, they make you aware of the need to be aware. However, you must remember that books in themselves cannot lead to liberation because the Self is beyond a book or series of books. There will come a point in your development when you will have to let go of everything that you learned up to date.
Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy
THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents.
En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales.
Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas.