Bob Tuskin spoke with Clif High of today about whether the impact of Hurricane Sandy could be the beginning of the "global coastal event" that has received much recent attention, based on the work of Courtney Brown and High's own followup research.High said this weather event does show up in his webbot forecasts. It is an archetype for what we are likely to be facing over the next few years. The language we're hearing in the description of the hurricane and the forecast impact is the same language that will dominate when the global coastal event happens.Read Full Article Here:
Courtesy: Dani Hart / TrillianMedia Superstorm Sandy, which sent water rushing onto city streets has left a large swathe of the lower part of Manhattan without power. Social networks users on Manhattan's Lower East Side have reported a "huge explosion" that preceded the neighborhood's power going out. Lower Manhattan now appears to be without electricity across the board after an apparent blast at the power transformer.
A second look at data from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope is reanimating the claim that the nearby star Fomalhaut hosts a massive exoplanet. The study suggests that the planet, named Fomalhaut b, is a rare and possibly unique object that is completely shrouded by dust. Fomalhaut is the brightest star in the constellation Piscis Austrinus and lies 25 light-years away. In November 2008, Hubble astronomers announced the exoplanet, named Fomalhaut b, as the first one ever directly imaged in visible light around another star. The object was imaged just inside a vast ring of debris surrounding but offset from the host star. The planet's location and mass -- about three times Jupiter's -- seemed just right for its gravity to explain the ring's appearance. Recent studies have claimed that this planetary interpretation is incorrect. Based on the object's apparent motion and the lack of an infrared detection by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, they argue that the object is a short-lived dust cloud unrelated to any planet. A new analysis, however, brings the planet conclusion back to life.The full paper is available here: video is public domain and can be downloaded at: our videos? Subscribe to NASA's Goddard Shorts HD podcast: find NASA Goddard Space Flight Center on Facebook: find us on Twitter:
Also see: The Greek government is now being accused of failing to go after tax dodgers. A journalist who published a list of the country's political and business elite who have Swiss bank accounts now faces a trial after being arrested. For more on the story RT's joined by George Katroungalos, attorney and professor of constitutional law.
Dr. Nick Begich has been pursuing independent research in the sciences and politics for most of his adult life. Begich received Doctor of Medicine (Medicina Alternitiva), honoris causa, for independent work in health and political science. Begich has published articles in science, politics and education and is a well known lecturer. He co-authored with Jeane Manning the book "Angels Don't Play This HAARP; Advances in Tesla Technology." Begich has also authored "Earth Rising - The Revolution: Toward a Thousand Years of Peace" and "Earth Rising II- The Betrayal of Science, Society and the Soul" both with the late James Roderick. His latest work is "Controlling the Human Mind: The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance." In the first hour, we discuss developments in mind control technologies and speculate what the DOD and DARPA might have in their arsenal today. Nick also talks about the "The World Wide Mind," computer brain interfaces, implantable microchips and brainwave synchronization. In the second hour hour, Nick describes two instances where ethical issues have been raised surrounding mind altering technologies. At the end, Begich explains synthetic telepathy and how HAARP technology connects with mind manipulation and geophysical manipulation.
Bob Tuskin spoke with Clif High of today about whether the impact of Hurricane Sandy could be the beginning of the "global coastal event" that has received much recent attention, based on the work of Courtney Brown and High's own followup research. High said this weather event does show up in his webbot forecasts. It is an archetype for what we are likely to be facing over the next few years. The language we're hearing in the description of the hurricane and the forecast impact is the same language that will dominate when the global coastal event happens. Read Full Article Here:
JEWS UNITED AGAINST ZIONISM NETUREI KARTA AROUND THE WORLD Definition of Zionism: An Organization of a Secret Society Created and Controlled by the House of Rothschild. Definition of Judaism: Jews Collectively who Practice a Religion Based on the Torah and the Talmud. Jews United Against Zionism, United Nations, January 4, 2009 Zionist Thugs Beating Up Jewish Rabbis Zionist Israeli Thugs are beating up and using tasers on members of the Orthodox Jewish Faith Neturei Karta. Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews protesting the desecration of graves by a highway construction project near Haifa were attacked and brutally beaten by private security guards hired by the Ministry of Transportation. The group, known for being outspokenly critical of the State of Israel and its very existence were peacefully demonstrating at the time. This attack follows a long history of violence against the Orthodox Jewish community. Consistent with fundamental Jewish beliefs, some of these protesters often take part in demonstrations, side by side with Palestinians, against the State of Israel and its inhuman policies toward the Palestinian people." The apparent strategy of using organized violence through private security personnel against these peaceful protesters is only one of many tactics used by the State of Israel to intimidate and discourage further protests. The police were nowhere to be found at the time or even hours after the melee. Several Rabbis and children were attacked with electric stun gun devices and knives, requiring some to be hospitalized. Among the injured were Rabbi Leibl Deutsch and Rabbi Yisroel Rothchild, both of Jerusalem who were stabbed in the lower back and leg respectively. The Jewish cemetery at the heart of the incident dates back to the Second Temple era, over 2000 years ago.Some of the caves that comprise the cemetery have been destroyed as a result of the ongoing highway work and there are heightened fears of further desecration as the highway project continues unabated. Video Courtesy of Mr David Icke Photos Provided by Sangstar1 SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS DISCLOSE TV SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS FACEBOOK SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS YOUTUBE SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS Channel has been created to bring you News and Opinions of Current Events. We also are bringing you Special Features News that are not Covered by Mainstream Media and Science Communities. Add to that we be Giving out Tips and Advice in the Use of Camera Video Recorders as well. Including Travel and Holidays Spots. So if you haven't Subscribe yet please take a moment and check our Videos let us know what you think of any Particular Subject You are Interested on. Sangstar1 Presentation YouTube Videos Online. This is a Sangstar1 Presentation Please Subscribe, Add to Favourite, or vote Thumps Up. Thanks for watching Sangstar1
At 1:18 The tail has rotated and is facing down but its still on the same hight above the surface. Flashing Circles1:56 The Tail Rotated but on same position 2:59 Look at the Distance between the same object After Separation 3:20 Look at the Distance between the both them also could this be why Perry Vlahos from the Astronomical Society of Victoria does not wish to answer my questions . Live MUFON Event Report Feed. Click Any Map Icon for Event Details. This is were the, Astronomical Society of Victoria, and Airservices Australia are wrong a contrail does not show up in the same location for two days. Click here on 2:08 keep an eye now and you will see the five flashing lights. Notice that by now there has been a separation., so we now see two objects from the same body, so the question remains. Pay close attention now as you will see this UFO has five Circles. starting at about 2:10. Play this in slow motion. What is this object? Will this object appear again in our Sky? I will keep you inform. I apologise for the quality of this videos. I did it in a hurry in order to share this important information's with all of you. This one I took it on Thursday, March 31 2011, at 7:19:48 PM Comet ? A UFO Over Melbourne Sky? 31/03/2011 7:13:02 SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS DISCLOSE TV SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS FACEBOOK SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS YOUTUBE SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS Channel has been created to bring you News and Opinions of Current Events. We also are bringing you Special Features News that are not Covered by Mainstream Media and Science Communities. Add to that we be Giving out Tips and Advice in the Use of Camera Video Recorders as well. Including Travel and Holidays Spots. So if you haven't Subscribe yet please take a moment and check our Videos let us know what you think of any Particular Subject You are Interested on. Sangstar1 Presentation YouTube Videos Online. This is a Sangstar1 Presentation Please Subscribe, Add to Favourite, or vote Thumps Up. Thanks for watching Sangstar1
MUFON Event Report Feed. Click Any Map Icon for Event Details. You would think with so many amateur astronomers been out there that some of them should had taken a picture of this object. This is were Perry Vlahos from the Astronomical Society of Victoria , and Airservices Australia spokesman Matt Wardell are fooled into believing this to be a contrail, contrail does not show up in the same location for two days. UFOLOGIST AGREE THAT THIS IS AN AIRCRAFT.BUT IS THIS AN ALIEN CRAFT? THIS CRAFT IS NOW DESCENDING LOOK CLOSELY, WHAT ARE THOSE FIVE CIRCLES? THOSE CIRCLES, THEY APPEAR TO BE FLASHING. WHY? AND WHAT ARE THOSE CIRCLES? IS THIS AN ALIEN CRAFT? WHY WAS THIS CRAFT APPEARING IN OUR SKY FOR TWO NIGHTS? WHY DID THIS CRAFT APPEAR AT THE SAME TIME? DOES ANY COUNTRY HAS THIS SORT OF TECHNOLOGY? TO BE SURE THERE ARE OTHER ANSWERS THANKS TO MR. JOHN LEAR FROM PEGASUS RESEARCH CONSORTIUM FOR HIS ADVICE IN THIS ISSUE. PEGASUS RESEARCH CONSORTIUM WEBSITE "CREDITS TO LASTONE OF ABOVE TOP SECRET FOR THE ANALYSIS OF THIS OBJECT." FIERY COMET? UFO? OVER MELBOURNE BY SANGSTAR1 THANKS TO MY SON DANIEL WE WERE ABLE TO TAKE THIS VIDEOS. THIS VIDEO RUNS FOR 20:21.01 MINUTES.WE TOOK THIS VIDEOS IN TWO DAYS IN TOTAL. VIDEO CAMERA IS, PANASONIC SD 60 AT 1500X ZOOM SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS DISCLOSE TV SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS FACEBOOK SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS YOUTUBE SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS Channel has been created to bring you News and Opinions of Current Events. We also are bringing you Special Features News that are not Covered by Mainstream Media and Science Communities. Add to that we be Giving out Tips and Advice in the Use of Camera Video Recorders as well. Including Travel and Holidays Spots. So if you haven't Subscribe yet please take a moment and check our Videos let us know what you think of any Particular Subject You are Interested on. Sangstar1 Presentation YouTube Videos Online. This is a Sangstar1 Presentation Please Subscribe, Add to Favourite, or vote Thumps Up. Thanks for watching Sangstar1
Dick the Alien, that's me bitches,speaks about the real events that are going take place on December 21, 2012. If you don't like what I say you can blow it out your ass.. Feel free to cuss me out here Proof Alex Jones is spreading DISINFO Mike Adams Infowars Fear instead of Hemp Fuel Energy Independence 2012
Strange craft seen in the Florida Keys October 2012. Thank you for this video donation. If you have video or pics that you would like shown, please send to: Thank you,joinourbandofbelief
David Icke at Wembley Arena27th Oct 2012Remember Who You AreWake up brothers & sisters its time to awaken, This is our chance all together Humanity rise rise make a stand we are many they are few. 1 of 4Hi All i recorded David Icke's latest presentation to share with everyone.First time i done this so I hope the quality has turned out ok.P.S As of 29th Oct im editing and rendering the other 3 parts still, takes awhile im afraid, but as soon as they are done i will put up the other 3 parts. But for now, here's part 1 at least. Enjoy. This week The Informer reveals global second sun nemesis sightings esculate as the system nibiru comes closer to the inner solar system and earth plus global killoff of animal and fish species continues ,this is of fundamental importance for all mankind could the human race face a similar fate and start dying on mass also chem_trail are causing serious illnesses and why did george w bush purchase 90.000 acres of land in paraguay and more video footage from somewhere in the uk timeline mon 29th oct 2012 All this weeks news links can be found on my website just click on the link and goto the top lefthand corner of the opening page and click on informer news links you will find all this weeks links at the top of the page under this weeks titled video
Based on the book "Unwind" - In a society where parents can retrospectively abort their children between the ages of 13 and 18, three teens find themselves on the run trying to survive till the 18 birthday to avoid being 'unwound.' . Related: . Related: . Related: . Related:
The Title says it all. Thanks to all our Friends, Subscribers, also to everyone that has taken the time to read and hear Sangstar1 messages and has commented on them. We also at Sangstar1 wish to that every one of you that has voted on our videos. Thank you very much for all of you for all your support. Sangstar1 Videos Presentations Channel has been created to bring you News and Opinions of Current Events. We also are bringing you Special Features News that are not Covered by Mainstream Media and Science Communities. Add to that we be Giving out Tips and Advice in the Use of Camera Video Recorders as well. Including Travel and Holidays Spots. So if you haven't Subscribe yet please take a moment and check our Videos let us know what you think of any Particular Subject You are Interested on. Sangstar1 Presentation YouTube Videos Online. This is a Sangstar1 Presentation Please Subscribe, Add to Favourite, or vote Thumps Up. Thanks for watching Sangstar1 Thumbs UP and Subscribe if you like this video Please
This thing looks like a wing bird. In Space? I video this object on 2011/09/17 at 08:24. Sangstar1 Channel has been created to bring you News and Opinions of Current Events. We also are bringing you Special Features News that are not Covered by Mainstream Media and Science Communities. Add to that we be Giving out Tips and Advice in the Use of Camera Video Recorders as well. Including Travel and Holidays Spots. So if you haven't Subscribe yet please take a moment and check our Videos let us know what you think of any Particular Subject You are Interested on. Sangstar1 Presentation YouTube Videos Online. This is a Sangstar1 Presentation Please Subscribe
Our Symphonic Life FEATURED SONGS 14/04/2012 From Bourke Street Mall Our Symphonic Life | Facebook Our Symphonic Life's Albums From Our Symphonic Life 14/04/2012 From Bourke Street Mall in Melbourne. More to be added soon, ENJOY. Sangstar1 Videos Presentations Channel has been created to bring you News and Opinions of Current Events. We also are bringing you Special Features News that are not Covered by Mainstream Media and Science Communities. Add to that we be Giving out Tips and Advice in the Use of Camera Video Recorders as well. Including Travel and Holidays Spots. So if you haven't Subscribe yet please take a moment and check our Videos let us know what you think of any Particular Subject You are Interested on. Sangstar1 Presentation YouTube Videos Online. This is a Sangstar1 Presentation Please Subscribe, Add to Favourite, or vote Thumps Up. Thanks for watching Sangstar1
Prince A-boo-boo, Sorry Barack Obama Wins The Election Weeks Before People Vote. What? Michele Wallace of KPHO said that this was the result of a mistake made with a test graphic. Does It Reminds You Of NASA? I Shows Prince A-boo-boo. Sorry Obama wins the November Election By 43 Percent. To Romney's 40 Percent. SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS DISCLOSE TV SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS FACEBOOK SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS YOUTUBE SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS Channel has been created to bring you News and Opinions of Current Events. We also are bringing you Special Features News that are not Covered by Mainstream Media and Science Communities. Add to that we be Giving out Tips and Advice in the Use of Camera Video Recorders as well. Including Travel and Holidays Spots. So if you haven't Subscribe yet please take a moment and check our Videos let us know what you think of any Particular Subject You are Interested on. Sangstar1 Presentation YouTube Videos Online. This is a Sangstar1 Presentation Please Subscribe, Add to Favourite, or vote Thumps Up. Thanks for watching Sangstar1
THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents.
En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales.
Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas.