From Tikal to Troy, here are 10 ancient cities that disappeared, only to be rediscovered years later.Where else to find All Time 10s...Facebook: out a selection of video's highlighting some Alltime10's favourite and interesting people.. @
Not for the faint-hearted - presenting 10 of the world's most haunted places.Where else to find All Time 10s...Facebook: out a selection of video's highlighting some Alltime10's favourite and interesting people.. @
Joe Rogan discusses Dick Cheney in this deleted scene from Joe Rogan and The Hall of Presidents, watch here:
The two-party system has dominated the airwaves for decades. The last time a third-party candidate shared the stage with a Democrat and Republican was when Ross Perot was campaigning for the White House. Recently on CNN, Gary Johnson was given some air time but was grill for his stance on certain issues. In an attempt to give third-party candidates a voice and to level the playing field, RT will be hosting a foreign policy debate for the other guys. Liz Wahl joins us with more. Like us and/or follow us:
The Democrat versus Republican debates came and went and many claim that the debates lacked substance regarding the real issues, but do Americans even know that there are other options other than President Obama and Mitt Romney? Lori Harfenist of The Resident takes to the streets of New York City to ask what people think of the third-party candidates. See more at
In memory of the late Zecharia Sitchin part 1 is the official source for Zecharia Sitchin news and updates. SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS DISCLOSE TV SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS FACEBOOK SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS YOUTUBE SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS Channel has been created to bring you News and Opinions of Current Events. We also are bringing you Special Features News that are not Covered by Mainstream Media and Science Communities. Add to that we be Giving out Tips and Advice in the Use of Camera Video Recorders as well. Including Travel and Holidays Spots. So if you haven't Subscribe yet please take a moment and check our Videos let us know what you think of any Particular Subject You are Interested on. Sangstar1 Presentation YouTube Videos Online. This is a Sangstar1 Presentation Please Subscribe, Add to Favourite, or vote Thumps Up. Thanks for watching Sangstar1
UFO Armada was taken on Lasco 2 two days after we Videoed a UFO on both 30 of March and 31 of March 2011. Could those UFO`s and that taken on March be Connected? SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS FACEBOOK SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS YOUTUBE SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS Channel has been created to bring you News and Opinions of Current Events. We also are bringing you Special Features News that are not Covered by Mainstream Media and Science Communities. Add to that we be Giving out Tips and Advice in the Use of Camera Video Recorders as well. Including Travel and Holidays Spots. So if you haven't Subscribe yet please take a moment and check our Videos let us know what you think of any Particular Subject You are Interested on. Sangstar1 Presentation YouTube Videos Online. This is a Sangstar1 Presentation Please Subscribe, Add to Favourite, or vote Thumps Up. Thanks for watching Sangstar1
The cigar-shaped object at high speed passes after launch. We can not specify that it is, you be the judge. Photos Here: Nick Mariana UFO Footage - 1950 There has been so many fake one on it is time to see some real UFO Footage.
Estupenda cantante mexicana, de las últimas auténticas de baladas rancheras. Esta canción se presta para lucir "falsetes" a la hora de cantar. Uno de los primeros falsetistas mexicanos fue Miguel Aceves Mejía (qepd). Esta forma de cantar es muy difícil, por eso Aída se nota un tanto nerviosa al comenzar la interpretación, pero goza al terminarla y notar que lo hizo excelentemente bien. Además tiene unas tablas tremendas en el escenario y usa mucho la reverencia al público cada que éste le aplaude alguna nota. Maravillosa mujer. De paso los invito a visitar un canal en homenaje a ella: Si quieren escuchar más falsete en las rancheras busquen la canción "El jinete" o a los cantantes Aceves Mejía, Estela Núñez o Pedro Infante en "Los tres huastecos". El Pastor Autores: Los Cuates Castilla. Dueto de trovadores y compositores mexicanos formado por los hermanos José "Pepe" y Miguel Mirón González de Castilla originarios del estado de Veracruz, México. Va el pastor con su rebaño al despuntar la mañana, bajando por el sendero de la sierra la pradera. Va musicando sus quejas con su flautín de carrizo seguido por sus ovejas como si fuera un hechizo. El flautín del pastor, al arrear canta así. El pastor ya va de vuelta, pues el sol se está ocultando, va subiendo por la cuesta para guardar su rebaño. Con su flautín va llamando una a una sus ovejas y les va comunicando sus goces y sus tristezas. El flautín del pastor
This images was taken from SOHO Lasco C 3 2012-05-16. UFO Firing Laser Beam Across Another Object SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS DISCLOSE TV SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS FACEBOOK SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS YOUTUBE SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS Channel has been created to bring you News and Opinions of Current Events. We also are bringing you Special Features News that are not Covered by Mainstream Media and Science Communities. Add to that we be Giving out Tips and Advice in the Use of Camera Video Recorders as well. Including Travel and Holidays Spots. So if you haven't Subscribe yet please take a moment and check our Videos let us know what you think of any Particular Subject You are Interested on. Sangstar1 Presentation YouTube Videos Online. This is a Sangstar1 Presentation Please Subscribe, Add to Favourite, or vote Thumps Up. Thanks for watching Sangstar1
Christopher Walter Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley (born 14 February 1952) is a British politician, public speaker,hereditary peer, and former newspaper editor. He has worked for The Universe, The Sunday Telegraph, Today and Evening Standard newspapers. He used to be a member of the Conservative Party. He served in Conservative Central Office and worked for Margaret Thatcher's Number 10 Policy Unit during the 1980s. In 2009 he joined the UK Independence Party, where he has been the Head of the Policy Unit since November 2010. He was Deputy Leader of the Party under Lord Pearson of Rannoch. Monckton became known in the 1990s for his invention of the Eternity puzzle, a mathematical puzzle for which he offered a prize of one million pounds to the first person who could solve it within four years. In recent years he has come to public attention for holding sceptical views about man-made climate change - Home of The Savage Nation Lord Monckton on the real science behind climate change 12 Facts about Global Climate Change That You Won't Read in the Popular Press Time for Antarctic Fraud EPA Makes Fraudulent Cap-and-Trade Cost Claims Politics Outweigh Science in Global Warming Debate Talking Points On Climate Change: Science, Economics, And More Scores of Peer-Reviewed Studies Contradict Global Warming Alarmism More Peer-Reviewed Studies Contradict Global Warming Alarmism Still More Peer-Reviewed Studies Contradict Global Warming Alarmism Why care about global warming? There is no consensus The real science Frequently asked questions SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS DISCLOSE TV SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS FACEBOOK SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS YOUTUBE SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS Channel has been created to bring you News and Opinions of Current Events. We also are bringing you Special Features News that are not Covered by Mainstream Media and Science Communities. Add to that we be Giving out Tips and Advice in the Use of Camera Video Recorders as well. Including Travel and Holidays Spots. So if you haven't Subscribe yet please take a moment and check our Videos let us know what you think of any Particular Subject You are Interested on. Sangstar1 Presentation YouTube Videos Online. This is a Sangstar1 Presentation Please Subscribe, Add to Favourite, or vote Thumps Up. Thanks for watching Sangstar1
In memory of the late Zecharia Sitchin part 2 is the official source for Zecharia Sitchin news and updates. SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS DISCLOSE TV SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS FACEBOOK SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS YOUTUBE SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS Channel has been created to bring you News and Opinions of Current Events. We also are bringing you Special Features News that are not Covered by Mainstream Media and Science Communities. Add to that we be Giving out Tips and Advice in the Use of Camera Video Recorders as well. Including Travel and Holidays Spots. So if you haven't Subscribe yet please take a moment and check our Videos let us know what you think of any Particular Subject You are Interested on. Sangstar1 Presentation YouTube Videos Online. This is a Sangstar1 Presentation Please Subscribe, Add to Favourite, or vote Thumps Up. Thanks for watching Sangstar1
TSUNAMI WARNING IS NOW IN EFFECT Sunday, 28 October 2012 2:11 PM NWS-WCATWC Tsunami Warning: United States Geological Survey's (USGS) Earthquakes Updates SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS DISCLOSE TV SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS FACEBOOK SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS YOUTUBE SANGSTAR1 VIDEOS PRESENTATIONS Channel has been created to bring you News and Opinions of Current Events. We also are bringing you Special Features News that are not Covered by Mainstream Media and Science Communities. Add to that we be Giving out Tips and Advice in the Use of Camera Video Recorders as well. Including Travel and Holidays Spots. So if you haven't Subscribe yet please take a moment and check our Videos let us know what you think of any Particular Subject You are Interested on. Sangstar1 Presentation YouTube Videos Online. This is a Sangstar1 Presentation Please Subscribe, Add to Favourite, or vote Thumps Up. Thanks for watching Sangstar1
New Book Will Fuel Discussion and Spark Debate on Theories of Astronomy Las Mentiras de la NASA ¿No es por ex empleados de la NASA Sus autores, Richard Hoagland C y M Bara no saben nada acerca de cómo la NASA y la comunidad científica realmente funcionan. Because of TROLLS hidden behind a fake name continues this sort of harassments any further Comments will be on approval basis only. Fake accounts comments will be ignore or deleted as well as Individuals supporting any SCAM Do not give out any personal information about your self, and report these scams. DON'T BE SCAMMED AND Protect your Family Against TROLLS NASA Office of Inspector General: I Am Sergio Correa Author of DEEP IMPACTS. "PLEASE DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO AND SHARE IT WITH EVERYONE" This are some of the Very Important Issues covered in DEEP IMPACTS Ask an Astrobiologist DEEP IMPACTS DEBUNKS NASA = NEVER A STRAIGHT ANSWER. DEEP IMPACTS In Deep Impacts Richard C. Hoagland contribution to NASA VI.GUEST INVESTIGATORS AND VISITORS It reads and I quote: Mr. Richard Hoagland ( Who is also a science writer connected with projects at the Goddard Space Flights Center ) Unquote. Title The Moon By Author Mr. Richard C Hoagland Title The Moon By Author Mr. Richard C Hoagland The Author M-15 Richard Hoagland is former staff lecturer and Curator of Astronomy and Space Science at the Springfield Museum of Science in Massachusetts. He subsequently was Assistant Director of the Gengars Science Center and the Planetarium at Cildren`s Museum, Hartford, Conn., and deviced several major programs to modernize planetariums in the U.S. His innovations include techniques described as "a major breakthrough in the field of planetarium programming and simulation " in the journal Sky and Telescope. A writer and lecturer, Mr. Hoagland is a consultant on astronomy and space science to museums, planetaria, and the aerospace and broadcasting industries. The initial suggestion to include some message aboard Pioneer 10 was made by Eric Burgess and Richard Hoagland. Quote: M. Acknowledgments "We thank the Pioneer Project Office at Ames Research Center, especially Charles Hall, the Program Manager, and Theodore Webber; and officials at NASA Headquarters, particularly John Naugle, Ishtiaq Rasool, and Henry J. Smith, for supporting a small project involving rather longer time scales than government agencies usually plan for. The initial suggestion to include some message aboard Pioneer 10 was made by Eric Burgess and Richard Hoagland. A redrawing of the initial message for engraving was performed by Owen Finstad; the message was engraved by Carl Ray. We are grateful to A. G. W. Cameron for reviewing this message and for suggesting the serifs on the solar system distance indicators, and to J. Berger and J. R. Houck for assistance in computer programming." Page 201 JPL Technical Memorandum 33-584, Vol. I. page 201.Unquote. The Orbiter Enterprise Richard C Hoagland was the main man responsible for naming Orbiter Enterprise at the time when he was science advisor for the CBS news. This is also stated at the NASA site on page 2.5.2 entitle The Orbiter Enterprise: Sangstar1 Videos Presentations Channel has been created to bring you News and Opinions of Current Events. We also are bringing you Special Features News that are not Covered by Mainstream Media and Science Communities. Add to that we be Giving out Tips and Advice in the Use of Camera Video Recorders as well. Including Travel and Holidays Spots. So if you haven't Subscribe yet please take a moment and check our Videos let us know what you think of any Particular Subject You are Interested on. Sangstar1 Presentation YouTube Videos Online. This is a Sangstar1 Presentation Please Subscribe, Add to Favourite, or vote Thumps Up. Thanks for watching Sangstar1 DEEP IMPACTS: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
Hi Brethren, Why Christ Jesus loved Mary Magdalene the most? Jews suppressed women, the counterpart of God. In Jesus, we are solitary capable of entering into the Royal House of our Father. Fake Church Fathers are not solitary and we cannot have two Fathers in the Royal House of our Father. Master Fake Judas Iscariot was thrown out by our Father as he was not properly dressed for the Marriage of the anointed Son Christ Jesus to whom the Eleven chosen Virgins got married. Although they were married to the Son, yet they were Solitary Virgins. Saul got Holy Spirit at the Damascus experience and got Married to Christ Jesus. He was never Baptised or served Eucharist. Baptism and Eucharist is for the Jewish people for they were not the SONS OF ABRAHAM.
OVNI SOBRE EL CRATER DEL VOLCAN ARENAL - VOLCANO UFO 2011 MP4: DESTELLO EN EL CRÁTER DEL VOLCÁN ARENAL EN LA FORTUNA DE SAN CARLOS COSTA RICA JUNIO 2011. Demasiado arriesgado y tonto subir al cono de un volcàn activo que suele lanzar rocas ardientes y lava cuando menos se espera ...!!! Y que ademàs hace temblar el suelo durante las erupciones ...!!! Serìa un OVNI absorbiendo energìa o controlando el volcàn ... ??? Creo que siempre quedarà la duda !!! Aunque personalmente me inclino más por un efecto del fenómeno OVNI. Facebook: DESTELLO EN EL CRÁTER DEL VOLCÁN ARENAL LLAMA LA ATENCIÓN DE EXPERTOS: English post: Vista y descarga - Watch and download: Agregame como amigo / add me as a friend:
THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents.
En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales.
Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas.