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Meditative Thought: Willingness

I've started posting these short Day Meditative Thoughts every morning Monday thru Friday over at Awakened Life Now. Here is the one from today. I hope you find it to be inspiring. :)

Meditative Thought: Willingness


The Divine Life Principle is forever expressing and revealing Itself all throughout the Cosmos. Its nature is to always expand and demonstrate more of Its beauty.

We may see this Principle unfolding when we take the time to pause and look at a beautiful rose. We may see It when we watch a beautiful sunset.

We may see It when we look into the eyes of a beloved. Or into the eyes of any fellow traveler on this grand adventure called Life.

It is seeking to express and reveal Itself in new and wondrous ways through every single one of us. Yet we have been given the gift of free will, which means that our willingness is required.

We must be willing to go with the stream of Life, to allow Its rivers to gently guide us to our destiny. Or we may get caught in some resistance pattern made up of conditioned thought forms revolving around fear, scarcity, lack, and limitation.

The spiritual journey is always one of moving away from fear towards a fuller embodiment of Love.

As such it serves us well to sit every day to consciously release any and all patterns of limitation, and to then surrender to that which is seeking to emerge in, through, and as us.

So right now, at this very moment, pause for a few seconds, and allow yourself to declare your sacred and joyous “Yes!”

You are saying to the Universe that you are willing to activate your fullest potential. You are willing to become more fully yourself. You are willing to let your life blossom into the wondrous work of art that it is meant to be.

Allow yourself to make this part of your daily practice.

You will be glad you did.

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