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Sound Healing: FULL MOON TRANSMISSION [Thoth + Arcturians + Alpha Centaurian 'Mind Power Expansion'] ~ Judy Satori

October 2012 

From the Spiritual Hierarchy through Judy Satori
  • Unity Consciousness - Becoming One Mind Together
  • An Energy Transmission from Alpha Centauri to expand mind power potential
  • An increasing intensity in the energy coming in to Earth from the Galactic Center
  • The birthing pains of a New Earth   

Judy at Lily Pond

A Message From Judy Satori

I have been invited to speak at the first World Parliament on Spirituality to be held in Hyderabad, India from 17-21 December.  A highlight will be a global peace meditation expected to involve ten million people world wide, which will take place on 21 December.
  For information about how you can participate in this global meditation event, please go to
            Judy's Story 



My book, Sunshine Before the Dawn





This is the story of why we came to Earth from the stars and how.  It is a love story.  The words are coded to help you to remember





Full Moon October 2012

Our transmission for October comes from the Galactic Council and begins with a Arcturian Balancing Meditation.

An energy transmission from Alpha Centauri to do with mind power expansion, helping us to move beyond current paradigms and use our mind in expanded and creative ways
The Galactic Council also give us more information about what will occur for the Earth and for us in the coming months.


Note:  We want to continue making these transmissions free.  Please only download once, save to your computer desktop and replay from your computer desktop.  It is suggested that you listen to this transmission lying down. 

Like the lotus flower as it rises up through the muddy waters of a lake, humanity has for aeons been diminished and disempowered by being forced to exist within the confines of a third dimensional Earth.  Now Earth is ready for restoration and advancement, ascension to the fifth dimension.  A New Earth is to be created of peace, love and oneness with all life.  Humankind will come together as one global family.  As the Earth ascends, so too will YOU, but you need to be ready to hold the faster pulsating energy of the fifth dimension within your physical body and energy fields.  Your body must be healed and resynthesized
This is the purpose of these energy transmissions from the Elohim and others of the Spiritual Hierarchy.  To prepare us all for New Life on a New Earth. 

Shanghai Event MP3 - Day 2

                                     Thoth Teaching - Overcoming Adversities 

This is one of 18 MP3s from this two day event in Shanghai, China


Right Click to download





This prayer, which has been on my website for a long time, has been given a new lease of life by the voice of Mary Jane Wells and the beautiful musical composition of Giles Lamb.

Mary Jane Wells can be contacted at : hello@maryjanewells.org

Right Click to download




  What are the full moon transmissions?


Full Moon Transmissions

Recreation, Re-synthesis, Re-genesis

These transmissions are from the Elohim, the Creator aspect of God. They are designed to prepare us to hold fifth dimensional vibration and are part of physical and consciousness upgrade for the Earth that is happening at this time.   You need only listen to each transmission once, but if you choose to listen more this will serve to strengthen and consolidate the energy.

The transmissions are energy codes, new words of creation and encompass sound, light and vibration.


Ascension Tools to Support You  






More Ascension Tools on the Website  


Click on the tabs on the left hand side of the website.  For most energy activations listen as desired...at least three times.  For Karmic Clearing audios (Karma Klear) listen three times at one session per day for seven days or 21 days.  You can then to go deeper with the clearing of a particular belief or pattern of consciousness by listening nine times at one session per day for a further five days or longer if desired.  These energy activations will not cause any harmful affects, but they may initiate clearing release with physical or emotional symptoms for a few days.  This is similar to when you go through a physical detoxification process.  It is best to only work on one Karmic Clearing activation, or one CD or Mp3 program at a time.


Website Tabs say...


Free Energy Activations:  The Three Blessings for Health, Abundance and Joy...and more


Ascension and You:  Energy work to clear and work with current ascension symptoms


Karma Klear:  Energy activations to clear belief systems created by past and current life trauma






 'Love is the Key and the Way'


Judy  Satori | PO Box  339  | Naples | NY |  14512

Audio Transmission: #6 Rite of Divine Love ~ Children of the Sun


Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation Presents... 


The Rite of Divine Love  


PDF Article

MP3 Audio Transmission


  This is also the unified focus for the Planetary Grid Transmissions this Full Moon Monday, October 29 






The Rite of Divine Love  

The actualization of Divine Love is one of the most important initiations that we are taking as an evolving group consciousness.


Every progressive renunciation and revelation brought forth through the previous Rites have been specifically purposed to assist us in creating the ideal inner conditions that allows for the full expression of the limitless, transforming power of love.


The purpose of this Rite is to comprehend the significance of Divine Love and to clearly interpret this intelligent energy in terms of the group field versus the personal self. This initiation is expressed according to our role in the unfolding Divine Plan.


The Universal Law of Love aims at the transmutation of the desire nature to link us up with the greater magnetism of the love aspect on the great mental plane of unity consciousness. We are accessing this plane through the clarity of our Divine Intuition. 

As we enter into this greater alignment, we are remembering our choice to be love's willing instruments to help raise and redeem all life upon the Earth.



      6. The Rite of Divine Love




gold check


Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation, Inc.
 | info@childrenofthesun.org | 404 M. Mt. Shasta Blvd, Suite 320 | Mt. Shasta |  CA | 96067
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THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents. En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales. Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas. RELAJACIÓN MÚSICA, MÚSICA RELAX, MÚSICA MEDITACIÓN, MEDITATION MUSIC, FRECUENCIAS SANADORAS, MUSICA ALTERNATIVA, MUSICA SANADORA, MUSICA PARA SANAR EL ALMA, HEALING MUSIC, MUSIC FOR HEALING,healing frequency, FREQUENCY TO HEAL, MUSICA ESPIRITUAL, SPIRITUAL MUSIC, MUSICA DELFINES, DOLPHIN MUSIC, MUSICA NEW AGE, MUSICA REIKI, MUSICA YOGA, MUSICA DE BALLENAS, RELAX MUSIC FRECUENCIAS SAGRADAS SOLFEGGIO