Conceptually, it has been designed to be the most energy-efficient fusion reactor. Effectively, a clean, safe, dense and environmentally friendly power source to supply the world's energy needs, with no greenhouse gases, no neutron emission, no radioactive waste, no thermal waste, no large land areas, no environmental impact, no interruptions by the weather or time of day, no nuclear meltdowns and no proliferation. It is to be the ultimate energy source, an affordable answer to the world’s energy problems; the right path to a more sustainable, peaceful and prosperous future for our planet. Potentially, the CrossFire Fusion Reactor can produce directly and efficiently an enormous quantity of electricity with less cooling water than conventional thermal power stations, releasing only the non-radioactive, non-corrosive, inert, and safe helium-4 gas.
Transcendence Part 14 - THE ALIEN AND UFO PHENOMENON TRUTH (HD) This Part is about the fake alien attack COMING SOON, hidden nazi flying saucer technologies and supressed technologies of the world by the industrial military kabal.. Rik clay and bill cooper.. both murdered for trying to expose the biggest secret of our time.. the FAKE ALIEN INVASION staged event.. slated in perfect timeing for the time of chaos when the economy collapse's around the 2012 olympic Time and when the timed food shortages occur because of the oil and money crisis.. and contributeing events such as the oil spills, in the gulf or mexico , china and the other places where they are tryna destroy the FOOD SUPPLY PURPOSELY..This is a mammoth episode, please share far and wide, make copies and downloads and share!!
Transcendence Part 13 - The Architects of Fear (Part B) This Part Covers The Architects of FEAR and The Use of advanced technology hidden under the blanket of national secureity.. and the advanced free energy devices supressed from around 1910 with the work of tesla up until present day, that will be used for a Fake Alien WAR DECEPTION, this is the biggest hidden secret of the last 100 Years..
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copy right Act 1976 . Allowance is made for" fair use" for purposes such as criticism.comment .news .reporting. teaching. and scholarship.and research. etc.etc.etc.
Passover is not due for another three weeks, give or take a day, but in Egypt they're already reporting a plague of locusts that's hitting the agricultural farms in Giza. some 15 miles southwest of Cairo—also known for its cluster of pyramids. Can't get much more Exodus-related than that. According to Alwatan News, Egyptian minister of agriculture Dr. Salah Abd Al Mamon has remarked that "against our predictions, a swarm of locusts has reached the region south of Cairo. The swarm is comprised of 30 million individuals, and it is causing great damage to agriculture in the Giza area." Dr. Al Mamon added that "Egyptian armed forces and the border guards are attempting to fight the swarm with the means at their disposal." He requested local residents not to launch their own attempts to stop the swarm, so as not to cause additional damage unintentionally. "I ask the families living in the locust-plagued areas not to burn tires. This does not chase away the locusts, but only causes damage and could ignite large scale fires that would cost in lives." Dr. Al Mamon noted that, based on meteorological data, strong winds that are expect to start soon which will take the locusts with them towards the Red Sea and Saudi Arabia. Rajab Bachri, head of the "War on the Locusts" department in the ministry of agriculture, said that crop dusting aircraft will soon be sent to attack the swarm. According to Bachri, swarms of locusts pass through Egypt at this time of the year, but this one is exceptionally large. According to Encyclopedia Smithsonian, locusts are used by various African groups consistently as food. The locust individuals are gathered in the early day before they are active, then boiled before being cleaned and salted. Even the legs are used by grinding and combining them with peanut butter and salt.
A plague of locusts descended Saturday on agricultural farms in Giza and on Cairo. Egyptian Agricultural Minister Salah Abad Almoman said the swarm is comprised of an estimated 30 million insects and was causing great damage. In Cairo, residents burned tires to create a black fog to keep the locusts from settling in the city. Swarms were also reported to have reached Egypt's Red Sea city of Zafarana, some 200 kilometers (124 miles) from Cairo, and then the Upper Egyptian city of Qena where locusts appeared in at least three major villages. The Al-Ahram daily reported that since January, swarms of the insects - originating from Sudan have been spotted along the Red Sea coast in south-eastern Egypt, north-eastern Sudan, Eritrea and Saudi Arabia. In 2004, Egypt witnessed one of the most serious locust infestations in recent history, when farmers in 15 out of the country's 27 governorates suffered extensive crop damage. The Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture issued a statement saying it had set up task forces to deal with the locust plague. A professor at Cairo University's Faculty of Agriculture said the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations warned of the locust danger last November, but the Ministry of Agriculture dismissed the warnings as rumors and refused to examine the issue. Professor Nader Nur al-Din claimed that over the past few months he had also warned the ministry of the locust threat. Thanks to Oleg Karapishenko.
Transcendence Part 11 - AWAKENING This Part is about the Awakening of consciousness and who the GREYS/Retillians Really are... It also goe's deep into the corruption of the world leaders... FEATUREING a small amount of Credo Mutwa, among other GREAT people.. In Rome, initial talks are underway to nominate the next Pope. The aim is to have conclave convene next week with the newly-elected pontiff officially installed swiftly afterwards, so he can preside over the Holy Week ceremonies at Easter. Cardinals never reveal their choice, but often drop oblique hints. The most-frequently mentioned quality so far is the ability to communicate the Catholic faith convincingly. Euronews has travelled to Rome with the Archbishop of Lyon, Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, who said: "Among the cardinals, you have the whole range of characteristics, characters and temperaments. And now they have to elect St Peter's successor. The next pope will have to support his brothers and to guarantee the unity of the church. Its a challenge, it is a mystery, you would have to be more than simply a man to achieve that." Our correspondent in Rome, Fabien Farge, says people are already gathering in St Peter's Square. The cardinals are already here, among them Cardinal Barbarin of Lyon in France to whom we have just spoken. The Catholic Church, as well as the entire world, will be watching and waiting.
It has been the rallying cry of the Occupy movement for the past two months - but is the US really split 99% v 1%? As poverty and inequality reach record levels, how much richer have the rich got? This animation explains what the key data says about the state of America today
Further Discussion @ talk on Income Inequality and the differences in taxation given by Nick Hanauer at a TED conference.Make sure you visit our website @ - -!Make sure you like us on facebook - -!& finally follow our somewhat awesome tweets - -!Enjoy!
This footage is bullshit. A FAKE large pulsating UFO has been recorded on a FAKE tunnel live cam, following a van, which FAKE-crashed on the exit Footage is from a FAKE German news broadcast and is making FAKE news all over the world (sure hope not, lol). This is ground-breaking for a FAKE news organization to be allowed to show this FAKE footage.
2-27-13, On this week's episode of Silence is Compliance, Anthony Antonello gives you an update on the status of NDAA nullification in Sunbury, PA. We check out a clip from his interview with the mayor of Sunbury. Later, he's joined by Ed Lee, PA Constable and chapter head of Pennsylvania PANDA to speak to this point.I talk about a clip of Leon Panetta telling congress that "WE" don't need congressional authority to bomb or invade foreign nations.He's also joined for the final segment by PA Activist Ted Max.
A newly found asteroid, named 2013 EC will pass just inside the orbit of the Moon on March 4, 2013 .. WEBSITE: CREDIT: by: Chillymanjaro CREDIT: Screen capture from Virtual Telescope webcast on 3/3/2013. CREDIT: JPL Small-Body Database Browser data VIDEO CREDIT: VirtualTelescopeProg (youtuber) VIDEO LINK: ARTICLE LINK: Disclaimer: I read the entire article for the visually impaired and for mobile device users. If anyone does not wish to listen to the entire broadcast, please use link provided...No copyright infringement is ever intended. It is up to the viewer to decide. All content is credited to the author and it's respective owners, and not to me. I do not approve or disapprove of the content. FAIR USE: This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I am making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc.... I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. No copyright infringement is ever intended.
Help us caption and translate this video on Spooky Tesla Spirit Radio is a crystal radio in a jam jar that's able to "receive" a moving computer screen-saver, and respond with rich real-time sound effects!The radio's sensitive antennas pick up on the RF emanations of the computer screen. The crystal circuit delivers an audio signal to the computer, where the software app Audio Hijack Pro increases gain and alters the pitch in real time. This screensaver example features a journey across Hyperspace, and back, through wormholes. All sounds are generated in real-time by the radio and software. For Spooky Tesla Spirit Radio build instructions: Spooky Tesla Spirit Radio won the Gadget Freak award by Design News, the oldest engineering news magazine: Spooky Tesla Spirit Radio was inspired by EJ Gold's wonderful Crystal Quantum Radios: http://www.yoyodyneindustries.comand EJ Gold's awesome book, "Parallel Worlds Explored": out mrfixitrick's Crystal Quantum Radio playlist: to a real recording of sounds from Jupiter, recorded by NASA, at: out the Keshe Foundation for the best new solutions in energy, transportation and health...magnetic, plasma-based, and literally out-of-this-world ! Keshe Foundation Intro
Infographics on the distribution of wealth in America, highlighting both the inequality and the difference between our perception of inequality and the actual numbers. The reality is often not what we think it is.
Beppe Grillo is a comedian, blogger turn politician who is causing a lot of distress in the fake facade of the monetary system in Europe. After watching this video, you know why.
VERY nerdy episode today :) To learn more:xkcd radiation dose infographic: us on Facebook to join the community! from your own BODY: on how we don't TOUCH anything: a good read: forum on this topic: Exclusion Principle: repel each other: things "stick" without making contact: about sharing electrons: showing alpha-decay: showing zygote development (cell division): music in this episode by JAKE CHUDNOW:
UFO - Alternative Energy, Magnetic Drive System. Feel free to share this information, and start building the future.Don't think you can? Know you's free take it..
11 years later, who are fighting against? DHS has bought 1.6 billion hollow points. Citizens can be killed or imprisoned indefinitely with no reasoning given as to why. Everything we do is monitored and tracked without a warrant. Restrictions have been imposed on free speech. Drones are being deployed domestically with plans to have 30,000 of them in the next few years. Local police are being outfitted with military hardware including tanks. DHS has classified an enormous list of mundane activities that imply someone is a suspected terrorist. These range from paying with cash, to taking pictures, to using words on social media like help, watch, virus, wave, police, ice, and many, many more. In addition, DHS is also monitoring for anyone who speaks negatively about the government. They've continued trying to push SOPA like bills to censor the internet and protect corporations from liability for turning over all of your information. The Supreme Court is weighing in on whether silence can be considered evidence of guilt. The CIA director spoke of chips in everyday household appliances. The FBI recently completed a database designed to store everyone's biometric information. The NSA is currently building a similar database to be used to data mine and collect information on citizens. Fusion centers sift through data in a similar fashion and track citizens without warrants. More corporate run prisons are being built who encourage lawmakers to pass more restrictions so they can lock more people up for bigger profits. Federal agencies and police are also looking into Precrime technologies to apprehend people before they might commit a crime. The list goes on and on...With all of this technology, people are presumed guilty until proven innocent. There's is no denying that we are continually heading further and further into a surveillance/police state. It almost sounds like something out of 1984. But it's all very, very real. And none of it will change while the MSM provides little to no coverage of it. The only way it will change is by educating yourself and others and then taking action. United We Stand; Divided We Fall. This following video lists what you can do to help: video is a trailer for the upcoming reboot of "All Americans are Suspected Terrorists." You may view the original, outdated version here:
THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents.
En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales.
Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas.