Love and Angel Light

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Angelic Communication - by Dorothy Maxswell-Rowatt

photo by Dorothy M Rowatt
Angels are all around us. However, what we don't realise is that even though they are near, we can't always see or feel them because we are closed to their specific frequency.

Angels do not want to make the communication between man and angels so difficult, but they also know that until we are ready to download our etheric aerials, we will not be able to make this communication that is our birthright.



How can we attune ourselves to Angelic messages? It is simple, all we need to do is ask. We just need to ask God's Angels to open our channels that will allow us to make this two-way communication.

 You can ask anywhere and at anytime, but in order to honour your angel, it would be better to sit comfortably and begin to breathe in pure white light. Make sure you fill your aura with this pure cleansing white light.   You will then be ready to ask your angel to open your channels to the angelic vibration.   The angels will be more than willing to do this.


Call on your favourite Archangel, or if in doubt, call on Archangel Michael, who is always eager to help all those who are ready and willing to communicate with him.   Ask your archangel to fill you with
his pure energy and to imprint his angelic gifts into your aura. These gifts
will be qualities such as patience, universal love, healing, honesty,
trustworthiness, humility and so on.

 You may feel that the angel is giving you a message - listen to what he/she has to say and take notice of any particular instructions the angel would like to give you.

 Remember that angels are creatures of Love and Light and their messages will always be loving, pure and helpful.

Acknowledge the guidance given by thanking the angel and allowing him/her to interrupt the communication. You may then like to just sit and rest and take time to
take in all of the angelic knowledge that has been imparted to you.
Once you have done this, you can return to your everyday activity,
conscious of the new knowledge you have received.

Angel energy is pure and protective. However, you might like to surround yourself with
a bubble of golden light after receiving an angelic communication.
You can also surround yourself with a bubble of violet light, as this
will help you to transfer any of your fears and doubts into Love and



by Dorothy Maxwell-Rowatt
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