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My summery of what has happened~ White Cloud~The Feathers~The Roses~The Federation of Lights guidance~plus links I want to keep

ROSE....I am joining the dots:) Blessings Zoolithe

 'The stronger the wind the stronger the tree’










2012-12-12 Blackheath Australia

On December 2005 BLOSSOM GOODCHILD was asked to start writing a book,this time unlike the other books she had written by her guide White Cloud it was going to be written by for want of a better way of putting it.... White Cloud's bosses! It is now 1/1/2012 and I have been working with Blossom's channels from The Federation of Light for 3 years now, taking them around about 30 sites and creating my own sites

THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT , SOUNDS OF SILENCE ,  MORNING STAR and THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT BLOGSPOT I am a dog groomer and a grandmother from Australia, who whilst I have always been very intuitive, I have never had my intuition proved to me in a strong way as it has these past few years, the guidance I have have received been nothing short of magical. On Christmas Eve 2006 I had a visit from Jesus, it was like a brief flash of his image and a cool breeze along with a strong feeling of love, it woke me up from the dark night of the soul I had fallen into at the time, I started a year of reading 30 books on the latest wisdom of spiritual teachers, I did a year of yoga and meditation, this is when I first saw what I now believe was WHITE CLOUD   I was so excited as I had such a clear vision of a shaman looking at me.I started getting sentences in my head one of them "I think there for I am" I later found out was Renae DesCarte's famous quote, my life started changing dramatically, I started getting feelings going through my body of bliss, I woke up with a thought of a UFO sighting I had in 1989 this lead me to

BLOSSOM GOODCHILD’S site, I heard White Clouds voice on the demo tape WHITE CLOUD'S MEDITATION  (His actual voice comes through Blossom) an energy of so much love went through me that tears flowed as I said I am home, I read all 5 of Blossoms books in a month and I bought all of White Clouds meditation tapes I was in heaven. On the 14th of October 2008 when Blossom asked White Cloud if The Federation were of truth and light he sent a rose in her head and she said ok if I see a rose in 3 days I'll know,I hadn't even met Blossom at this stage,but immediately I received the thought in my head to send her roses but I was busy in my business and Iignored it, it took three days of this thought and my heart area was buzzing and finally I responded she received 3 dozen pink ROSES  and the above card. I have been guided by frequencies going through me and I feel them close, I was driving one day and a frequency went through me and I said I don't know what your saying but love to you, at that exact moment a car pulled in front with the number plates LUV4U! I went to a medium and a frequency went through me, I left my body and went to a place so beautiful I didn't want to come back, the tears were falling, the medium said I have to that I have work to do, I said I know.When I was coming back I noticed a swirling vortex and being descending and stopped at the entrance beside me was a blue crystal tetrahedron , when I got back into my body my hands were electric and it took 3 attempts to sit up. I went to visit Blossom and had a beautiful reading from White Cloud and another energy came through and presented me with red roses she referred to herself as the Lady in blue, It explained a dream I had 20 years ago where Mother Mary was on a hill holding baby Jesus and hundreds of women were around her, a gold light was beaming down into my head from a cloud I knew it was telling me something but I didn't know what. White Cloud also thanked me for sending Blossom the roses which was good conformation for me. At Christmas in 2008 The Federation had a break from channeling, they asked us to meditate and said they would come back soon, while they were away I received a song in my head that I knew was for Blossom 'for you and I have a guardian angel on high with nothing to do but to give to you and to give to me love forever true' Blossom said her dad used to sing that. I went to visit Blossom on the 13th June and she received a beautiful channel on PINK ROSES and on the 6th June a channel on the DRAGONFLY CROP CIRCLE   that went down in England on my birthday (3rd june) the dragonfly is my adopted symbol ever since it was bought to my attention at the beginning of my transformation in 2006, I found out it meant transformation and I kept buying them and people still buy them for me now, On the 20th April 2009 I was in meditation and a frequency started up I saw a dark cloud and behind it was a bright light, I saw Mother Mary descend and I started to feel ecstatic bliss my breathing became intense. afterwards I was resting and I heard Kerrie write it down, I have had 4 communications from them that I have been inspired to write down before they went quiet the last one was on the 20th September,they have asked me to be prepared in my soul and have said that they are soon to be in our skies and it is for me to be on alert. I am not religious at all and all this has taken me by surprise as despite a UFO experience I had in 1989 where I saw and felt a being working on my chakras in meditation soon after my daughter and I saw a fleet of star ships hovering, this was reported in the local newspaper here in Gosford Australia,I haven't been into UFOs either but what amazes me is how I just am falling into this role I seem to be playing with such ease as if a part of me knows what it is doing and is just waiting for my small self to 'get it' I have had so much more happen too much to post here but significant I feel is the feathers I get and the words I woke up with in my head on what I later found out to be Greek ascension day MORNING STAR  The Federation have been channeling weekly up until now,their last channel was on the 23rd September the silence I feel is for us to be prepared for their coming I know I am personally going through a lot of releasing of old patonings that no longer serve.





On the day of the Norway spiral I was awoken with the word 'PULSAR' in my head,Blossom said she was just sent an email of a channeling through Zilanthra (www.starportearth) from beings from a pulsar

the previous night I was walking to the kitchen from my computer and I had to stop and breathe an energy of such love started up in me, I closed my eyes and I could feel them close I gave thanks to who I refered to as my family.


7th Jan Their Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I just received this when he heard me talk about  MORNING STAR Ms Brown...I am honord to become your friend in here.I am a Penobscot/Mic-Mac Native of the Wabanaki Confederation in the North Eastern liveing in Tennessee helping my Cherokee brothers and sisters here. The name Wabinaki means "Childeran Of The Morning Star"...We beleave we came from there...and our family will return to be with us one day...soon now.I first meet the Star Seed's and or Star Childeran when I became Medicine-man of the Pan American Ass. in Arcadia Fl. back in 88...and was told I am also one. I have no doubt this Star and its people will and do have a part in all this.I greatly look nforward to any post's you may share with us here.My peoples name for Jesus is "Sazos".



MIKE has sent you a message on FEPETOPIA

Hi Kerrie I was channeling last night and asked what they could tell me about me and my family and anyone else and they said something about you.This is what they said:

"Now to Kerrie of Sydney. She is connected to the entities she deems as FOL as you are, for it is in accordance to her role. A role she chose and will do well. "

They told me I needed to tell you and the others that they spoke about in order to continue whatever my role is.So there you are.

Peace and happiness to you



I just came across my notes on Larisa and they said Larisa from Yalah (an interesting coincidence, The channel I was guided to by the word pulsar in my head on the day of the Norway spiral was from beings from a pulsar and the name of the being channeling through from this planet was called Yalah,)


so was it Larisa and Yalah not (from) what is coming to mind now are the two beautiful young angelic beings, a male and a female (no wings) that assisted me a few years ago in a lucid dream could they be Larisa and Yalah, they showed me what was to happen the next day and it did! and thanks to their heads up I was prepared for it and I was able to handle what could have been a soul destroying experience.

In the dream the female wiped a tear drop from my eye and it was on her finger she looked at it and then looked at me with a puzzeled expression and I felt her saying why do you allow it to upset you so?

On the 30th Jan 2010 as I was about to sleep I felt AAMichael’s presence and saw a blue light,I sensed White Cloud’s energy,I had a vision of a lovely lady with long black hair wearing a yellow rose and I heard the song The Yellow rose of Texas in my head,soon afterwards I received this email: 

Hello, again, Kerrie! The message I received to give to you was "Carry the Light, Kerrie, the Light!" I then saw a brilliant Matrix with a multitude of lights flaring up in Australia, reaching those of us in Texas and the southwest. I got the feeling your guides are very excited about your work, and I was to tell you that your light is about to burst forth in ways that will delight and amaze you! Be ready for a huge shift in your aura/energy.
Your spirit guides have been "interrupting" my Reiki sessions for about 3 weeks. I wasn't sure what they were trying to communicate to me, but they kept sending me images of Australia along with the name "Carrie". Also, every time I turned on the TV there was something about Australia, and my cell phone kept pulling up a picture of the Opera House in Sydney (even though my phone is locked). The "guide" energy that comes through is so powerful, it makes my ears pop. I feel like I am underwater when one comes through. He manifests to me as a kind of "outback" holy man/shaman, holding an intricately carved walking stick. Is this White Cloud? Also, he comes with very strong feminine/Mary/Sophia energy.
I sent Blossom an email asking her what was going on in Australia, then saw your name on her Blog. That is how I was finally led to you.



Jill has just sent this to me Aug 2011 I feel this is the answer to my question about 11/11/11

Hey, Kerrie! I'm very excited right now. I was watching an episode of Ancient Aliens, and they spoke of a history of UFO sightings along the 33rd parallel. You may know this already, but I had never heard of this. Along the 33rd parallel run places of powerful unrest or great spiritual power. Tibet, Israel, Iraq, Syria, Rosewell, New Mexico, and Mt. Hermon (where the book of Enoch says "Angels" first set foot on the earth.) So I looked up my home, Flower Mound, TX, and it is EXACTLY 33 degrees North, 0. Then I looked up Three Sisters in Katoomba. Guess where THAT is? 33 degrees North. Do you live near or on the 33rd parallel? I think that's why White Cloud brought us together, because we are near this line of power. What do you think?



I just realized Alabama is also along the 33rd parallel, specifically Birmingham. Is this why the FOL mentioned it in The Message? Exciting stuff!



Here is another email from lovely Jill I keep hearing ‘We are here this you know'

Hi, Kerrie! I hope everything is going well for you. I know there is a lot of flooding over there, and I hope it isn't affecting you too much. Australia images have been coming to me lately (again) and frequently. I'm not sure if it's because of the floods or its vibration is rising again. What are you feeling?

    Also, are you thinking of taking a different job/path? I keep getting a vision of you being hesitant to step on a new path that is in front of you. I'm to tell you not to fear: either road leads to joy but the new one will be the most fun. There is the symbol of a butterfly attached somehow to the "fun" road as a sign for you. "She will not walk it alone! Tell her We Are Here!"

   Love & Light!



White Cloud gets feathers to me all the time when ever I need to take notice or when I have listened to him and responded, one day I was walking to my shop feeling so at peace and connected giving thanks for everything and a feather fell in front of me, I knew then that all was well and that when I get to my shop that the door that was jamed would be sorted, as I arrived 2 clients and staff were watching the locksmith still trying to fix it after 20 min, he went to get a tool to cut through the resistent lock and still in that lovely space I tried the door and it just easily opened!!!!!!!!!!!


I received Zoolithe in my head early one morning and when I asked who it was I heard thyself,here is an email I have just received from Zeo a teacher I met at the Wesac moon conference on the name


Zoolithe sounds like a part of your spirit that is re-integrating.. has a bit of an elfen-feel to it.. exists in another dimension yet is here present to merge with you... definitely a soft energy that will help you connect to the earth more.. lots of wisdom there abut natural rythms and how to flow with them.. Might serve you to become her for a while.. until you feel more complete & deeper connected with the Earth and her kingdoms.. :-)


And this was from Zilanthrah (Channel of the pulsar) 

Hi Kerrie,
Could it be that Zoolithe may be your Elemental? A being named Tumble has been communicating with me for a while. I first thought he was a nature spirit, as when he first showed himself to me, he appeared within some pink lillies that grow in our flower garden and was tiny like a fairy. But recently, he showed me a Captain's hat similar to a boat or airplane pilot's hat. The next image I was given was of a genie. He seemed small but as he slowly arose I realized that he was a tall being.
I took all of this to mean that he is like a captain for me, or a pilot. I think the genie means that if I am wise enough to follow his guidance, my dreams will come true. Our Elemental is with us from our first incarnation on Earth, so they would know everything us, even more than we know about ourselves, at least in this present time.
Playing with it and integrating it is a very wise thing to do ( and fun! )
Are you still abuzz? Right now I am taking it easy, I seem to have no choice, my energy is low and I'm chronically tired, so I know that I need to take it easy right now.






I called Blossom and she sounded better,it has been a challenging road all this releasing,the emotional roller coaster and it has taken it’s toll on many of us especially Blossom,I know this will pass it is just the beginning,just time for us to go within as The Federation of Light keep telling us to do.

Before this all happened  I kept being woken up with a star shinning through my bedroom window around 3am, 4 times it has happened,I would go back to sleep feeling safe and loved,I kept hearing the song Band of Gold in my head,when I woke up yesterday I felt the urge to look it up on youtube,that was when I saw Blossom’s channel saying she was going to stop channeling them,as I was going to yoga at the end of this very emotional day I felt very clear and at peace after my much needed meditation, when I felt a strong urge to turn the radio on,I hesitated as I was enjoying my quiet time alone with my thoughts, but I eventually put it on and guess what song was on!


"Now that your gone all thats left is a band of gold all thats left of the dreams I hold is a memory of what love could be if you were right here with me”

All is once again ‘on track’ and Blossom is back channeling The Federation of Light and all is well in my world:)



I have been told there's music in my energy by a medium, she said she has never seen that before,but I can not play an instrument! I have been given music 3 times now as guidance,once when The Federation told Blossom they were going to have a break from  communicating   for a while and asked us to meditate,I heard the song "True Love".... 'for you and I have a guardian angel on high' I said to Blossom I feel it is for you,she said her father used to sing it all the time! the second song was 'Yellow rose from Texas' it was put in my head together with an image of a lovely lady wearing a yellow rose,a few days later  Reiki Master JILL  from Texas emailed me saying she found me after her sessions kept being interrupted by my guide,it sounded like Blossom's guide White Cloud,the third time was when Blossom stopped channeling them when she was despondent, I went through such a bad time,broke down in tears,then I did some healing and became centered again,I woke up with the song 'My boyfriend's back' by the Angels in my head it kept going on in my head all day,when I went in my car I turned on the car radio,something I rarely do as I like my quiet and that song was on! of course soon after Blossom went back channeling them again:)

Some beings contacted me the day of the Norway spiral from a  PULSAR , when I told Blossom she said Zilanthra had just sent her a channel from beings from a Pulsar and they are very into music,when they contacted me I felt very emotional and called them family!


















Intelligent Life force guardian to all
grant me the wisdom to become enlightened.

To live in harmony with all creation with in the stars,
land and sea.

 Open my heart and set myself free to cherish all
living beings.

Send me the light and shin it a pound me to heal mother
earth and awaken all human beings.

James H Bloom 12/18/2012

The Lotus " as a spiritual Flower" !!

Brahma on Lotus

Primordial creations myths speak of the blossoming of creation in the form of a lotus..

Native to eastern Asia and Australia, the lotus is widely cultivated for its fragrant pink or white flowers. It is sometimes called the Indian lotus or the sacred lotus, and it is also known in Egypt and in Africa as the white lotus, the Egyptian water lily and the white lily..

The bud of the lotus symbolizes potential, specifically of a spiritual nature,

Because the lotus rises from unclean water to blossom as a pure, uncontaminated flower, it is a symbol of purity and resurrection.

In the same way the lotus flower goes through much in its growth before emerging from dirty water to become a beautiful flower, the individual consciousness does the same on its path to enlightenment as the so-called impurities of unenlightened thinking gradually fade.


The Mahayana sect of Buddhism maintains that all souls emerge from a lotus.





Thus, the Lotus represents the heart.

It is not the physical heart but the spiritual heart that the lotus represents.

Mahanarayana Upanishad says, ‘In the citadel of the body, there is the small sinless and pure lotus of the heart which is the residence of the Supreme..

The heart-lotus or "lotus of heart" is the center of the infinite, omnipresent consciousness which connects with the consciousness of the universe. Through the intuition, one of man's divine gifts, the spiritual student can see the infinite, omnipresent consciousness as the lotus flower within himself...



Lord Brahma on Lotus

As a Holy Symbol in Indian culture and a sacred symbol of Hinduism, the lotus is found throughout the Hindu scriptures. Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe in these scriptures, and Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the universe in these scriptures, are depicted sitting in a lotus.

Osho on Lotus /

The lotus is the symbol of the ultimate unfolding of consciousness.

It is the most beautiful flower in the East, the most fragrant, and it has become the symbol of ultimate awakening, ultimate awareness. It has become the symbol for certain reasons.


One is that it grows out of dirty mud. It is such a revolutionto see the mud, and the lotus growing out of it — it is unbelievable, it is a miracle. One cannot believe that such dirty mud can create such a beautiful flower.



Man in his unconsciousness is nothing but dirty mud. Seeing man, one cannot believe that Jesus or Buddha or Lao Tzu could have been possible. That’s why so many people doubt the very existence, the historical existence of Jesus and Buddha and Lao Tzu and people like that.


They doubt for the simple reason that all around they see a humanity which is nothing but dirty mud, and they see people throwing dirt on each other, enjoying mud-slinging.
How can they believe that a man like Buddha really did happen?

It seems improbable,  it seems only a myth — maybe a wish-fulfillment, maybe a fictitious story to keep man’s hopes alive. Their doubt has a reason in it, it is logical. These people seem to be so exceptional and they happen so rarely, only once in a while, but you come across dirty mud every day.




The experience of ordinary humanity is so bitter that one cannot believe that there was a man like Jesus who loved for no reason at all, whose love was just unmotivated, who loved for the sheer joy of loving, who died because he loved too much, who was ready to die for his love.







But it happens. That’s why the lotus has become " a symbol". If the dirty mud can produce a lotus, the dirty humanity can also produce a Buddha, a Jesus, a Zarathustra. And it is everybody’s potential.



The second important thing about the lotus is that it grows out of dirty mud and floats in water.

It is a water flower, but the miracle is that the water never touches its petals.

Even if it rains there will be drops of water on the petals but they will be separate. You can see them resting like pearls. The lotus is so velvety that they don’t touch it, it remains untouched; hence it has become the symbol of sannyas.



A sannyasin is a { man who lives in the world, but remains untouched by it, who remains with all kinds of unconscious people, one has to remain with these people, there are no other kind ... but who remains untouched, unaffected. One remains absolutely still, restful, cool, as if nothing is happening anywhere. One remains in time and yet beyond time, in the world yet not of the world.}



much love & peace to all..



The meaning of love is not  to be confused with some sentimental outpouring. Love is something much deeper than emotional bosh. Perhaps the Greek language can clear our confusion at this point. In the Greek New Testament are three words for love. The word eros is a sort of aesthetic or romantic love. In the Platonic dialogues eros is a yearning of the soul for the realm of the Divine. The second word is philia, a reciprocal love and the intimate affection and friendship between friends. We love those whom we like, and we love because we are loved. The third word is agape, understanding and creative, redemptive goodwill for all men. An overflowing love which seeks nothing in return, agape is the love of God operating in the human heart. At this level, we love men not because we like them, nor because their ways appeal to us, nor even because they possess some type of divine spark; we love every man because God loves him. Love is the most durable power in the world. This creative force, so beautifully exemplified in the life of our Chirst, is the most potent instrument available in mankind's quest for peace and security.    ~ The Strenght To Love by M.L.K.,Jr.

   I send a beam of Love to All. Blessings! Have a Loving Holiday Season. Namaste' S.H.


Jennifer Hoffman: Archangel Uriel – Be Kind to Each Other

Jennifer Hoffman: Archangel Uriel – Be Kind to Each Other
2012 DECEMBER 18
tags: Archangel Uriel, Jennifer Hoffman
Posted by Andrew Eardley
Archangel Uriel – Be Kind to Each Other
By Jennifer Hoffman – Channelled message from Archangel Uriel for December 17, 2012

Uriel’s Message – Be Kind to Each Other

Be kind to each other, practice compassion with everyone, live with acceptance of yourself and others. Live within the fullness of your power and perfection in each moment. When you use kindness in your interactions with others you give them the gifts of acceptance, love and compassion.

Kindness is more than being nice to others, it is a state of spiritual mindfulness where you lead with your spiritual nature, speaking from your divinity to others’ divine selves, becoming a shining light for others. When you are kind to others your light shines more brightly than any darkness around you.

Being kind to others, no matter what they are doing or have done to you, allows you to stay in your power and to choose how you will interact with everyone around you.

Kindness engages your human/divine partnership, which is the highest expression of your light. Through it you express your mastery and you see the unlimited potentials for every situation. You cannot be angry if you choose kindness, you cannot be resentful, hurt, or disappointed.

Kindness is not a state of doing or allowing others to take advantage of you, it is an opening that invites others to experience your light as you choose to express it. When you choose to be kind you resist the urge to judge and instead, exercise forgiveness.

Begin each conversation in the spirit of forgiveness, so any negativity you may experience from someone does not connect with a past wound or hurt within you. Being kind does not mean doing things for others, it means being mindful of their level of spiritual growth and understanding, and how it affects their ability to interact with you.

If you approach everyone with kindness, you set the energetic vibration for that interaction and you are the leader, not the follower. Your kindness does not require others’ acceptance and sometimes it will not be, but with it you will not judge yourself for others’ lack of appreciation. Kindness allows for joy, love, and peace to dominate in every relationship.

See your kindness as a gift you set in front of someone, then allow them to respond as they can. Let kindness be your truth so you are not distracted by others wounds, hurts, issues or problems. Kindness allows you to disconnect with compassion, when that becomes necessary, and to fully release any karmic energies to allow your healing to be completed.

Your gift of kindness opens the door to new ways of interacting that are free from conflict and fear. When you choose kindness as the energetic vibration that you will share with others, you create healing for yourself and offer them the gift of healing. You also create this vibration in the world around you and for the planet as each of your willingness to be kind with others and to everyone is magnified and manifested in the world.

Imagine what the world would be like if everyone was kind to each other. It is something that you can create for yourselves and the world when you are kind to one another. Hold the energetic space for kindness and know that each act of kindness is important to the healing process that the Earth and humanity are currently experiencing. Learning to be kind to each other is an important part of that process and it is a gift that you can give to yourself and to others every day.

Copyright (c) 2012 by Jennifer Hoffman. all rights reserved. You may quote, translate, or link to this article, in its entirety, as long as you include the author name and working link back to this website. All others uses of this article are strictly prohibited.

Suzanne Lie: The Trail Home by the Arcturians

Suzanne Lie: The Trail Home by the Arcturians
2012 DECEMBER 18
tags: Suzanne Lie, The Arcturians
Posted by Andrew Eardley
The Trail Home by the Arcturians
By Suzanne Lie – December 17, 2012

Message from the Arcturians: Forging the Trail Home

Our Dear Ascending Ones,

Being in-between the two dates, 12-12-12 and 12-21-12, has become so important in your reality because it creates an expectation of fulfillment or of disappointment. Therefore, you are all given the choice of choosing the type of energy field you desire to hold within your consciousness.

Your expectation of fulfillment will empower you, whereas the expectation of disappointment places the power over your life outside of your SELF.

Because you are returning to your Multidimensional SELF in which you are the creator of your reality, your powers of manifestation and multidimensional perceptions are greatly amplified. Therefore, the thoughts and emotions that linger in your heart and mind have an increased possibility of manifestation.

Hence, if you allow the disappointment that you will not get what you want into your aura, you will lower your consciousness, as well as your perceptions.

You will not be able to perceive the frequency of reality with your lower state of consciousness. Therefore, you will not be able to perceive that your hope was fulfilled in that frequency of reality. As you know, the process of 3D manifestation is sequential, slow and involves work (resistance over time). Altering third dimension molecules requires work because they resist change and resonate to time. Thus, time exists between the work and the creation and/or alteration.

Fortunately, ascending the molecular spin of third dimensional molecules is greatly facilitated by the higher frequencies of light emanating from the Galactic Center. The third dimensional law that change is created by work does not limit this higher frequency of light. In fact, these higher frequencies of Galactic light greatly empower your innate ability to create with your thoughts and emotions.

The third dimension has mass, but thoughts and emotions do not have physical mass. Therefore it is difficult to manipulate physical mass with your thoughts and emotions. However, over time, your thoughts and emotions can change your behavior. Then your behavior will lead to different choices and actions which can raise your consciousness.

As your consciousness raises, your ability to perceive higher frequencies of reality increases. It is then that you can perceive that your thoughts and emotions have changed the fabric of your reality. By fabric of your reality we mean the density of reality to which you attach your attention. There are myriad densities/frequencies of reality resonating around and within your multidimensional consciousness.

Your third dimensional behavior is accustomed to attaching your attention to the frequency of physical reality. The process of raising your consciousness allows you to perceive higher frequencies of reality. Hence, you have the option of expanding your choices by attaching your attention to a higher frequency of reality.

It is within this slightly higher resonance of reality that you will begin to realize the many everyday miracles that are constantly occurring. For one thing, this slightly higher frequency of reality is out of sync with the time of your mundane life. Therefore, you can perceive the cause and effect of thoughts and emotions.

For example, if you unconsciously fear that something will happen, you will not realize that your unconscious fear is the driving force to actually create the thing that you are afraid will happen to you. Therefore, you feel like the victim to this event, even though you are actually the creator. On the other hand, once you have an experience of a higher state of consciousness, you have the choice to attach your attention to that frequency of reality.

Then, from this frequency of reality you can go back in time and understand the thoughts and emotions that were threatening the creation of that particular event. In this manner, you are freed of being a victim. Furthermore, you can learn to recognize the feel of the formerly unconscious fear and transmute it to love. In this case, you actually went back in time to stop the creation of an unwanted event that was about to happen in the future.

You can only free yourself of sequential time by expanding your consciousness into the higher frequencies of consciousness. You do not need to heal that fear, for soon you will resonate beyond its ability to affect your consciousness. Third dimensional reality is riddled with unknown fears that have become fastened to your unconscious.

These hidden fears greatly influence your choices at an unconscious level. However, your unconscious is more easily identified from the perspective of your super-conscious, higher dimensional SELF. Your higher dimensional SELF has access to the higher dimensional perceptions that threaten to overload your 3D thinking.

These perceptions are delegated to your unconscious, right brain, which is often offline to the third dimensional thinking. When you raise the frequency of your daily consciousness, you are able to perceive and understand greater volumes of information.

Hence, your super-conscious perceptions are no longer stored in the archived, unopened files of your unconscious, but in the Frontal Lobe of your multidimensional decision making process. As we discussed before, when you raise your perception above the limitations of third dimensional time, you are able to consider past, present and future within the NOW of your multidimensional consciousness.

To more fully define unconscious we tell you that your 3D brain can only delegate a small percentage of the myriad information that enters your 3D sensory receptors. The rest of the information does not make it through the Reticular Activating System, which is much like a firewall in your computer. This information is still stored in your brain, but it is behind the firewall.

This stored information is much like the viruses that enter your computer. They are still in your computer, but the firewall bars them from interacting with your primary operating system. However, you have “clearing programs” to remove these viruses from your computer. Fearful stimulus is much like a virus – it silently feeds on your operating systems.

However, you are now receiving a new Multidimensional Operating System that has expanded perceptions into both the higher and the lower frequencies of reality. Therefore, you can detect an invisible fear and consciously clear it before it can embed in your unconscious. You can choose to avoid certain places, people and stimuli that cause fear and/or lower your consciousness.

As you continue to fully accept and believe in your multidimensional abilities, you can raise your focus of attention to the higher frequencies of your perceptual field. Then, that which resonates to the lower third and fourth dimensions begins to gradually disappear from your reality.

At first you will experience this disappearance as a knowing that a certain thing almost occurred, but because you have surrendered to the higher frequencies of unconditional love of the ONE, you have chosen to avoid the contamination of that frequency.

This avoidance of contamination is much like climbing a tree to avoid a wild animal. However, the tree is your own Tree of Life and the wild animal is your own primal self who is locked in fight/flight states of consciousness.

You are not being arrogant by making these choices. You are being a pioneer. Just as the early pioneers of every civilization went alone into the unknown to find a safe place to settle, you are frequency pioneers who are moving into the higher states of reality to find safe places to settle.

You have already made your tunnel of light through the Lower Astral Plane and calibrated your Portal of Perception to direct your attention into the higher octaves of the fourth dimension and into the fifth dimension and beyond. In other words, you are creating the trail to New Earth. You will not receive recognition for your discovery, nor will you need it. The enhanced quality of life is the only reward you will need.

Furthermore, you will be blending into the Unity Consciousness of the higher worlds and will lose all necessity of personal recognition. The fact that you have contributed to the collective is all the recognition that is necessary. Also, every One who has contributed to the raising frequency of Planetary awareness shares their higher perceptions with you, just as you share your higher perceptions with them. Moreover, these concepts of you and me will be replaced with Unity Consciousness of we and us.

It is within this Unity Consciousness that New Earth is born. Remember that New Earth is NOT a place. New Earth is a frequency. Do you remember when your frequency of consciousness was much lower? Do you remember when you suffered from confusion, depression, anxiety and your life was riddled with unmet challenges and unresolved issues? Think back to that “time” of your life.

Now, realize how improved your life is NOW. Recognize how much wiser your decision-making is and how you have learned to avoid and/or quickly confront issues that once baffled and upset you. Give yourself credit for the myriad ways in which your life has improved. Perhaps it appears that some one else has given you something or facilitated your change. Maybe it appears that you were just lucky.

However, YOU chose the reality in which these people and good luck came into your life. You have expanded your consciousness into the frequency in which you could perceive these opportunities and choose to accept these benefits. Look around at others who are still trapped in the 3/4D Paradigm. Do you see how the solution to their problem is just beyond their recognition? Have you noticed how you have told them exactly what they need to know to correct their dilemma, and they have become angry with you?

They are still lost to the lower states of consciousness. They cannot perceive themselves within these higher frequencies; hence, they can’t even accept the solution that is handed to them. We tell you this information not to judge those who are still lost, but to remind you to OWN your own accomplishments. It is through owning your accomplishments that you raise your SELF-esteem.

By raising your SELF-esteem, you give yourself the choice to attach your consciousness to a higher frequency of your Multidimensional SELF. Perhaps you could not even imagine that this expression of your SELF existed when you, too, were lost to the illusions of the lower frequencies of reality. Someone needs to leave the Lost Ones to their own choices and pioneer the frequency trail into New Earth.

Once you have fully attached your consciousness – your Sense of SELF – to your new, higher frequency of reality, you can easily bi-locate your consciousness back into the remnant of the third dimension to guide these Lost Ones. YOU, our beloved Ascending Ones, are the Openers of the Portals into New Earth. These Portals are NOT external and inside a tree or through a mountain. These Portals are inside your High Heart.

Yes, there are Portals that appear to be external to your physical encasement. However, if the Portal is external to your SELF it cannot take you all the way to the frequency of the ONE. These external Portals can take you, and have taken many, into the higher frequencies of the fourth dimension. Hence, they were vital to the spiritual leaders of the Piscean Age.

However, that which was the top has now become the middle. Your options have greatly expanded because the collective energy fields of your planet are awakening the 97% DNA of your Multidimensional SELF. You would not expect your old DOS computer to be able to recognize the sophisticated software of today.

In the same manner, 3% of your DNA does not allow you the necessary capacity and speed to ascend into the fifth dimensions. ALL of you, every ONE of you, are experiencing your 97% DNA coming online in your biological computer brain. Some cannot believe in change and will struggle along with their old model brain rather than face the unknown.

However, Earth is a planet of free will and everyone has the right to make that choice. Therefore, send these people your unconditional love, for that is the ONLY energy field that can have any impact on their choices. However, they can choose to perceive their fear instead of your love. Again, that is their choice. Remember, your love is unconditional. Therefore, whether or not they accept it, has nothing to do with you.

You have learned to consciously modulate your perceptions to the highest possible expression of every stimulus that you can accept as REAL. As you continually accept and BELIEVE your higher frequency perceptions, they will become normal. Then, with a new base line for normal, you can expand your conscious perceptions into higher and higher expressions of any given reality.

As an example, we will focus on a united perception from the 3D perspective and move up the consciousness scale of perception. Let us use the day of 12-12-12 as an example, as it meant very different things to different people. Many were completely unaware of the importance of this date, whereas others had great expectations.

Those who were unaware saw 12-12-12 as a normal day filled with obligations specific to that day. Those that expected to be disappointed were, indeed, disappointed for their lower state of consciousness could only perceive the static realm of the third dimension. Those who expected to leave the planet, because they wanted “out of here now” are still here. Wanting out is a concept that lowers your consciousness, and lowering your consciousness dis-allows you to perceive your higher frequency experiences.

There were also those who held no expectations and surrendered to the moment. Since they surrendered to the unknown, they expanded their consciousness and could perceive/FEEL how their energy field expanded its energy field. Some could perceive this shift and became disappointed because it was not enough, which lowered their consciousness into lack and disappointment.

On the other hand, some surrendered to the unknown with NO expectation. They surrender in service to Gaia and to ALL Her inhabitants. Because they had no selfish expectation their consciousness expanded, as did their perceptions. However, this expansion of perceptions was quite overwhelming for many, and made them feel tired, disoriented or even strangely calm and detached.

We say to all of you that there is NO right or wrong response. This is your Ascension, and YOU are choosing the Trail that is leading you to your higher expressions. Some of you will be instrumental in creating New Earth, and others will move into higher expressions of their SELF. Some will bi-locate and live both options. Others may even choose to stay in their Earth vessel as long as possible so that they can assist Gaia and Her inhabitants.

ALL of you are following your own inner guidance. ALL of you are beautiful Lights of Unconditional Love that blaze into higher worlds that are higher than you can imagine. We, your Galactic Family, see your great Light and are honored to be your Family. Enjoy your Ascension. You have worked and waited for this experience for countless incarnations.

Remember that YOU are a great pioneer forging the Trail Home.

We love and support you unconditionally.

The Arcturians


                  I Know My Galactic Family Is Here, Do You? (UFO Disclosure)            




 Ashtar Spaceship News: Glowing Orbs Seen Over Cincinnati,Ohio On Sept 28th,2012 ~ Thanks To CmdrAleon 


UFOs ET and the Cold War - Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens



FBI release Roswell documents






I am assuming ( and I know one should never do that) that you are talking about 'disclosure'?


Yet , many are 'assuming' it will be in a certain fashion and we say that it may be of a surprising the way in which it is delivered. And this is why we say to you to 'listen to your Truth'. For the Truth to begin with shall not be presented in the way that would benefit the whole.


Oh dear!! And will that eventually be corrected?


That will depend on how many chose to BE IN THEIR TRUTH. Without doubt it is most favorable that it may easily be corrected. It is not that it cannot be so. BUT THE TRUTH IS .... THE TRUTH. And this is where so many of you will come into your own understanding. A time when you will KNOW your purpose in a way that you have been yearning for. There is to be a mixture of events occurring at the one time ...






The Truth is that we live in a Pyramidal system where most of the population is in the bottom and the top always has been ran by the same group of families we have came to a point were we have to decide what kind of future we want for humanity and the planet, its up to YOU to do something about the fraudulent racist xenophobist classicist greedy pollutant system.

please investigate for your self and don't believe blindly everything you see

there are other independent groups trying to show the truth.
i have put some more interesting links in my channel

here is another video i have about the lies of the big pharmacist and the FLU HOAX

and one of the many many many many evidences that got out from the shadow governments

thanks for watching ;-)

Some of the people that support Disclosure and have evidence/experience of the ET/UFO and suppressed technology:

-Dr.Paul Czysz
Professor of
Aeronautical Engineering

-Dr.Carol Rosin
Corporate Mandager
Farchild Induestries

United States
Air Force(ret.)

-LT.Col,John Williams
United States
Air force

-Lt.Frederick Fox

-LT Bob Walker
United States

-Codr,Graham Bethune

-Mr.John Maynard
US defence Intelligence
Agency Official

-David Hamilton
US Department of

-Mr.Don Philips
Design Engineer

-Michael Smith
Radar Controller
US Air Force

-Maj.George A.Filler.III
US Air Force

-Dr.Paul LaViolette


Mary Rodwell is Australia's leading authority on extraterrestrial phenomena, her son Chris Rodwell is a vet, a man of science and self-confessed alien skeptic -- their relationship has reached a critical point and something has to give.

Mary's beliefs led to the breakdown of her marriage and left a teenage Chris with some emotional scars, so the topic comes with baggage. Packing nothing but an open mind, Chris has agreed to enter Mary's world via a road trip traversing Australia in order for her to attempt to convince him that the truth really is "out there" and that aliens exist, or she must never discuss the subject with him again.

Mary plans to leave no stone unturned in her efforts to convince Chris. They will meet a host of colorful characters from alien contactees to skeptical scientists. They will take part in a heated debate with university professors, put key witnesses under pressure with polygraph tests and scour the country for concrete evidence of extraterrestrial life.

Along the way they will argue until they are blue in the face about who is right, and for Mary, this really is her last chance to prove to Chris that she hasn't gone loopy and that there really are other beings in the sky above. This is the search for the truth to save a relationship.

(I have had to removed the video as it was taken off youtube)


Reported June the 27th at South Field, near Alton Priors, Wiltshire...a Swallow releasing ascension codes?

I am feeling that the time is upon us to really get focused and do this,we say things like when the student is ready the teacher will come and it is not up to us to push others and make them think like us, I understand that and I understand free will, but I also feel that we need to be responsible which means the ability to respond.
Our leaders can only be who they are and they are a reflection of the people, it is our consiousness that is reflected.
I am going to turn this post into a flyer so that we can print it out and give it out or even put it in the papers, I don't know, but I'll leave it on the front of the site and keep working on it as I think of what it needs to have on it. Love,light and manifestation!!!!!


We need to be informed as to what is happening but stay in our love and our light and acept as White Cloud says All is as it should be, this is the way we can energetically shift victim and survial consiouness not by feeding it with it's own negitive energy.

Words of wisdom from White Cloud
In your world there are many lost souls. Automatically, when you are watching
your electrical box, you see a picture of a particular violent incident and you
condemn. If you learn to give Love to these souls who have created the violence,
then that is the way to rid your world of the terrors that lie within it. When you see
a murderer, or a very darkened soul that has abused children perhaps, ones
automatic thought is to say ‘I’d kill him if I found him, lock him up’…. Do you
not see that all negative thoughts are being sent to him on mass? As some of you
may be aware, a thought when it is concentrated upon, is an energy, which
becomes a reality. If you want your world to be one that is a paradise in your head
and your dreams, do not think of ridding your environment of these souls. Can you
imagine what the effect would be if all on mass, that were watching in their homes,
sent that darkened soul Love? Surely that would be the better option of the two.







We need facts like:
1. crop circles
2. credible people who are heart focused like Dr.Steve Greer on disclosure not head focused creating from fear and survival
3. info on interdimensional travel how they get here when at the speed of light it would take them 250million years
4. How they communicate
5. Why are they here (2012)

This footage was filmed in 2004 over mexico by military personnel who were looking for drug smugglers flying private planes they thought they had something when this happened, they managed to capture on film this amazing encounter with upto 11 ufo's whilst flying in there aircraft, this footage has since become very famous and mexico even came out to the public and admitted the story was very true and are now taking the ufo issue very seriously. The footage speaks for itself!!! Check out my many other videos at

Dr. Steven Greer presents "Contact & Disclosure: The Final Sequence" at the European Exopolitics Summit 2009. This is the presentation that triggered the interview/debate between Dr. Greer and Kerry Cassidy/Bill Ryan of the following day.

Steven M. Greer, MD is the Founder and Director of the Disclosure Project. Dr. Greer is an emergency physician and former chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Caldwell Memorial Hospital in North Carolina. In addition to heading the Disclosure Project, he has also been supervising a world-wide search for alternative energy sources, specifically those known as zero-point or over-unity devices with the plan to identify and develop systems which will eliminate the need for fossil fuels.

Dr. Greer is the author of several books including "Hidden Truth -- Forbidden Knowledge," in which he relates his own personal experiences with extraterrestrial peoples and the unfolding of cosmic awareness since his childhood - from his sighting of a UFO at an early age, to his amazing near-death experience at age 17, to his unraveling of the secret cabal running the illegal transnational energy and UFO -- related projects, to his meetings with a CIA Director, US Senators, heads of state and royalty.

As Director of The Disclosure Project, Dr. Greer presided over The Disclosure Project Press Conference from the National Press Club in Washington, DC. Over 20 military, government, intelligence, and corporate witnesses presented compelling testimony regarding the existence of extraterrestrial life forms visiting the planet, and the reverse engineering of the energy and propulsion systems of these craft. Over 1 billion people heard of the press conference through webcast and subsequent media coverage on BBC, CNN, CNN Worldwide, Voice of America, Pravda, Chinese media, and media outlets throughout Latin America. The webcast had 250,000 people waiting online - the largest webcast in the history of the National Press Club.

Dr. Greer has met with and provided briefings for senior members of government, military, and intelligence operations in the United States and around the world, including senior CIA officials, Joint Chiefs of Staff, White House staff, senior members of Congress and congressional committees, senior United Nations leadership, and diplomats and senior military officials in the United Kingdom and Europe. He has been seen and heard by millions worldwide on the Larry King Show, CBS, the BBC, NTV in Japan and has made dozens of radio and television appearances.

The X-Conference is pleased to welcome Investigative Reporter Dr. Steven Greer

The X-Conference is produced by X-PPAC (Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee) and The Paradigm Research Group, who's mission is to educate Congress, the Press and the Public about the Government imposed "Truth Embargo" and to bring about formal acknowledgment by the U. S. Government of an Extraterrestrial presence engaging the Human Race - Full Disclosure. UFOTV is pleased to present all of the presentations that were given by all the invited speakers at each of the X-Conference events over the years.

We apologize for the commercials during this online presentation. As stated on our main channel page, the advertising revenue from this program helps to cover the heavy production costs of putting on the yearly X-Conference event.

DVDs from this historic and ongoing X-Conference event are available from UFOTV: Go to Keyword - "X-Conference"


Where do you hide my love?

You are in each breath I take, each kiss the sun leave on my skin.

In the breath of the wind that caress my hair.

Each day I hear you whisper my name on the wind,

The smell of a warm summer day on the breeze, reminds me of you.


Each day my eyes search for you, my heart skips a beat,

When I hear you breathe my name…

Where can I find you my love, where do you hide?

Each look, each hand I feel, I seek you, yet you are not there.


My heart yearns for the deep recesses of your eyes,

My lips burn in yearning for yours…

Why do you stay on the breeze?

Why do you hide from me my love?


I touch those around me, seeking the love, I lost

None can fill your place, none see me,

All they see is what they can gain, from me.


Where do you hide my love, how long must I wait?

Why can none see, the truth of my soul?

Why can’t you find me?

Why did you leave me between the wolves,

That plunder who I am


They do not know love, but the forfillment of their own desires…

They crave the power of the energy that surrounds me

And they take what is not theirs to have…


Why can none see deeper than what is seen…

Why do they seek more, and more in their greed?

You left me to suffer alone while you saved your own soul.

Still my heart yearns for you, my chest hurt in longing…


When will you keep the promise you made?

The whisper on your dying breath:

“I will find you, will never stop looking… you are my love eternal”


Yet you left me to the wolves, alone as you, went on your path

The sacrifice you made was me, so you can gain what you crave.

You left me to feel the raking of teeth on naked skin.

The pain the darkness bring…


The wolves come with promises, yet their eyes stray

Their promises empty lies, as wolves can’t see

The truth in my soul, only what is reflected in their own eyes.


No eye here can see the light phoenix,

Inside the diamond soul that fill my chest

Where do you hide my love, where do your lies reside…



As I kneel among the wolves, the rain hides my tears,

Filling the emptiness your betrayal left in me.

Hope is fading with each passing day

Taking with it the beauty I once possessed.


Eyes filled with sadness, reflect the certainty that my love

Has forsaken me to the wolves and their lies…

So they can take what they need,

But never truly see the secret reflected in my soul.


Every passing day bring the certainty,

That you have forsaken me, just like everyone else

The promise on your dying breath, to cover the lie in your soul

Your death gave me life… yet what is this but a lie


Why have you forsaken me my love?

Alone in the dark, among the wolves…

Alone.. to walk as the Queen of the dammed.

While you sit on the throne of light

Holding the hand, of lust and greed.

Written by Anush

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THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents. En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales. Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas. RELAJACIÓN MÚSICA, MÚSICA RELAX, MÚSICA MEDITACIÓN, MEDITATION MUSIC, FRECUENCIAS SANADORAS, MUSICA ALTERNATIVA, MUSICA SANADORA, MUSICA PARA SANAR EL ALMA, HEALING MUSIC, MUSIC FOR HEALING,healing frequency, FREQUENCY TO HEAL, MUSICA ESPIRITUAL, SPIRITUAL MUSIC, MUSICA DELFINES, DOLPHIN MUSIC, MUSICA NEW AGE, MUSICA REIKI, MUSICA YOGA, MUSICA DE BALLENAS, RELAX MUSIC FRECUENCIAS SAGRADAS SOLFEGGIO