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Your Just Leafy

Your just leafy.
It cannot be helped
that what you show
and what you are
is so different from others.

Your just growing
in a way
that's right for you
and, perhaps, no-one else
that you see around you.

You were just meant to be
this way.

So do not close the door
to those vines that are creeping out
from your abode,
finding a way
to share the paradise within you
so that what you are
so fully be seen
and known,

in its bounty
in the leafiness
that is you.

(Inspired by the movie "The odd life of Timothy Green")
(Photo is of my kitten Tigger)

Your Daily Reading: “Living Wide Awake” With the Promise for the Future in Business and Personal Financial Gains 12/17/12

Rich rewards are the promise for the future in business and personal financial gains.
Money matters are under a fortunate influence, leading to home, job or material benefits.
Stick to your plans with taking a new direction, as success is around the bend.
Being a self-starter, you may appear to some as self-centered in your brilliance.
Relax. The ideas you have, can and will make money; no concerns.
Opposing Energies: disagreements, negativity, scarcity/poverty consciousness
Even with the worry and indecision associated with this new business opportunity, remain focused on expressing your creativeness, as success is coming.
Wide Awake Words™ for today: abundance, openness, clarity, tenacity
A mention for relationships: there is a tendency toward stability and permanence starting today.
“Uniting Spiritual Growth with Conscious Living”™
© 2012 The Sage Lady All Rights Reserved.

For Lightworkers Eyes Only- #2

Hello. I am Divine Energy- and so are you. Are you a Lightworker? If you are reading this, I would bet you are. If you doubt, see my blog “Questionaire- Am I A Lightworker”.

WOW! Are you feeling that? There is a tremendous amount of Divine Energy around Planet Earth right now. It intensifies each day I awaken. I know many are felling it and are simply confused at what they are sensing. I will try and describe what I am sensing.

There are thousands of high-vibration Light Beings around Planet Earth now- I see their Light as I have never seen it before. For me, I was introduced to them by some high-vibration incarnates living in Texas and in California. The one in Texas will soon join us in California. We will all bath together for a while in God's Grace. Then I will return to India in January.

Last Monday night, my dream was the most profound dream I have dreamed in years. It was about dark forces in disguise. Those forces that have sought to sabotage humanity since humans have inhabited this Earth. Among the many views of them they gave me, all pleasing, they were also quite friendly, very sexy, and enticingly clad. I bravely say that I suppose they would appear to us in the form of whatever we desire of Earth’s pleasures. But it is a time for courage.

Remember the original sin story of Adam and Eve where the devil (dark forces) tempted them with earthly pleasures? There were many who were tempted. Some passed the test and went on to be Governors of the Universe in their own particular realms- the rest of us failed the test. We are all losers- so don’t get a big head about being there at the beginning of humanity.

That was the beginning of humanity- humanity just getting a grasp on how to maintain their bodies energetically and live for hundreds of years- then the dark forces found our vulnerabilities. We developed an ego to aggrandize ourselves- this separated our various bodies that had once been One. Our Light was no longer in the concentration of all the various bodies.

Tuesday I awoke from the impressive dream at 5:30am with mixed feelings. Now I don’t usually remember dreams- but if I do, they are only fragmented and vague details- nonsensical, like the thoughts I have all the time that just come out of left field- or sometimes right field- rarely straight on like the dream was. Yet I noticed those special thoughts- channeled thoughts- were particularly numerous and the ringing in my ears was of a peculiarly high-vibration pitch. I felt that I was being lifted off the Earth by the vibration- as I have felt ever since, or sense.

“So the writer who breeds more words than he needs, is making a chore for the reader who reads.” ~ Dr. Seuss

So, tune in for more of the story tomorrow. I will tell you what those thousands of high-vibration Light Beings asked me to do- and the affect it had.


In this world it clearly seems that there are two fundamental types of people when it comes to spiritual truth. The first and vast majority of the people seek answers to the key questions of life that are 'good enough' and use their beliefs as a shield from the going deeper. This group of people passionately will defend their beliefs and when something happens that challenges or contradicts their beliefs they will do anything to fill that void and typically just about anything will do. The other group of people are the 'seekers' who are never satisfied with 'good enough' answers but rather seek the truth and only the truth no matter where that takes them or the consequences.

Recently, it has become clear to me that beliefs and rationalizations are for the most part one and the same far mroe than I had previously presumed which to me is something I need to ponder in more depth but I sense there is much to learn with this realization. Everyone has beliefs and I'm not sure that we could function in this world without some form of them but having a belief does not mean it needs to be a spiritual, religious or philosophical one. An example is that we generally believe there is a tomorrow and rationalize that based upon our previous experiences that tomorrow will be there as well and move forward accordingly. In this case, and others like it, allows us to function in the world but as recently events have proven all to apparently no one is promised a tomorrow.

Why do we hold on to our beliefs so tightly? Even when exposed to new information we will resist it if it counteracts our presumptions and expectations. Why do we collectively feel that whatever we believe 'must' be correct and everyone else is wrong? While I do believe that personal truth is a 'spiritually correct' myth we nevertheless all do have our own tapestry of beliefs and consensus is 'not' proof. In fact, if you are in the majority it may well be time to seriously look deep into your assumptions, presumptions and beliefs since you may have unintentionally put blinders on to a deeper truth and not be aware of it.

Even people people of the same faith can fight over insignificant details but never ask questions about why they have faith at all? They will battle over out of context phrases but never ask if any of them are true, where they have come from and shield themselves from a world of alternative ideas but at the same time 'belief' they are open minded. In fact, if there is anything that you believe is 'taboo' to talk about then you are not as open minded as you had presumed.

It is not by chance that most people of any religion, philosophy or spiritual perspective have children that share the same belief system. In so many ways we brainwash our children into seeing the world as we expect them to see it from birth and while this is often well intended it closes the door on free thought instead of inspire it. Ponder if someone is a Christian now but instead of being raised in a Christian family was raised in a Buddhist family... what religion would they likely be when they grew up? Why?

While we are young we trust our family, and other adults, completely and much of our world view is imprinted in us by the time we are 10 years old. However, for most the truth that believe in comes from family members and friends and their beliefs come from their parents and friends and so on back into time before time. If you don't deeply look into your belief system that you've inherited and start 'clean' you have to ask yourself if what you believe is real and true or if you've been in a cult throughout your life and was not aware of it. Once more it doesn't matter how 'many' people believe in something... that does not make it more true and may well be red light to realize that looking from the 'outside' in and a clean slate should be a priority.

I know all too well there are many reading this who will say to themselves that they have done this but have you really? If you are a Christian have you looked at the religion like you would Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and others? You may see them as irrational, crazy or irrational but try and imagine what Christianity would look like to anyone, including yourself, if you didn't grow up in it.

This is far more easy to say than it is to do and it doesn't matter whatever religion you are or even if you have no religion since we all have beliefs and rarely step back and look at the world with a clean slate. Everyone is so passionate that whatever they believe is correct but that is not possible nor a rational assumption. To presume that your belief system is the correct one and yet you've not really examined it free of guilt, fear and insecurity that is woven into most religions you are likely blind to the deeper truth and have settled for good enough answers. There is no problem with this until you impose your beliefs upon others which is the height of arrogance and self-righteousness.

When challenged most people will respond in a fight or flight reaction because what we believe is an extension of our egos and a challenge on our beliefs comes across as an attack on who you are as a person. Are you really what you believe? Only through a spiritual crisis of some sort do people start to seek deeper questions about what has been presented to them as truth. For some the questions are small and contained within strict boundaries and some sort of rationalization will be formed and they move on with their lives. However, others ask broader questions and reach out to explore other ideas, religions and philosophies to find more that can give you a 'better feeling of good enough' which is really no different then the people who remain where they are in the first place. Others still go further and tire of good enough and demand the truth and when this happens nothing will ever be'good enough for you'.

Personally, I just cannot live with 'good enough'and have to move forward in the thought that there is somewhere to go where beliefs are no longer required to move through life since then I will 'know' the answers. Some truths can be told but most can only be experienced and even when experienced if it is colored by what I expect it to be and/or want it to be will still be a delusion. Imagine looking at truth beyond understanding, experience, knowledge, judgment, expectation, bias or ignorance. Not the truth of my ego but the 'one'truth that must exist. The truth that cannot be told, written or faith could ever offer you.

We certainly live in exciting and interesting times since there are billions of seekers, at various points along the path, and now we can share a flood of new ideas, concepts and more faster and easier then ever before. You can take charge of your journey and at your finger tips is more information about the world then ever in humanities history. What are you doing with this power? Do you still consult your pastor, teacher, etc for what you believe or might you take charge of your belief system and truly define your reality from a pure perspective. Would you rather give your children a deeper sense of what finding truth is all about or something that your parents learned from their parents and from their parents and so on? Times have changed and in that our beliefs will change regardless if you want them too or not but instead of having it imposed upon you why not dare to think for yourself and questions your reality?

The majority of people will always favor 'good enough' but how about you? Is good enough really all that you seek? What if everything you have been told is true is wrong? Seriously, no matter what you believe how can you know that you are not just believing someone else's delusion or even your own? Being a seeker is tough and if you expect it to be easy you are going to fail and likely doing it wrong. A seeker will 'never' settle and will challenge believe 'nothing' unless you've explored it in depth on every level and every direction.

Ironically, I have been down this path long enough to know that many people will read what I've just written in many ways. For the people who are confident that everything they believe in is true will read it as though they have done this and that there is no reason to seek anything. With some arrogance they will feel proud that know that I am really just wasting my time in seeking for the truth when it is so obvious. To you... while I respect whatever you believe it is likely where ever you are is as far as you will ever go. No amount of information, actual proof or rational challenge will change your mind because you have blinded yourself from seeing the world outside of a narrow perspective and you have settled for 'good enough'. I wish you well my friend but 'this' is not for you. It is for the seeker who is not afraid to step outside of their comfort zone, ego and what they believe/rationalize must be true.

For many seekers what I've written will seem redundant and obvious but who I am pointing this to the most are the people that I can inspire to realize they are asleep and that not only is it possible to wake up but it is your responsibility to do so. Many times the people who 'believe' they are awakened are trapped in the deepest slumber the hardest to reach. Ponder that perhaps the simple fact we can ask the question of 'why' is the true meaning of your life and for that matter all life. If so, when then are so many religions, philosophies and forms of spirituality so focused on giving you answers instead of encouraging you to ask questions. Do these sources really have the answers or might it be that they are really 'selling' something they don't have to sell.

People and Life

Here is a poem I composed a few years ago! Hope you Enjoy it!

People & Life, Life & People
Who’s teaching who?
The teacher or the pupil!
Different crossroads which one will I take?
I’ll follow my intuition can’t make a mistake!
A passage of tragedy hits & you must find the positive.
Listen to the lesson and see in return what you can give!
Take time to listen to your inner voice as it wants to guide you.
Set your doubts aside test it out for yourself it’s true.
Trust in your inner strength & courage stay strong!
At least that way you can’t go wrong.
Be respectful & clear with your intentions & words
As some may come back and you’ll gain rewards.
Challenge yourself at least once a day!
It will keep you healthy and balanced I say!
Be your own judge, don’t let anyone condone you for your errors in question.
We have our Karmas that come to us as lessons.



Love is the only experience in life which gives you a sense of immortality, which makes you aware that there is something which begins but never ends. It is the first lesson, it is the beginning of an incredible journey into god.

Once a man has tasted even a drop of love he cannot remain stuck: he has to go in the great exploration of god. It becomes an urgency because now he knows from his own experience that life is not the ordinary routine thing that we had always thought it was. There is something more to it, something hidden in it; the superficial is not all, the superficial is only the circumference of life and there is a centre also. In love we have only a glimpse, just like lightning: suddenly there is lightning and all darkness disappears and for a split moment you can see the trees, the flowers, the road and everything and then again there is darkness. But now the darkness is not the same; you know that there is something tremendously beautiful hidden behind darkness.

It is love that has given the first glimpse of god and then people have felt the urge to seek and search deeply. It is through love that they discovered meditation. Love is a natural phenomenon, meditation is a deliberate science. In love you are just at the mercy of the winds: sometimes there is lightning and sometimes there is not, and you cannot do anything about it.

Meditation makes lightning controllable; you can switch it on and off. It makes electricity serve you. Just as science has made electricity serve you... electricity has always existed but it was beyond our control. Now, it is serving you in thousands of ways.

Love is like lightning, a natural phenomenon; meditation makes it a scientific understanding. Then you can turn it on and off. And in fact there is no need to turn it off; one can live in love for twenty-four hours a day. And when one can live in love for twenty-four hours a day, why should one not live in love twenty-four hours a day? Even a single moment is not worth missing.

My message is of love because I know love is the only phenomenon which can have universal appeal -- because it is natural. You may argue with Christianity, you may argue Hinduism, you may argue Buddhism, but you cannot argue against love.

And once you have felt love, meditation starts of its own accord; then you can be easily persuaded towards meditation. In fact you are already persuaded: love seduces everyone into meditation. And if love cannot seduce you into meditation, then nothing else can. That is the only hope, the only promise. But it always succeeds, it has never failed, it cannot fail. It is inevitable that after a deep experience of love meditation follows. And meditation opens the doors of the temple of god.

The Birth Of A New World

I know that we are all reeling from the horrible events of the last few days, here in the US. How to be a conscious person, who embodies the light, at a time like this? I would like to share some thoughts I have -- I hope they will be received in the spirit they are offered: humility and hope.

We don't like to admit it, but the capacity for violence is in each one of us, it is part of being human. Like any aspect of reality, the most powerful way to deal with it is face it directly: to be conscious of all that we are capable of. As humans, we can embrace those parts of ourselves and make conscious choices to not do harm -- but rather to forgive and have compassion with -- ourselves and others.

This can be hard, but last week, we saw what can happen when someone is in a lot of pain and has suppressed their anger for a long time: they might do unimaginable things. I am very sad for all the lives that were lost in last week's tragedy, including that of the mentally ill young man who has created so much horror.

When I focus on myself and what I am responsible for in my life, when I embrace all of my dark side and have compassion for myself, when I seek to make a difference and shine my inner light: those are my moments of biggest strength. That strength helps me have a positive attitude about life; without fear, without doubt: that is when I am in love with life. Join me: fall in love with life as often as possible ;-)

With that: to this week's update. The headline items are: the First Quarter Moon (Wednesday night/Thursday very early morning) -- and Friday is a big day, with the first day of Winter (in the Northern Hemisphere); an alignment with the Sun, the Earth and the Galactic center in the early morning and Venus opposing the degree of November 28th's Lunar Eclipse.

On Monday, the Moon remains in freedom-loving, forward-thinking Aquarius, until 7:48pm EST. The energy of the Aquarian Moon relates to our instinctive need for a better future. Reactions are more intellectual than emotional; interactions more impersonal than personal. We are likely to have a greater fascination with the new and unusual. Social gatherings, anything connected with group ideals and goals for the future, brainstorming, new ideas and methods, progress: all these are promoted at this time. Again: we have our eyes on the future. Personal freedom becomes paramount.

Also on Monday: as mentioned in last week's forecast, a Mercury/Jupiter opposition will be exact at 2:22pm EST. We started to feel this aspect from last week Saturday on; it will be strong until this Thursday. This connection ask us to find a balance between our need to be heard and our ability to listen. We generally feel quite optimistic at this time, perhaps overly so.

The urge to grow and expand is strong, but we can overreach -- perhaps by avoiding critical details and thereby miscalculating. We might be inclined to exaggerate and then have a hard time putting our ideas into practice -- or just say things to make others happy. However, we can also be extraordinarily funny and interesting at this time Happy

Check out the whole weekly forecast: http://vsta.pr/UrwIFJ

Have a fantastic holiday! The bottom line for this week (as always): as best as you can, open your heart and align yourself with love ;-)
Love and blessings,

Please note that all times given above are Eastern Standard Time -- to change the listed times to your own timezone, I recommend clicking here for the time and date converter: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

Astro-Chakra reading for the week

To all my readers thanks so much for your kind feedback and support of the year. Sending you all much loving, healing light through this time of sadness, chaos and open hearts. Merry Christmas and a magical new year...bring it on...enough of 2012 already!

17 - 23 Dec

This week we re moving into the heart chakra. Not surprising we are being supported through such sadness and chaos in this world....
Sending you all my love and light and much happiness for the Christmas holidays

Venus 4: 4th Chakra (heart)
Venus Keyword: 'Love'

Colour: Green
Chakra Keywords: love, relationships
Card Keyword: 'HARMONY'

*Corresponding crystal; Emerald


Relationships thrive on harmonious surroundings and emotional states. Simply being in tune with your partner’s needs and emotions brings a state of harmony into the relationship. Harmony in relationships is like a smooth road. The smoother the surface of the road is, the smoother the journey. What state is your road in? Are there potholes which need fixing? Are the boundaries in tact allowing an easy transition on all entries and exits? Do you travel too quickly to enjoy the scenery along the way? Or, are you going too slowly to keep up with your partner? Your role today, is to bring more harmony into all of your relationships through smoothing out any bumps you have neglected, any situations you need to resolve in a gentle, loving way. All loving relationships need regular check-ups. Concentrate on giving and receiving love in a balanced way. By paying attention in this way, a safe passage and closer loving ties will be guaranteed.

ACTION: Mix a few drops of Lavender and Ylang Ylang essential oil with a small amount of Sweet Almond oil and use this to massage your partner’s / friend’s feet at the same that they massage yours.

Making a CHANGE

I/we read every day words of wisdom, words that have great meaning, words that leave us with varying different emotions.
Tell me, when will the day come when WE all make a difference?
When will the day come when we join together in ONEness and pave the way for the next generation?
Why are we sitting back on our laurels and spreading the word, instead of BEING THE WORD?
What is holding us back from moving forward?
The answer is NOTHING, only what WE percieve as not being the "right time".
When there will be a "right time"?
We have a common bond......LOVE and UNDERSTANDING, yet that first step eludes us.
Why not make that step together, in LOVE and moving toward CHANGE.


December 16, 2012 an easy 34 mile meditative run, “Listen to your own voice, your own soul, too many people listens to the noise of the world, instead of themselves.”

Human Light System

IUMAB Research Project

Kahlil Gibran - The Prophet

(Love's Ways)

The stillness of a dove
is of the prophet's peace to mankind.

Though following the voice of love
is a steep hill to climb,
love does not wait for the indolent and lazy.

When the wings of love's embrace
shelters you from the hidden pains of the soul,
your empathy for others may make you cringe
at the sight of love's incessant demands.

At peace with your shattered dreams
and hurricane like life,
attentively listen to all of love's revelatory dreams.

As love exalts you, so too shall it make you
into a walking cross for the intensified pruning
of your nearly luminescent soul.

Ascending to the greatest of heavens
and supporting the branches
of your nearly extinct faith in mankind's woes,
love shall make you descend to the root
of your sufferings in order to shake
you loose from all that which
is clinging to the mundaneness of being.

Grinding you to the whiteness of spiritual purity,
and rolling the flour of your realizations
into a host of eatable goods,
the grace that is love transforms
you into the delicious bread of God's festivities.

Moved about by love's soothing hands,
loving in a compassionate manner
is the secret of becoming a fragment of love's totality.

Afraid of not exclusively experiencing
the pleasures and highs of love's embrace,
it is then appropriate to cover the
nakedness of your heart
and to become a part of the conventional world
where laughter resounds, but never to its fullest extent.

Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy

You Are a POWERHOUSE of Intrinsic Wisdom

You Are a POWERHOUSE of Intrinsic Wisdom
Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ December 16 – 23, 2012
Received by, Julie Miller
December 16, 2012

There is a special and unique nurturing flame within your heart chakra dear ones that many celestial beings besides myself speak of, and this divine flame is the Threefold Flame. It is sometimes described as a divine spark and the seed of life that has always been within each of you. This beautiful flame on its own without you doing anything is your spark of inner-godliness.

Within your heart chakra, this unifying flame resides and embodies love, wisdom and power that with your pure intent has the ability to manifest a unifying bond within the Heart of God. When you finally discover this flame and work within each plume in the construction of your spiritual foundation that will bring more peace and calm into your whole life you will begin to see the subtle changes that will occur when you demonstrate your I AM Presence. It is this very spark dear ones that will bring you further into your unlimited being of God in Action.

The Threefold Flame is found within the Eighth Ray of Light from God and within the Buddhist philosophy the Threefold Flame is understood as the Eight-Petaled Chakra. Understand dear ones; it is your spiritual heart that speaks with the purest of love and intent that connects your soul’s divineness. Comprehend dear ones your own I AM Presence is centered within a sacred flame, it is the essence of your SELF; it holds the spirit of God as the I AM Presence is a Creation of God shared within each of you.

Some of you have already can see these flames blazing through their meditations, while others are still trying to find them. Understand dear ones when you have come to certain terms of your own individual truth your inner flame raises a little higher and brighter providing you with the ability to see and envision these flames in glorious action. These fiery sacred fires that represent the Holy Spirit – Pink, Yellow, and Blue pulsate with the Holy Trinity that is within your own spirit body expressing Love through its energy. The Father is Blue, Son is Yellow, and Holy Spirit is Pink; and these three colours are a magnificent display of pure unconditional love within each of your hearts.

In addition dear ones, these colours also represent Power, Wisdom and Love. Power is needed to utilize and bring function to your body; Wisdom is required to nourish and replenish your mind, and Love is needed to consciously fulfill your soul’s mission that is exercised through outward manifestations that speak of compassion for your Self and all others. This beautiful unifying flame that occupies your spiritual heart is for you dear ones to actualize and use to concentrate on the strength it is very capable of providing you. Through the nurturing of this sacred flame and when you bring its qualities into every aspect of your personal and spiritual life you are bringing yourself closer to becoming One with your Higher Self, that also connects this ONENESS with your Christ-Self, Inner-Buddha, if you follow the Tao you will discover a unifying embracement of energies and deep connection within the Atman that brings together in all mighty combining force of peace to settle over you.

Try to understand dear ones, many years ago before early man’s departure from innocence occurred and before the first three golden ages there was a crystal cord that was less than 10 feet in diameter, know that the Threefold Flame wrapped itself within the man of this time. During these early times before so much change took place your energy was truly unlimited and your consciousness was able to reach higher planes of consciousness that unfolded at a much quicker rate. It was after the life changing fall of those times that your opportunity to apply your free will was stopped short. At this time the sanctifying Threefold Flame was reduced in its size within you to a mere spark that is beginning to finally resurface its majestic-ness once again.

Now through the ages, you have brought your consciousness up more and more expanding the brightness of the sacred Threefold Flame each time within your consciousness. Because of your conscious efforts, the Threefold Flame is beginning to be noticed more often and exemplified through the love-filled choices you are making more often representing the I AM Presence that is very much alive within each dear soul.

Please realize dear ones as this blessed flame grows and unfolds even further your entire being will bring God’s Holy Wisdom to be crowned within your precious spiritual heart. And each time you increase with Wisdom, the Power of your Love also increases by the approval of your own perfect devotion. Without the Power of your devotion the Wisdom will be unable to be retained. As you increase your level of consciousness it is necessary and essential that the attainment of Wisdom and Love to be in perfect balance - knowing that Love is an actualization that is manifested through your Power and Wisdom.

To speak of the Threefold Flame’s size, know dear ones that each plume is not necessarily the same length. Recognize its growth when it occurs. It will grow and expand only when each plume is in balance of each other, then it will expand in complete togetherness of each other. Know dear ones, that when the Threefold Flame that is within your heart expands and grows it is your precious spiritual light and inner power that will evolve at a rapid pace.

You maintain balance of this magnificent flame through your selfless service to life and pure love-filled devotion to God. And yes dear ones, devotion can still be met while you are dealing with difficult situations, it is the best time to continue your devotion rather than quit and put your spiritual practice on hold. During the hardest of times, reaching for God’s infinite love, protection and support will help tremendously to bring you through those dark moments and into His guiding Light that is filled with loving energy that will warm you from your heart that will spread wonderfully throughout all of you until you feel His love wrap around you in a most comforting embrace that you will feel right down within your very soul as PURE LOVE.

It is within the precious Threefold Flame that holds a great symbology that speaks clearly for the love of God and all His Creation. Within the Threefold Flame is also the Violet Flame, this flame speaks of the truth of God’s unwavering energy, the second flame that is within the Threefold Flame is silver, this flame demonstrates your knowledge that is forever moving towards pure intent and the third flame that is held within the Threefold Flame is golden and it is the purest expression of love. The promise of your manifestation of pure intent lies within this precious flame.

It is very possible dear ones to utilize the Threefold Flame during situations that present themselves to you. All you need to do is know who you are in the matter of love, and how to express that love in the purest intent of that love and then seeing this intent manifesting from your divine effort and devotion. The future is yours dear ones, and in the world which you live in you are encouraged to always express yourself through your I AM Presence as often as possible. It is through your challenges and experiences that you gain knowledge that turns into wisdom and there is so much intrinsic information stored within you. It is through this information that provides you with the passion to continue with certain customs that have helped forge your unique and individual intellect. Each time you choose to live through your heart and demonstrate your I AM presence you are clearly expressing the very essence of your divine purpose. At times the outcomes of your choices may not be what you exactly wanted, but if you search within the unappreciated outcome you will eventually see the value it has brought you. Don’t allow a disappointing outcome to erase all the good that also comes with each challenging lesson. Remain soulfully in power of your mission and see both the good and the bad and take the bad and turn it into positive lessons to learn that will provide you with the wisdom needed for growth and preparation for becoming more YOU.

We encourage you when you have the time to meditate on the wholeness of the Threefold Flame. When you have this image fully within your field of vision and you feel its profound connection within your heart and soul then you are able to truly feel its power. It is you that is this sacred flame, and each plume is a part of you. When one plume moves towards you or seems to we suggest for you to reach for it and direct this flame to a situation that quickly comes to mind that could be benefited by this particular flame. Understand dear ones this flame carries your energy and within this energy is a message that is filled with pure love and truth. Once done, simply bring forth your acceptance of this particular situation and let the emotions of love to come forth and move within you.

It is recommended for you to do this exercise with each plume, allowing yourself to experience each outcome fully. When you have completed meditating on each plume, then you must integrate the whole ONENESS of the Threefold Flame and follow the same procedure as you did with the individual plumes - allowing yourself to fully experience the meaning of this exercise which is not just to meditate. Do not repress the workings of the Threefold Flame and let it bring you its quiet message that will guide you to understand your purpose, renew your inner-strength and possibly align you a new vibration that will aid you along your journey into deepening your awareness of your Self and of others.

In time dear ones, you will learn how to tell when one of the plumes are imbalanced and how intensely you feel the Power of God, His infinite Wisdom and Divine Love within your own precious hearts. If you find that you are unable to feel the trinity of these plumes pulsing within your spiritual heart after you apply this meditative exercise then you will know an attribute of one of the plumes was neglected.

Let us explain to you in this fashion, if the blue flame is your strongest of the plumes, then you must understand it is then commanding of the yellow and pink plumes. Continue to maintain the strength within the blue flame and use this strength to help feed the yellow and pink flames. Then you must with pure loving intent apply your nurturing energy and understanding to increase the pink and yellow flame. Establishing equilibrium between the flames is necessary and maintenance can be achieved while fanning the completeness of this unified flame that is held inside your spiritual heart.

If you are the kind of person that withholds love from your Self, from your Inner Child or even from others, we advise you to go and find some dear souls that really require some of your love and provide this love to them unconditionally and at the same time allowing this giving to be your elixir to yourself and to all that receives your precious love. Remain where you are, sharing your love with others selflessly and unconditionally until you can feel God’s own love fill you, then you will know without a doubt that you have brought Love’s pink flame to be of the same level of the blue flame.

If for some reason you find you are not accessing God’s resplendent wisdom, we suggest you to bring the Light of God’s Wisdom to those that truly need it most. Be of aid to others selflessly and then you will understand and know the liberation of giving the gifts of the Holy Trinity as a sharing to others. Once you actualize the Threefold Flame your goal turns into an on-going process to balance this divine Threefold Flame in order for the love that fills your heart is equal to the intellect of your mind and to the strong resolve that is of God’s Will that He had contained within each of you from the very beginning.

As we prepare to close, remember dear ones these flames are a vital source of Light and the unifying bond between you and God, thus in turn your complete connection to all. It is this flame that lights up your very life – through this light you are able to become a shining example of Light and Hope to all your brothers and sisters. Don’t shy away dear ones, allow this breathtaking Threefold Flame to shine forth through your Self and allow it to guide you to anyone who may be of need of unbiased direction and support through your love, wisdom and power. Understand dear ones, each of you even if you cannot see this now, each of you is dependent on the development of each other. Each of you is evolving and changing through this wonderful journey of life that will bring to reunite with the true source of your being – to reunite with God. As you reach to others with a supportive hand know that I too reach with you.

I AM Melchizedek through Julie Miller

12/14/12 Radio-Show Archive!

SOMETHING DIFFERENT: My 12/14/12 interview on The Earth Needs Rebels Show is now archived online. Yes, we discussed the subject matter from my book, How to Attract Money Using Mind Power, but the interview ended up going way off in some other directions as well, such as lucid dreaming, astral travel, out-of-body experiences and dead people who don't know they're dead. Being an experienced lucid dreamer and astral traveler and having had my fair share of experiences with dead people, I definitely had some things to say about these subjects. To hear the show, have your speakers on and go to the below web page. (Oh yeah, I spoke a bit about a life I'm living in a parallel universe and covered lots of other ground as well.) Here's the link:




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THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents. En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales. Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas. RELAJACIÓN MÚSICA, MÚSICA RELAX, MÚSICA MEDITACIÓN, MEDITATION MUSIC, FRECUENCIAS SANADORAS, MUSICA ALTERNATIVA, MUSICA SANADORA, MUSICA PARA SANAR EL ALMA, HEALING MUSIC, MUSIC FOR HEALING,healing frequency, FREQUENCY TO HEAL, MUSICA ESPIRITUAL, SPIRITUAL MUSIC, MUSICA DELFINES, DOLPHIN MUSIC, MUSICA NEW AGE, MUSICA REIKI, MUSICA YOGA, MUSICA DE BALLENAS, RELAX MUSIC FRECUENCIAS SAGRADAS SOLFEGGIO