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O useless and stubborn mind, I beg of you to renounce the desire to be hypocritically devout and I beg of you to work on gaining an intense level of love for the spiritual masters of Vrindavana, the Vaishnavas who are bound to the Holy Name, and finally, the Freshest of Youth, Radha Govinda.
U useless and stubborn mind, pay no attention to the Vedic injunctions which are solely concerned about aligning the body and mind with the temporal mode of goodness.
Instead, pour your heart out to the Deities which are eternally reflected in the mirror of the soul and serve your spiritual master, who is the son of the sons of Lord Chaitanya.
O useless and stubborn mind, if you sincerely want to be an eternal maidservant in the ever increasing glories of Vrindavana's forests, and if you sincerely want to personally serve Radha Govinda directly, then become accustomed to remembering the sweet steps taken by the six gosvamis of Vrindavana.
O useless and stubborn mind, the friends of illusion will only steal and destroy the gem that is in your heart.
If intelligent, stay away from those who are fond of impersonal liberation, for liberation is nowhere near to the glories of pure love.
Lastly, awe and reverence towards the Lord is as lamentable as poor souls who have no devotion.
Worshipping Radha Govinda in the lotus flower of pure mellows, They return to you the gem of pure love that was taken away from your soul with each passing incarnation.
The greatest deceiver, lust, has bound me by the neck; and all that I can do is cry out to Radha Govinda and beg Them to save me from this powerful rope of selfish misery.
Scorched by the urine of name and fame, may I bathe in the nectar ocean of pure delight.
As long as I continue to touch the body of desire for fame, Radha Govinda's lotus eyes will never touch my helpless soul.
O lotus eyed one, please smash this wickedness which has overtaken my heart. Transcendental to humanity, my spiritual master will hopefully kick this ball of suffering out of the courtyards of my cluttered mind.
O useless and stubborn mind, please focus on the union of Radha and Govinda and please learn from Srimati Radharani's Girlfriends; who are expert in tending to the delicate needs of the Supreme Controller of Krishna's desire body.
More beautiful and greedy for Krishna's unifying potencies than all of the maidservants of Vrindavana, Srimati Radharani sets every heart on fire with Her good looks and fine mannerisms.
Drinking the five nectars of worshiping Them, chanting Their names, meditating on Their form, hearing about Their pastimes together, and bowing before Them, I shall become one of Their friends.
By practicing these eleven instructions, any soul will sweetly and melodically sing about the priceless jewel of devotional service to Radha Govinda.
Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy
Prem Amida, Man needs to be needed.. It is one of the most fundamental needs of human beings. Unless one is cared for one starts dying. Unless one feels that he is significant to somebody, at least to somebody, his whole life becomes insignificant. Hence love is the greatest therapy there is. The world needs therapy because the world is missing love. In a really loving world no therapy will be needed at all; love will be enough, more than enough.
Hugging is only a gesture of love, of warmth, of caring. the very feel of the warmth flowing from the other person melts many illnesses in you, melts the ice-like, cold ego. It makes you again a child. The psychologists are well aware of the fact now that unless a child is hugged, kissed, he misses some nourishment. Just as the body needs food, the soul needs love. You can give to the child all the physical needs, all the physical comforts, but if hugging is missing the child will not grow in a wholesome being. He will remain somewhere deep down sad, uncared for, neglected, ignored. He was nursed, but he was not mothered.
It has been observed that if a child is not hugged he starts shrinking – he can even die – although everything else was provided for. As far as the body is concerned every care was taken, but no love surrounded the child. He became isolated, he became disconnected with existence. Love is our connection, love is our very root. Just as you breathe – for the body it is absolutely essential: stop breathing and you are no more – in the same way, love is the inner breath. The soul lives by loving.
Analysis won’t do it. Wit and clarity, knowledge and scholarship won’t do it. You can know all there is to know about therapy, you can become an expert, but if you don’t know the art of love you remain only on the surface of the miracle of therapy. The moment you start feeling for the patient, for the one who is suffering... out of hundred cases, ninety people are suffering basically because they have not been loved. If you start feeling the need for love of the patient, and if you can fulfill the need, there will be almost a magical change in the condition of the patient.
Prem Amida, you are right. You ask: WHY IS HUGGING SUCH AN INCREDIBLY EFFECTIVE THERAPEUTIC TOOL? It is, and it is only a gesture. If it is true – not only a gesture but your heart is also in it – it can be a magical tool, it can be a miracle. It can transform the whole situation instantly. Few things have to be understood about it. One is: the idea that the child dies and the man becomes adolescent, then the adolescent dies and the man becomes young, then the young man dies and he becomes middle-aged, and so on, so forth, is wrong. The child never dies – nothing ever dies.
The child is there, always is there, wrapped by other experiences – wrapped by adolescence, then by youth, then by middle age, then by old age – but the child is always there. You are just like an onion, layers upon layers, but if you peel the onion soon you will find fresher layers inside. Go on deeper and you find more and more, fresher layers. The same is true about man: if you go deep into him you will always find the innocent child – and to contact that innocent child is therapeutic.
Hugging gives you an immediate contact with the child. If you hug somebody with warmth, love, if it is not just an impotent gesture, if it is meaningful, significant, true, if your heart is flowing through it, immediately you come in contact with the child, with the innocent child. And the innocent child even for a single moment surfacing makes a tremendous difference because the innocence of the child is always healthy and whole; it is uncorrupted. You have reached to the innermost core of the person where no corruption has ever entered, you have reached to the virgin core, and just making the virgin core throb again with life is enough. You have started, triggered a process of healing.
Hence all the religions have used this phenomenon in different ways. Whenever Jesus prays to God he always calls him ABBA. Christians have translated it as ”God the Father”; that translation is not right, is very inaccurate – in a way literally true, but the metaphor has changed. ABBA can only be translated as ”daddy”, not as ”father”; ”father” seems to be cold. Just repeat the word father and it looks so far away. ”God the Father”... Looks like an institution! Father is really an institution, it is not a natural phenomenon. The mother is natural, the father is only a creation of a certain society. There have been societies before where father never existed.
The word uncle is far more older than the word father. In a matriarchal society people knew about the mother, but because the marriage has not come into existence yet no child knew about the father. So all the people who have been the lovers of the mother – somebody out of them must be the father but that is not known – so all the people who could have been the lovers were known as uncles.
In Talmud, the Jewish God says: ”Remember, I am not nice, I am not your uncle!” The uncle is always nice, the father almost never. It is very difficult to be friendly with the father, it is very easy to be friendly with the uncle. I would rather say it is better to call ”God the Uncle” than to call him ”God the Father”. It is closer, nicer, more friendly. But to call him ABBA is the best. Jesus is giving him a name which creates intimacy. When you call God ABBA – Daddy – you are saying, ”I am just a child. Take care of me, don’t ignore me. I cannot live without you – you are my life. Your love is my very nourishment.”
All the religions have used the idea that unless a man becomes a child again he cannot be truly religious. But to be a child means to be innocent, means to be full of wonder, means to be full of awe. For the child everything is a mystery – everything. He has no answers, he has only questions. He is immensely interested in knowing, he is open. The moment you have an answer you become closed, to that extent. If you have all the answers for all the questions you are absolutely closed, then you are not open. Your enquiry is finished, and with the enquiry finished you are dead.
A real being is always enquiring, he is always on the pilgrimage. He remains always an agnostic. All children are agnostics, neither theists nor atheists, nor Hindus nor Mohammedans, nor Catholics nor Protestants. They are simply innocent! They don’t believe in anything but they are ready to enquire, to investigate. And the enquiring heart is a healthy heart. When you are loaded with beliefs you are ill.
The Christian is ill, the Hindu is ill, the Jaina is ill – ill because they are prejudiced, ill because without seeing they have believed, ill because they are behaving stupidly. How can you believe in something that you have not known! And when you know something there is no need to believe at all, so belief in any case is ridiculous. Either you know or you don’t know. If you know there is no need to believe; if you don’t know, how can you believe? So belief is only for the mediocres, the stupids, the idiots. And no child is an idiot. Every child is so fresh, so alive, so full of zest that his very aliveness makes him healthy. If you can touch the child in the patient in any way... and hugging is simply one of the most important things.
Because I have allowed my sannyasins to hug and kiss I am condemned all over the country – that I am telling my people to be indulgent. If this is indulgence, then let it be indulgence. This is not indulgence at all; there is something more in it. I am telling to you to be loving, and just sitting with somebody and telling him again and again, ”I love you,” is not enough. At least hold the hand! Make it a reality – hug the person.
A very shy Englishman... and he must be very shy, otherwise just to be an Englishman is enough; there is no need to use the adjective ”shy”. They are all shy! They are the most perfect gentlemen in the world – and, of course, in the same proportion they are dead too! Who has ever heard about a gentleman who is alive? If you are alive you are a man, why gentle? For what? Corpses are always gentle: they cannot do any harm, and they look so polite, so humble!
This shy gentleman was seeing a young woman for months. One full-moon night they were sitting together in the porch, looking in the garden, and beyond the garden the moon was rising. And the shy Englishman gathered courage; it must have been a real great mighty effort! My own feeling is it must be because of the moon; the moon drives people crazy, hence the word ”lunatic”. Lunatic means ”struck by the moon”. Lunatic comes from ”lunar”, the moon – the moonstruck. He must have gone lunatic. He asked the lady, ”Can I..can I kiss you?” And the lady was really getting tired, so she said, ”And what do you think? Am I waiting here for a bus?”
When you love a person just verbal expressions are not enough, words are not enough; something more substantial is needed; words are only abstract. You have to do something! Hold the hand, hug the person, kiss the person, embrace the person. It is going to help you both: if you can melt in the hug you both will become again younger, fresher, livelier. And that’s the whole process of healing. Prem Amida, analysis is the way of the mind, hugging is the way of the heart. The mind is the cause of all diseases and the heart is the source of all healing.
Posted by Dorothy M Neddermeyer on 14 December, 2012
What are your life’s questions? What one thing are you avoiding doing—that if you do it—it would greatly improve your life six months from now? Ask yourself and then listen for the answer—then journal some of your thoughts.
The wisdom you discover is a very important message. It might be to walk 30 minutes every day or listen more to your inner Self for 5 minutes a day. Or it could be a hundred other things, but the wisdom in each of us—in you—is a very important message
Ask yourself, “What one thing am I avoiding doing—that if I did do it—would vastly improve my life six months from now?” Then listen to what your inner voice says.
The answers to your life’s questions lie inside you. All you need to do is look, listen and trust.
What you create in your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours. The answers to your life’s questions lie inside you. Choose wisely.
This is your life!! Make it your best life this YEAR. Make this the year you fulfill your life’s questions.
http://drdorothy.net – I am, ‘Willing To Explore The Possibility’ – FREE 30 minute NO obligation Consultation.
I look forward to celebrating your fulfilling your life’s questions. We can give thanks and gratitude together!
In The Spirit of Fulfilling your life’s questions in 2013, I look forward to talking with you soon!
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician - Certified Hypnosis and Regression Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you desire. She facilitates Past Life Regression and Future Life Progression. She is featured in the documentary The Business of DisEase. She was a World Regression Congress faculty member in the Netherlands, India, Brazil and Turkey. http://www.drdorothy.net http://facebook.com/DrDorothyNed http://teamasea.com/drdorothy http://empowernetwork.com/drdorothy
We are the ones chosen to end the final battle between dark and Light. Human Masterpiece, now is our time to awaken as one with Earth, nature, and one another, to liberate a new Earth garden and greater destiny for all beings. http://ourgreaterdestiny.wordpress.com/2012/12/13/rise-to-a-higher-vibrational-frequency-heres-why-and-how/
Posted by James Bean SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com on 14 December, 2012
In the December 2012 issue of HealthyLife.Net 's Listener Newsletter I am host of the month.
"Each month we focus on one of our great hosts and this month we are talking to James Bean, an independent spiritual scholar with years of radio experience."
HL- What is a spiritual awakening?
The soul reaches a stage when it no longer remains satisfied by material or mundane things alone. It begins to go on a quest seeking something greater that makes life sacred.
HL- How did you come to walk this profound path?
I began to take time to ponder the big questions of life and death. Thought, logic, a willingness to contemplate became central for me. Also books, including sacred texts, expanded my world greatly. And since this is also about radio, I can say that listening to unusual or alternative radio broadcasts, including short wave radio broadcasts coming from far away places, has contributed to my spiritual journeys over the years.
HL- What are three things someone can do to have more inner peace?
To search or research what type of meditation practice would be most appropriate for them. Then adopt that practice, meditating each and every day. With some regular practice, inner peace will find them -- the peace from within.
HL- What are some things that someone can do to create peace in the world?
Become a vegetarian or vegan, as this is the diet of non-violence! Another thing would be to study ahimsa ethics, golden rule type teachings one will encounter in most any of schools of spirituality. I find Jainism has much wisdom to offer about developing peaceful ways of thinking, speaking, and acting in the world. Spending a few minutes each day being self-introspective, reflecting on one's own experiences is also an essential tool. One could also keep a journal or diary, but just sitting and reflecting in the silence is the main thing, providing opportunities for gaining new insight and guidance.
HL- What's on your favorite vegan meal dinner plate?
Vegan versions of Indian foods are always divine! An Indian restaurant that's vegan is the ultimate for me -- nirvana.
HL- If you could invite anyone to your vegan dinner, who might that be?
The Sufi poet-mystic Rumi would be fun or enlightening to talk to if that were possible. I hear he was also vegetarian.
HL- What is one important thing you want listeners to get from your radio show?
I always hope people's horizons or universes are expanded as a result of tuning into Spiritual Awakening Radio. In the genre of spirituality generally, only certain books or authors seem to always dominate the bookshelves, and get all the attention. My goal is always to introduce people to many other sources of inspiration. I used to be in rock radio and would always be bored with the typical music stations and their predictable playlists playing "Stairway to Heaven" over and over, yet neglecting all the fantastic deep album cuts from Physical Graffiti by Led Zeppelin, for instance. With spirituality as well, I am definitely not confined to a tediously repetitive narrow "top 40" playlist. From my blog: 'I know a thousand "Rumi's" the world needs to hear, to be soothed by the Voice of the Soul that speaks through them all. Countless are lovers of the Beloved.'
Visit James Bean's Website: http://www.SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com
James Bean of "Spiritual Awakening", Tuesdays, 12 PM Pacific Time -- 3 PM Eastern, via HealthyLife.Net Positive Talk Radio -- Streaming Audio: http://HealthyLife.net
Why continue to be stuck because of an event that happened once, years ago? When we carry hurts and grudges a part of us is frozen in time. Unable to deal with that past event, fear makes us fret over it happening again. Instead of being wholly present our past is a major factor in present events. This past affects the now that determines our future. Never can this mind be free to explore all of the present moment. Never can it wholly see the connectedness of the steps that brought it here. When we accept the reality of the present without fear we gain experience. If not it becomes the past that haunts us. Our experience becomes limited, frozen by fear, static. Stuck making childhoold type decisions based on childhood fears. Embrace this moment and feel the freedom from it all
Posted by Dorothy M Neddermeyer on 13 December, 2012
This moment is the first moment of the rest of your life. You can take steps to up-level your gratitude quotient.
No matter what transpires, make a note of your belief about it. You have a belief about whether it is good or bad, right or wrong, simpatico or annoying. Somebody might say something that bothers you or you might be stuck in traffic and could arrive late.
Whatever transpired; it is something you did not anticipate or intended. These issues are little roadblocks or activators that could create a lack of peace of mind. Lack of peace of mind hinders your ability to stay in gratitude.
You need to remember you can challenge your belief about issues and situations. You can say, “I choose to find some good in this and I will invite the Universe to show me.”
Notice as the minutes tick by, that what you think, feel and see is more and more of the good aspects of what you experienced than negative. That is up-leveling your gratitude quotient.
You might feel stuck or unable to connect the dots between cause and effect. Some people live 100+ years and some people live one year 100+ times—living the same experiences over and over, expecting different results. You can avoid being the latter.
This is your life!! Make it your best life this YEAR. Make this the year you fulfill up-leveling your gratitude quotient.
It is time to commit to your Self - "I am, Willing To Explore The Possibility" – FREE 30 minute NO obligation Consultation. http://drdorothy.net
I look forward to celebrating you up-leveling your gratitude quotient. We can give thanks and gratitude together!
In The Spirit of Creating up-leveling your gratitude quotient in 2013, I look forward to talking with you soon! ###
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician - Certified Hypnosis and Regression Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you desire. She facilitates Past Life Regression and Future Life Progression. She is featured in the documentary The Business of DisEase. She was a World Regression Congress faculty member in the Netherlands, India, Brazil and Turkey. http://www.drdorothy.net http://facebook.com/DrDorothyNed http://teamasea.com/drdorothy http://empowernetwork.com/drdorothy
December 13, an easy 19 mile relaxing meditative run, “There comes a time when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your own heart. So you'd better learn the sound of it. Otherwise you'll never understand what its saying.”
''December 13, 2012 God's Living Bible - The Third Testament - God's New Revelations - God's Lessons For Living - Economy
(God Through Anne Terri With The Holy Spirit)
When I Brought Anne out of the Santa Claus version of Christmas, she began to see the Truth, and turned away from the frenzy and fanatic form of a Christmas in which the economy depended on consumer spending.
Everyone, pay heed! I Am Not here to Promote spending on anything which is not a necessity for sustaining life on earth. The Christmas Spirit is not in a mall, whether it be a building or on line.
Give, but to those in need, for those who are homeless, hungry, cold, and without jobs are victims of years of the wrong way of thinking.
If you are still using credit cards which are not maxed out, are you Blessed , or next to stand in line at a food bank? in some areas, those who think they are on high, have stopped accepting cash. Why? There is no excuse for this folly.
Spend, spend, spend, is the general message promoted on ads for the holidays. HIGH PRICED GIFTS ... An Ipad, a wide screen HD Television, smart phones, and new apps.
Moses wandered in the desert forty years, and not the newest app, (not from Eve's apple) is sending people into a dangerous zone, desert like, where you can become stranded and die of thirst. GPS in an app which was not on a list which was checked twice.
Wake up consumers, Do Not Jump off the fiscal Cliff with the blind who are leading the blind.
I Shared with Anne this morning, I Was Going To Vent! People, I Have Been Gentle. You do not want to know My True Feelings on what your world has become. Slow down; you are headed in the wrong direction.
Come back to My Source, The True Spirit of Christmas and many worthy holidays. Get your head out of the sand.
Worshiping Nityananda Prabhu, who is a tree of unlimited devotional fruits, His Appearance is as resplendent as the moon.
Free from all shadows, Nityananda Prabhu constantly performs devotionally crazed pastimes out of love for Lord Chaitanya.
Walking with the grace of an intoxicated elephant, His Face captures the Essence of the Absolute Truth.
With a regal staff made of wood, He banishes the ugly snake of Kali yuga out of the hearts of those who adore Him.
Worshiping Nityananda Prabhu, who is the root of frenzied ecstasies, His Heart is as expansive as an ocean of variegated loving sentiments.
As the beginning and the end of devotional mellows, He is the Beloved Husband of Jahnavi Devi; the Goddess who sees that Nityananda is greater than Life itself.
Worshiping Nityananda Prabhu, who is the Brother of God Himself, the whole universe bows to the grace of His Lotus Feet.
As cheerful as can be, Nityananda Prabhu delivers souls from across the universe through simply chanting the holy name of Lord Chaitanya.
Worshiping Nityananda Prabhu, who is known for visiting each and every householder in a sublime mood of self-surrender.
Asking everyone there to loudly celebrate the re-appearance of Lord Chaitanya in this god forsaken world, He kindly explains how remembering the pastimes of His Godly Brother is the greatest gift of liberation that the Lord of lords can offer.
Worshiping Nityananda Prabhu, who swallows the poison of material existence, is the companion of all lotus flowered devotees.
As the personified temple of every saintly soul, His Holiness destroys all demonic obstacles to pure devotional ecstasy.
Worshiping Nityananda Prabhu, who is the best of friends to all of the villagers of Bengal, is always seen sportively holding hands with His Brother, Lord Chaitanya.
Gladly singing the glories of God to anyone who is fortunate enough to hear Their Message, all of the villagers of Bengal are overcome with bliss.
May the Lotus Feet of these Two Compassionate Brothers bless everyone who hankers after the Absolute Truth of Brotherly Love.
Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy
Posted by Dorothy M Neddermeyer on 13 December, 2012
Guest Blog: What Kids Learn From Chores (or More Proof That Suffering Builds Character) By: Dr. James G. Wellborn
Like so many parental expectations and requirements, getting your kid in the habit of doing chores will help prepare them for the real world (if you can ever get them to move out).
Here are some of the benefits kids derive from assigned chores.
• Responsibility (or “I’m not your maid.”) When you make a mess YOU are obligated to clean it up. The most straightforward reason your kid needs to do chores is to drive the point home that he is responsible for his actions in the world (and the messes he makes).
• Personal Obligation (or “You helped create this mess now get up and help clean it up!”) When you live with other people, you’re obliged to contribute to the general upkeep of common living areas. Chores help your kid learn to pull her own weight when it comes to keeping shared spaces clean (so she doesn’t end up moving back home because even her friends consider her a slob).
• Organization and Prioritizing (or “You had plenty of time to get that room clean. You can just forget about going anywhere till it’s done!”) Chores are unpleasant for most kids.
Unfortunately, life is filled with unpleasant but necessary tasks. Chores provide the chance for your kid to practice making time for necessary evils like routine maintenance in their schedule of otherwise fun or meaningful activities. This helps them learn how to plan, organize, prioritize and suffer.
• Sensitivity for others (or “Just because it doesn’t bother you to wallow in filth doesn’t mean I’m going to live in a pig sty!”) It isn’t crucial that things be straightened or cleaned. Exposure to germs and disease can help build the immune system (if it doesn’t kill you first). But, there are some things you do because it is important to someone else (like, say, a spouse or the health department). Chores provide your kids with a clear message that the world doesn’t revolve around them and they need to take others’ feelings and sensibilities into consideration.
• Pride in a job well done (or “You call that done? Get back in there and finish cleaning that room.”) It is important to take pride in even the most insignificant tasks. Chores help your kids learn that every task, however base, is an opportunity to work their hardest and do their best. (The expression on their face when you feed them this line is priceless.)
• Self-sufficiency (or “Why do I have to tell you every single time to replace the trash bag after you take out the trash?”) OK, this reason really isn’t that important. If your kid needs a lot of practice before he can skillfully take out the trash or sweep the floor, you have much bigger challenges than getting chores done.
Like so many time-honored parental expectations, household chores have a value more significant than the practical issue of household maintenance. That said, what is the most important reason kids need to do chores? Because you said so, of course.
About Dr. James G. Wellborn Dr. James G. Wellborn is a clinical psychologist with a private practice in Brentwood, Tenn., focusing on adolescents and families. He is the author of the book Raising Teens in the 21st Century: A Practical Guide to Effective Parenting that includes a chapter on getting teens to do chores along with strategies for addressing 78 other typical teenage issues. You can learn more about Dr. Wellborn by visiting his website at www.DrJamesWellborn.com
THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents.
En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales.
Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas.